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Twist Of Fates

Mandy Jones does not like the same gender or the opposite gender. All she wants is her career success but her father is against it. To him, she is pursuing a useless career, and does not approve of his daughter going after such a career. She feels living a peaceful and lonely life is the best but her father counterfeits that ideology making her believe she needs to be with a man. She was determined to pursue her career without the interference of her family. Still, karma takes a toil in her life as she eventually needs her father's help in attaining the position. He promised to help her if she gets married and takes over his companies but the question is will she do it? Seth Macfarlane is just a normal guy that life keeps tormenting, he feels life is unfair to him just because he came from a poor background, he feels life is the rich while the poor wallow in hunger and poverty. He has been searching for a job that suits his standards but couldn't find one. Fate decided to take a trial in his life, he got a job as a secretary and was offered a contract agreement. With the current situation in his life, will he accept the contract agreement?


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Ava cat walked sexily into his office chewing gum like the pro she is. Her current look is nothing different from that of a bitch.

She barged into Richmond's office not minding the fact that he might have a visitor in there.

"Hey baby!!". Ava called smiling, she sat on his lap grinding her ass on his lap.

She pecked his lips and he sighed out dropping the pen in his hand.

"Ava, I've told you to stop barging in. What if I was having a meeting with a client?". Richmond asked and she rolled her eyes.

"I'm your girlfriend, I can't come in how I want and whenever I like". Ava replied brushing his hair with her hands.

"I own this company, I'll be one at a loss if I lose a client". Richmond said calmly checking her out.

"Whatever!!!". She snapped rolling her eyes.

"Why expose what's mine?". Richmond asked and she groaned in frustration hitting her hand hard on his desk, she stood to her feet ready to battle him.

"Why do you always complain about everything? Can't you just accept things the way it comes?". Ava yelled and he sighed.

"Just calm your nerves, I was just.....".

"You were just what?". Ava cuts in sharply.

"Oh! You're tryna compare me with that slut today as well right?". Ava yelled and he stood to his feet.

Richmond grabbed her shoulders lightly looking deep into her eyes.

"I wasn't trying to compare you with anyone. I love you right here and not her but stop these bad habits of yours! How can the future wife of the great Lorenzo dress in these revealing clothes?". Richmond asked pointing at the short gown that is almost reaching her ass and almost revealed her firm boobs.

A tattoo of a spider could be seen on her right boob and a rose tattoo on her left arm. Two tattoos on her lap, numerous pierces on her ear, two pierces on her lips, one on her nose, and one on her navel.

She looks so irresistible and hot right now but it disgusts Richmond a lot.

"Let them say what they like, I don't care! The fact that we love each other rules over their opinions!!!!". Ava fired.

"Have you ever......."

"Richie!!!! I've had enough of this madness! For f**ksake, I dressed like this just for you and you can't even appreciate that. You know what? Call me when you need me!!". Ava yelled and grabbed her purse from his desk.

She turned to walk away but he pulled her back and carried her to his desk. He came in between her legs smiling.

"Must you get mad at everything?". He asked rolling her hair on his index finger.

"You caused it! You complain a lot!". She snapped folding her arms.

"I'm sorry". He whispered kissing her neck down to her exposed boobs.

"This is not gonna move m..... Mmmm". She moaned in pleasure as he licked and sucked on her neck.

He kissed her neck up to her lips and their lips met, at first it was a passionate kiss but it gradually became rough.

She grabbed his tie pulling him closer, his erection circling her p*ssy. He lifted her by the ass and sat down, his hands roaming around her back to her ass while she sank her fingers into his hair pulling it slightly.

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It was a breezy evening and the entire estate was so peaceful, calm, and beautiful not until the two lovebirds started their arguments for the sixth time that day.

"Are you sure you know what you're saying?". Wendy asked in great shock.

"Of course I do! The matter is getting out of hand!!". Seth replied yelling.

"Are you now yelling at me?". Wendy asked again.

"Look Wendy, I'm sorry but you need to under......".

"Understand what? Understand the fact that my boyfriend wants to have sex with another woman all because of a useless secret?". Wendy fired and he sighed out.

The matter is getting off hand and Wendy doesn't seem to give in to the idea of her boyfriend having sยฃx with another woman he not doing that and will surely let the cat out of the bag.

"Wendy please......".

"Stop it, Seth, stop pleading". Wendy cuts in sharply raising her hand.

"I should accept that and afterwards, you'll dump me and move on with her right?". She asked staring at him intensely.

"Stop twisting the whole thing Wendy. I love you with all my heart and I can't bear to depart from you, love bug please". Seth pleaded and she hissed.

"If you wanna do it then go ahead but just know that once you do it, it's over between us". Wendy snapped and he gasped in shock.


"Please leave and shut the door when you're done". Wendy snapped and went into her room slamming the door shut.

"Wendy!! Wendy!!". Seth called continuously but didn't get a reply from her.

He stood dejectedly scratching his head angrily, he took a last glance at her door before leaving the house.

Wendy rushed out of her room immediately she heard the door sound and burst into tears.

"He doesn't love me anymore!!". She muttered in tears.

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Mandy paced to and fro fidgeting, her father's words kept ringing in her brain.

"Why the f*ck do I have to do this? Now I'm stuck!!!". Mandy screamed sitting her ass on the couch.

"Y'all want a baby! I'm not ready to have a child! Can y'all just let me be!!!! I'm sick and tired of all this!!!!!". Mandy cried stomping her feet on the ground.

The door opened, Seth walked in looking so miserable and she sprang to her feet.

"Why are you coming from young man?". She asked.

"Invite Lawyer Kenneth when the day breaks, I'm not interested in this shit anymore!!". Seth ranted and she chuckled.

"Do you want to put an end to my career!!!". She screamed.

"I'm not in for your nags about your career tonight! Let's meet tomorrow morning". Seth replied and went upstairs.

"Is he for real?". She asked almost in tears.

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Lawyer Kenneth sat before the both of them staring at them through his glasses, Seth's mind seemed far away and Mandy never stopped crying and hiccupping.

"Are you both sure about this?". Lawyer Kenneth asked but they both said nothing.

"Do you both know you still have a year to go as agreed in the contract?". Lawyer Kenneth asked and Seth turned to him sharply.

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