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The Stolen Alpha


Word Count: 1056    |    Released on: 13/08/2024

earth, his heart racing with a newfound fer

y stronger. He could smell the trees, hear

amiliar yet unknown smell. He fo

lf with piercing green eyes,

an growled, his inst

utiously. "I'm Rosalind," she replied, her v

identity. "I, I do not know," h

cognition igniting. "You are like me," she sai

ruth sinking in. He was a mo

nd, "You are like me." A sense of bel

asked, his voice bar

uth she was not yet revealing. "You'll find o

re questions than answers. But before he could press her

he earth. He had to know more about

e trees twisting and turning. Tristan's

clearing, a massive stone m

This is where it began," she said, her voice barely

ment, his heart beating. Wh

the stone, a vision burst

nding before him. He saw a man,

, a truth that sho

, his voice trembling. "

of recognition igniting. "Tell me," she

owl echoed through the forest, a ho

with excitement. Tristan snarled, dismayed.

as she gazed at Tristan. "Is it not ama

on the same day!" She continued.

with fear. "I do not know what's happenin

ched on her face. "But, but you are like me,

not want to be like this," he said, his voice bare

ver. "You are not a monster," she said, h

urned and ran, disappearing into the tre

y struck her. Was she wrong to embrace her

adrenaline, soon swept her doubts away. She wa

beginning. A darkness was stirring, a threat that

his behavior. She tracked him through the forest, her s

eyes widened in surprise. A van was parked

agitated. Rosalind watched from the shad

ispered to herself, commi

n slumped in the passenger seat. Rosalind's e

why was Tristan so despe

mind whirling with thoughts. She had stumbled into something much bigge

ncover the truth, to follow

m the shadows as Tristan and the

the woman drove away, leaving her

erging from the trees. The campsite was quiet, th

ents, her senses on high

ce of paper caught her eye. It was a

d warehouse at mid

eat. Who wrote this? And wha

n her hand, her mind ra

it. A rustling in th

pped up, her heart

back at her, eyes that didn't

there, something that

med at her to run, but her

rew closer


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