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In a desperate bid to save her brother, Nikka finds herself getting into a contract marriage with her boss, Micheal Roberts. But there's a twist - Micheal, one of the city's most eligible bachelors, is only getting married for the sake of having a child. Will this arrangement lead to unexpected love or heartbreak? Find out in this captivating tale of sacrifice and unexpected romance.


Chapter One

"You are fired," Mr Micah said with a smile on his face to Nikka.

Nikka's hands become sweaty, her heart banging against her chest, "Sir why, am I being fired? I have always been efficient and punctual" Nikka said with her cracking voice.

"You know you are a sweet kid but I am not getting as much profit as before, but you can keep the Job on one condition" smirked Mr Micah.

Unease crept into Nikka's heart.

"Sir what can I do for you," said Nikka

Suddenly Mr Micah stood up from his chair and went towards Nikka.

He reached for her waist and pulled her forcefully into a hug, Nikka shoved him but he was still stronger than her.

"Si, Sir what do you want?" Her voice cracked. "Nikka stop being a baby you know what I want" It sounded repulsive in Nikka's ears.


Nikka slapped Mr Micah across the face, holding his face in disbelief.

"How dare you? Get out of my office and my building, I will make sure you don't have a job in this town as far as my power goes, you will come back to beg me and I will be waiting" Mr Micah laughed sinisterly.

Nikka furrowed her eyebrows and walked towards the doorknob, the feel of the knob made her skin shudder.

As she walked out, she saw Benson, He was the only one who truly helped Nikka in and out of office.

"Hey Nikka, is everything alright" asked Benson, her colleague in the office.

"Mr Micah has fired me," said Nikka as she kept walking forward, with Benson beside her.

"Nikka, just know I will always be there for you if you ever need anything," Benson said comforting Nikka.

"Thanks, Benson I appreciate it".

Suddenly, Nikka's phone rang.

"Hello, Miss Andrews, your attention is needed in the medical Centre, your brother's condition seems to have worsened," said the nurse from the other end.

Nikka's steps quickened as she dashed out of the office with Benson chasing her.

"Nikka, Nikka hold up, what's wrong?" Benson panting and chasing after her.

Nikka stopped and stared down at Benson.

"The medical centre called, my brother's condition seems to have worsened", Nikka said with tears in her eyes.

"I can give you a lift to the medical centre," said Benson, eager to help.

"No I will go alone, I don't want you to have any problem with Mr. Micah, Thanks anyway," said Nikka dashing out of the building.

Benson stood there until he couldn't see her figure again.

Outside the building, Nikka hailed a taxi to the medical centre.

She bumped into a man on her way to her brother's ward.

"Sorry" Nikka said dashing without looking back at the person she bumped into.

A flash of light flashed across the man's face.

"Here sir" handing his boss over a hand sanitizer to clean his hands.

"It's fine, let's go," said the boss.


A teenage boy with a pale face and lips with jade-like skin lay on the Hospital bed, He can be said to be a sickly beauty.

Nikka looked at her younger brother, resting when Dr. Henry coughed.

"Miss Nikka, may I see you in my office," said Dr. Henry with a blank face.

"Yes doc," said Nikka.

They went to Dr Henry's office.

"Nikka Andrews, your brother's condition has gotten worse." Dr. Henry peered into Nikka's face seriously. Nikka felt her feet turn cold, she did not want to lose her only family left in this world. She and her brother survived a car accident in their family.

"He has to undergo surgery to treat his illness." Dr. Henry continued, "I know you do not have the funds for the surgery and the outstanding bills but you have to try to get at least half of the money to begin the treatment."

"Dr. Henry, I will try my best to pay the outstanding bills and the surgery, but please give me more time."

Dr. Henry only snorted, "Fine I will give you a month to pay your outstanding bills". Nikka sighed "Thank you, I will".

Nikka sighed as she left the office.

'Fired and owing a lot of debts in a day' Nikka thought.

She made her way to her brother's ward.

"Oh, crap, I almost got him," Thomas said tensely while playing an online game. He didn't even notice Nikka coming in.

"Roar" Nikka tried scaring him but he didn't budge a bit.

"You know you can't scare me, so why even bother?" said Thomas jokingly.

Nikka rolled her eyeballs.

"So, how are you feeling?"Nikka asked her brother.

Thomas is still playing the video game, "I am feeling better, I guess," Thomas said.

Nikka gazed at her brother.

"What's wrong? you are awfully silent today" said Thomas peering into his sister's face.

"Nothing's wrong, you're thinking too much Thomas," Said Nikka calmly.


Meanwhile at the Robert's Mansion.


A cup of water was thrown across the floor.

"Why is that boy so stubborn?" Sebastian Roberts roared angrily.

"Calm down, honey," his wife, Katy, said , trying to calm him down.

"He just ditched one of my client's daughter for work" Sebastian is still angry.

"Doesn't he want this old man to see his grandchildren?" Sebastian said.

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