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Fearless: Fated to be a Legend

Fearless: Fated to be a Legend


Chapter 1 The beginning of fear

Word Count: 1088    |    Released on: 10/08/2024

se, he ordered them to kneel and they did. He pointed the gun at the girl and shot her head, Jessica and the boy screamed, he shot the boy and Jessica could feel her death coming clo

m at her, she had no choice than

sat upright, "With every day, in every way am getting better" she paused. "

a face mask, opened her 8 locks a

unt Rita spoke back. "You do, it hard to tell, after all you don't dream about been chased and killed in dreams" she talked back. "Jessica, am..." She tried to calm her down but Jessica interrupted, "am tired of living like this

ke I can just walk up to some one and say, be my friend" she blabbed. "Jess, seriously, you have to work on your talking and FYI I was talking about a boyfriend not friend" aunt Rita told her and she coughed. "Yeah right, I can't even make a friend and you're talking of a boyfriend" she scoffed. "You talk too much, I was just proposing a date, I have the right partner for you, what do you say" Rita asked. "I don't know aunt, what


're turning 10 today, you should start acting matured" Asami her older sister preached. "Come on girls, time to hit the road" her dad called

g a balloon in the shape of 10. "Am going to be 10

e other hand was text driving, leaving the two vehicles to crash into one another. "Mom, dad, am scared" Jess cried while her mom hugged her. "You're safe with me honey" she hugged Asami also. Their dad used an iron to break the wind shield and they threw Jess out if the car, the car sta

k his hand. "Come on Jess, let's go". "Am not leaving mom and dad" she shook her head, the man carried Asami like a bag of rice, "where are you going, my sister is still there" she was kicking and struggling but it was of no

the day of the accident, weren't you" she stood up to hug her. "We'll find Asami soon" she said and Jessica nodded. She knew they were never going to find her after all they've been searching for ten yea

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