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Mated to the Werewolf Mafia

Chapter 3 Episode 3

Word Count: 1734    |    Released on: 11/08/2024

oriented, as the events of the previous night came rushing back to her. The wolf, Julian, the mysterious man on the road-it all felt like a strange, vivid dream, yet the gnawing feeling i

back to the estate was just as eerie as it had been the night before, the dense forest pressing in on either side of the narrow road. The fog had lifted with the morning sun, but the sense of foreboding remained, a heavy weight in the pit of her stomach. When she finally pulled up to the grand gates of the Blackwood Estate, she hesitated, her hand hovering over the ignition. She could still turn back, pretend she hadn't answered Julian's call, but she knew that wasn't an option. Something had shifted within her since last night, a determination to see this through, no matter where it led. Taking a deep breath, she turned off the engine and got out of the car. The gates opened slowly as she approached, the heavy iron creaking ominously in the still morning air. She made her way up the long driveway, her heart pounding in her chest with every step. Julian was waiting for her at the entrance, his tall frame silhouetted against the imposing facade of the mansion. He looked just as she remembered from the night before, his dark hair falling over his brow, his eyes piercing and intense. But there was something different about him now, a tension that radiated from him like heat. "Aria," he greeted her, his voice low. "Thank you for coming." She nodded, her eyes searching his face for any clue as to what this was all about. "You said there were things I needed to know. What's going on, Julian?" He glanced around as if to make sure they were alone before stepping closer. "This isn't something we can talk about out here. Come inside." Aria followed him into the mansion, the heavy door closing behind them with a thud that seemed to echo through the vast, empty halls. The interior of the estate was just as grand and intimidating as she remembered, the dark wood paneling and old portraits giving the place an air of ancient mystery. Julian led her through the maze of corridors until they reached a door at the far end of the house. He pushed it open, revealing a study filled with old books and relics, the walls lined with shelves that reached up to the ceiling. A large desk sat in the center of the room, covered in papers and artifacts that looked as though they hadn't been touched in years. He gestured for her to sit in one of the chairs by the fireplace, and she did so, watching him as he moved to stand by the window, his back to her. The tension in the room was palpable, thick enough to cut with a knife, and Aria could feel her heart racing as she waited for him to speak. When he finally did, his voice was quiet, almost resigned. "There's something you need to understand about the Blackwoods, something that goes beyond the rumors and the stories you've heard." Aria leaned forward slightly, her curiosity piqued. "What do you mean?" Julian turned to face her, his expression grave. "We're not just a powerful family, Aria. We're something more... something ancient. The Blackwoods have always been protectors of a secret, a curse that has been passed down through our bloodline for gener

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