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The Stolen Alpha

The Stolen Alpha



Tristan was stolen the moment he was born and raised as a human. He got the shock of his life when he came of age and transformed. Attracted to Rosalind, he thought he had found love, but theirs was a forbidden love. Tristan must find his roots, get answers and justice. Athena lost her memory when she was six and became a slave. Rejected twice by her mates, she ran away to end it all because there was no more hope for her. Or, could something good still happen between her and Tristan, her second mate? Read the full story to find out.


Tristan's eyes fluttered open, greeted by the warm sunlight streaming through his window like a golden waterfall. He stretched, feeling the familiar comfort of his bed, the softness of his blanket, and the cozy atmosphere of his room. His gaze drifted to the family photo on his nightstand, a smile spreading across his face as he thought about his mother, Laura. The sweet scent of freshly baked pancakes wafted up from the kitchen, making his stomach growl with anticipation. In one swift movement, he threw away the covers, got on his feet and followed the scent to its source.

Downstairs, Laura was already busy in the kitchen, her hands moving with a practiced ease as she expertly flipped pancakes. The sizzle of the pan and the hum of the refrigerator created a soothing background melody. Tristan's eyes locked onto the fluffy stack, and his mouth watered in response.

"Good morning, sweetie!" Laura chirped, her eyes shining with warmth as she handed him a steaming plate. "I made your favorite breakfast."

Tristan grinned, feeling a surge of love for his mother. "You are the best, Mom." He took a bite, and the sweetness exploded on his taste buds.

As they sat down to eat, Laura could not help but notice the faint glow surrounding Tristan's hands. At first, she thought it was just the morning light, but as she watched, the glow intensified, illuminating the surrounding air. She pushed the thought aside, attributing it to her imagination. But deep down, she knew better. Tristan was special, and she had always felt it.

Throughout the day, Tristan went about his routine, excelling in school and impressing his friends with his exceptional strength and agility. In gym class, he effortlessly lifted weights that others struggled with, his muscles rippling beneath his skin. On the field, he ran with a speed and grace that left his teammates in awe.

But it was not until he was walking home from school that something truly extraordinary happened. A strong gust of wind swept through the streets, sending trash cans flying and trees swaying. Tristan, caught off guard, stumbled backward. But as he raised his hands to shield himself, the wind died down, the debris suspended in mid-air. The world around him seemed to hold its breath.

Laura, watching from the window, felt her heart skip a beat. She knew that look in Tristan's eyes, the focused intensity that hinted at his hidden power.

As the wind dissipated, Tristan's eyes snapped back to normal, and he continued walking home, unaware of the strange occurrence. But Laura knew. She knew that her son was capable of things beyond the ordinary.

That evening, as they sat on the porch, watching the stars twinkle to life, Laura wrapped her arm around Tristan's shoulders, holding him close. "I am so proud of you, Tristan," she whispered. "You are an amazing young man." Tristan smiled, feeling grateful for his mother's unwavering support. Little did he know, his ordinary world was on the cusp of an extraordinary transformation.

As the night deepened, Laura's thoughts drifted back to the strange occurrence on Tristan's walk home. She had always known he was special, but moments like those reminded her of the depth of his abilities. Tristan, oblivious to his mother's concerns, sat beside her, lost in his own thoughts. He felt a restlessness, a sense of discontent he could not shake. It was as if his body was urging him to move, to act, but his mind was unsure what to do.

As they sat there, a faint hum began to build in the air. It started as a gentle vibration, almost imperceptible, but grew in intensity until it became a palpable force. Laura felt it too, her heart racing in response, wondering if it was just her imagination.

Tristan's eyes snapped to attention, his gaze locking onto something in the distance. Laura followed his line of sight, but saw nothing. The hum grew louder, more insistent, until it became a deafening roar, or so it seemed. And then, in an instant, it stopped. The silence was oppressive, heavy with anticipation.

Tristan stood, his movements fluid and deliberate. "I have to go, Mom," he said, his voice low and urgent.

Laura's instincts screamed at her to stop him, to keep him safe. But she knew better. She knew that Tristan was being called to something, something he could not ignore.

"Be careful," she whispered, her heart heavy with foreboding.

Tristan nodded, his eyes burning with an inner fire. And with that, he vanished into the night, leaving Laura to wonder what lay ahead for her son. Laura watched as Tristan disappeared into the darkness, her mind racing with questions. Where was he going? What was calling to him? And what was happening to her son?

She felt a shiver run down her spine as she realized the truth: Tristan's powers were growing stronger, and she had no idea what they meant or how to control them.

As she sat there, lost in thought, Laura's mind wandered back to the day she found Tristan. She had been frustrated, alone, desperate and about to end her life. But now, as Tristan's powers grew stronger, Laura could not shake the feeling that she had made a mistake. That there was something about Tristan's past that she didn't know. Something important.

She pushed the thoughts aside, focusing on the present. Tristan was her son, and she would do anything to keep him safe. But as she went back inside, she could not shake the feeling that she was running out of time, she could not shake off the feeling of unease. She tried to distract herself by cleaning up the kitchen, but her mind kept wandering back to Tristan.

Where was he going? What was he doing?

And what was happening to him?

Laura stopped mid-sentence, her heart racing as she realized the truth. She did not know Tristan's true nature. She did not know what he was capable of.

All she knew was that she loved him, and she would do anything to keep him safe.

But as the night wore on, and Tristan failed to return, Laura's fears grew. Had she made a mistake by keeping his past a secret? Should she have told him the truth about where he came from?

The questions swirled in her mind, keeping her awake long into the night.

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