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Mated to the Werewolf Mafia

Mated to the Werewolf Mafia



In the shadowed corners of the Italian countryside, where ancient secrets and primal instincts collide, Aria Feral finds herself caught in a deadly game of power and passion. A fierce and independent woman, Aria has always felt an inexplicable connection to the wild wolves that roam the forests. But when a fateful encounter with the enigmatic and ruthless Julian Blackwood pulls her into the dark world of the werewolf mafia, she discovers a truth that shatters her reality-she is the last descendant of a royal bloodline of werewolves, destined to either unite or destroy the warring clans. As Aria navigates the treacherous alliances and simmering betrayals of the Blackwood mafia, she is torn between her growing feelings for Julian and her obligation to a heritage she never knew existed. But the danger intensifies when Kael Darko, a rogue werewolf leader with his own deadly agenda, reveals a shocking connection to her past. With the full moon rising and time running out, Aria must choose where her loyalties lie-before the forces that seek to control her tear everything apart. Can Aria survive the deadly politics of the werewolf mafia, or will her destiny consume her in the end?

Chapter 1 Episode 1

The dense fog rolled over the hills of the Italian countryside like a shroud, enveloping everything in its path with an eerie silence. Even the crickets had fallen mute, as though sensing the unnatural stillness that clung to the air. Moonlight barely pierced through the mist, casting pale beams that struggled to reach the ground. The Blackwood Estate loomed in the distance, its silhouette a dark, jagged shadow against the horizon. It was a place of mystery, where old-world elegance intertwined with a brooding darkness that seemed to seep from the very earth itself.

Aria Feral felt her heart race as her car wound down the narrow, gravel-strewn road that led deeper into the forest. The ancient trees, their gnarled branches twisted like skeletal fingers, closed in around her, as though guarding the secrets that lay within. She'd been summoned to the estate for a reason that had left her both apprehensive and intrigued-a call for help from the estate's reclusive owner, Julian Blackwood, concerning an injured wolf found on the property. Aria had heard the whispers, of course. Everyone in the nearby villages had. The Blackwoods were a family steeped in lore, their history as tangled and dark as the woods that surrounded their ancestral home. Rumors of strange happenings, of men who disappeared into the forest and never returned, of howls that echoed through the night-these were the tales that had kept her awake as a child, her imagination running wild with images of beasts lurking just beyond the tree line. But she had always dismissed them as the superstitions of an isolated community, fueled by fear and a lack of understanding. Now, as she neared the heart of those very woods, she couldn't help but wonder if there was more truth to the stories than she had ever allowed herself to believe. The headlights of her car sliced through the fog, revealing the imposing iron gates of the Blackwood Estate. They were adorned with intricate, wrought-iron patterns that resembled intertwining wolves, their eyes glinting ominously in the dim light. The gates creaked open slowly as she approached, as if reluctantly granting her passage. A chill ran down her spine, but she dismissed it as nothing more than nerves. The drive up the long, winding path to the manor felt interminable. Gravel crunched under the tires, the sound almost deafening in the otherwise oppressive silence. As the manor came into view, Aria felt her breath catch in her throat. The Blackwood Estate was a magnificent structure, its grandeur marred only by the sense of decay that clung to it. Vines snaked their way up the stone walls, and the windows, dark and foreboding, seemed to watch her approach with a cold, indifferent gaze. She parked the car and stepped out, the cool night air wrapping around her like a cloak. As she walked towards the entrance, the massive wooden doors swung open before she could reach them, revealing a man standing in the doorway. Julian Blackwood. The stories did him no justice. He was tall, his presence commanding, with an aura that seemed to radiate danger and power in equal measure. His dark hair was slicked back, accentuating the sharp angles of his face, and his eyes-those piercing, silver eyes-seemed to see right through her, as though he could read her every thought. He was dressed impeccably in a tailored black suit, the kind that spoke of wealth and authority, yet there was something about him that felt... untamed, as though beneath the polished exterior lay a force of nature barely restrained. "Ms. Feral," Julian's voice was deep, smooth, with an undercurrent of something primal. "Thank you for coming on such short notice." Aria's heart pounded in her chest as she met his gaze, forcing herself to remain composed despite the strange energy that seemed to pulse between them. "Of course, Mr. Blackwood. I'm here to help. Where's the wolf?" Julian's eyes narrowed slightly, as if assessing her, before he stepped aside, allowing her to enter. "Follow me." She walked past him, her senses on high alert. The manor's interior was just as grand as its exterior, though it too bore the signs of age. Dark wood paneling, intricately carved, lined the walls, and ancient tapestries depicting scenes of wolves in various stages of the hunt adorned the hallways. The air was heavy with the scent of old books, leather, and something else-something wild. They walked in silence through the dimly lit corridors, the sound of their footsteps echoing off the stone floors. Julian led her deeper into the manor, until they reached a door at the end of a particularly long hallway. He paused, his hand resting on the handle, and turned to her. "Before we go in, you should know that this wolf is... different," he said, his tone grave. "It's important that you exercise caution." Aria frowned, puzzled by his warning. "Different how?" He didn't answer, instead opening the door and gesturing for her to enter. She stepped into the room and froze. The space was large, with high ceilings and a fireplace that cast flickering shadows across the walls. But it wasn't the room that held her attention-it was the creature lying on the floor. The wolf was massive, far larger than any she had ever seen. Its fur was a deep, midnight black, so dark it seemed to absorb the light. Even in its prone position, it exuded a raw, untamed power that sent a thrill of fear through her. But it was the eyes that truly unsettled her-eyes that glowed a luminous silver, much like Julian's, and were far too intelligent for a mere animal. Aria's breath caught in her throat as she knelt beside the wolf, her heart pounding in her ears. The beast was wounded, a deep gash running along its side, staining its fur with dark, almost black blood. Yet, despite the severity of the injury, the wolf's gaze remained locked on hers, as though challenging her, testing her resolve. She forced herself to focus, pushing aside the unease that gnawed at her. "It's okay," she whispered, her voice soothing. "I'm here to help you." The wolf's ears twitched, and it let out a low, rumbling growl that reverberated through the room. Aria hesitated, her instincts screaming at her to back away, but she held her ground. There was something about this creature, something that called to her on a level she didn't fully understand. It was as if a part of her recognized it, despite having never encountered anything like it before. Julian watched her closely, his expression inscrutable. "Can you help him?" Aria didn't look away from the wolf as she responded. "I need to clean the wound and stitch it up. But I'll need your help to keep him calm." Julian nodded and moved to the wolf's head, kneeling down and placing a hand on its neck. The wolf's growl subsided, replaced by a deep, rhythmic breathing that suggested a level of trust between the two. Aria quickly got to work, her hands steady as she cleaned the wound. The wolf remained still, its eyes never leaving hers, and she couldn't shake the feeling that it was watching her with a level of awareness that went beyond mere animal instinct. When she finally began stitching the wound, she felt the wolf's muscles tense beneath her touch, but it made no move to resist. Time seemed to blur as she worked, the outside world fading away until there was only the wolf, Julian, and the strange connection that seemed to bind them all together. When she finished, she sat back on her heels, wiping a bead of sweat from her forehead. "He should be fine," she said, her voice tinged with exhaustion. "But he'll need rest and time to heal." Julian's gaze softened slightly as he looked at her. "Thank you, Ms. Feral. You've done more than I could have asked for." Aria felt a strange mix of emotions swirling within her-relief, curiosity, and an inexplicable sense of longing. She rose to her feet, feeling Julian's eyes on her as she did so. "There's something different about this wolf," she said quietly, her gaze drifting back to the creature. "I've worked with wolves before, but none like this. It's almost as if..." Her voice trailed off, unsure of how to put her thoughts into words. Julian stood, his expression guarded once more. "The Blackwood wolves are unique. They've been here for centuries, part of the estate's history. There are many things about them that can't be easily explained." Aria nodded, though she wasn't entirely satisfied with his answer. There was so much more she wanted to know, so many questions swirling in her mind. But she sensed that Julian wasn't the type to reveal his secrets easily. "I should go," she said finally, though a part of her was reluctant to leave. "But I'll need to check on him again in a few days to make sure he's healing properly." Julian nodded. "You're welcome to return whenever you need to. The gates will be open for you." As she turned to leave, Julian's voice stopped her in her tracks. "Ms. Feral." She looked back at him, her heart skipping a beat at the intensity in his gaze. "Be careful," he said, his tone laced with an edge she couldn't quite place. "The woods are not always as they seem." Aria felt a shiver run down her spine, but she forced herself to smile. "I'll keep that in mind." With that, she left the room, her footsteps echoing in the empty corridors as she made her way back to the entrance. As she walked through the dimly lit halls of the Blackwood Estate, Aria couldn't shake the feeling that something far greater than herself was at play here. The ancient house seemed to watch her with every step, its darkened corners whispering secrets that she was not yet privy to. The weight of the night's events pressed heavily on her mind, and the further she got from the room where the wolf lay, the more surreal everything began to feel.

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The Contract with the Alpha



Freya Alexander is a fiercely independent photographer, haunted by the scars of her past and the pain of a rejected bond. Orphaned young and hardened by life, she finds solace in her career, avoiding entanglements and the fate she once believed in. But when a dark prophecy emerges, Freya’s world is upended. Bound by destiny to Ethan Shadow, the formidable Alpha of the Shadowclaw Pack, she is thrust into a contract marriage she never wanted. Ethan Shadow, the enigmatic and ruthless leader of the Shadowclaw Pack, has always put his pack’s welfare above all else. His rejection of Freya years ago, meant to protect her from a devastating curse, was a decision that haunts him. Now, the prophecy demands their union to prevent a looming catastrophe threatening both the human and supernatural realms. With Freya resentful and Ethan burdened by secrets, their forced marriage is a volatile mix of unresolved feelings and unspoken truths. As their contract binds them in a fragile truce, a shadowy adversary named Ember emerges, intent on exploiting their fractured bond to ignite chaos. With each passing day, the tension between Freya and Ethan escalates, their once-hidden emotions boiling to the surface. Just when it seems they might reconcile their differences, Freya is kidnapped by Ember, revealing a shocking conspiracy: Ethan’s rejection was part of a larger plot to destabilize the packs. Desperate to save Freya and his pack, Ethan must confront the truth about the curse and the price of breaking it. In a dramatic twist, Freya discovers the real reason behind Ethan’s rejection and must come to terms with her feelings. As the prophecy’s deadline approaches, Ethan faces an agonizing choice: sacrifice himself to save Freya or risk losing everything.

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