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The Return Of The Amnesiac Husband

The Return Of The Amnesiac Husband

kristine mendoza


"Congratulations on a successful surgery," Dr. Reyes said to me after our operation went smoothly. I smiled. "Thank you, Dr. Reyes. I couldn't have done it alone. The help and support of the whole team contributed to the success of the surgery. It's an honor to work with a professional like you," I said, exchanging words of appreciation with Dr. Reyes. But a familiar figure approached us. "Cecilia, I have some news about your dad." Dr. Reyes and I exchanged worried glances before I turned to Andrea. The fatigue I felt was replaced by concern when I saw Andrea's expression. "Cil... your father is in the emergency room." My heart raced upon hearing the news. I hurried to the emergency room, where I saw my mom waiting outside, clearly restless. Her eyes reflected worry and fear, mirroring my own emotions. "Mom, what happened?" I asked. "Your father collapsed suddenly, dear," her voice trembling. "The doctors are doing their best." I frowned. "How critical is the situation? What could be the reason behind Dad's collapse? Is there something you're not telling me?" Mom sighed, clearly hesitating. "Cecilia, we've kept this from you, but our hospital is under threat. The Chrolex Corporation is targeting us, aiming to bring us down." Upon hearing "Chrolex Corporation," I couldn't help but feel a chill. It was a familiar corporation I hadn't heard about in a long time. What are they planning to do to our hospital? What do they want? "I've arranged a meeting with Mr. Vasquez, the CEO of Chrolex Corporation, and he insisted that you be the one to meet him," Mom added, looking at me as if she wanted to know something. Mr. Vasquez? I swallowed hard. "Which Mr. Vasquez, Mom?" I asked. Mom looked at me, her worry evident. "Cecilia, it's Mr. Nolan Vasquez." I let out a deep breath, trying to calm myself. The name Mom mentioned was one I had tried so hard to forget. "Tell me, Cecilia. Is there something going on between the two of you again? I'm not going to force you to meet him. But Cecilia..." Mom's voice trailed off. I clenched my fists. It had been seven years since he forced me to sign the divorce papers. I thought that was the end of our story, but why is it resurfacing now? What does he want? Has he regained his memories? With that thought, I couldn't help but tremble. Nolan... Have your memories returned?

Chapter 1 The cafe

Chapter 1

Cecilia's POV

"Mom, tell me where and when?" I asked, trying to hide the tremor in my voice.

"I'm sorry, darling. We don't want to see you hurting again because of him," Mom said softly, holding my hand.

"Mom, we have no choice. I have to talk to him," I replied firmly, not wanting to show my emotions.

Mom hugged me tightly. "The meeting place will be at your favorite cafe, tonight," she whispered.

After she embraced me, I said my goodbyes and went to my office. I took off my coat, grabbed my bag, and left.

This is it. I've decided to see him again after seven years.

I took a deep breath as I arrived at the cafe. I steeled myself before entering, but a waiter blocked my way.

"Excuse me, ma'am, our cafe is fully booked. We can't entertain any more customers," he said respectfully.

I furrowed my brow.

The cafe was empty, yet fully booked?

"I am Cecilia Abecia. I'm here to meet Mr. Nolan Vasquez."

The waiter's expression immediately changed. He smiled widely and ushered me inside. "Oh, welcome, madam. We've been expecting you. This way, please."

I tightened my grip on my bag before following the waiter.

The cafe is so pretty, with soft lights and flowers everywhere. The walls have cute paintings, and the chairs are comfy. It feels warm and welcoming.

As I walked, I couldn't help but wonder why the cafe looked so different today. It's my favorite cafe, but it's decorated romantically, which seems odd for a business meeting.

Yes, it's decorated romantically.

The waiter led me to a table beautifully adorned with soft candlelight, delicate flowers, and an elegant tablecloth.

I stood there, waiting, but Nolan wasn't here yet. Doubts began to creep in as my mind raced with thoughts about what might happen next.

"You've come earlier than expected," a calm, indifferent voice said behind me.

It felt like my heart stopped beating for a second.

That voice. The last time I heard it was seven years ago.

For a moment, I was unsure of what to do. Should I confront him or not? What changes have occurred in him? I felt unprepared to see him again after seven years, but...

I took a deep breath.

I have to do this.

After steadying my emotions, I turned to face the voice. It felt like time slowed as I faced him.

His face was still as striking as before, with chiseled features and a confident smile. His eyes held a glint of mischief, adding charm to his expression. He seemed relaxed, yet there was a familiar playful sparkle in his eyes.

He was a handsome man whom I hadn't seen in seven years. He was my husband who once loved me dearly but then forced me to sign the divorce papers, shattering my heart into pieces.

"Here's for the lovely lady who caught my eye in this world," he said, presenting a bouquet of roses.

I stared at him, searching for the familiar eyes I once knew. But I was disappointed as the eyes looking at me now were the same ones that had separated from me seven years ago.

I clenched my fists.

"I want to remind you, Mr. Vasquez, that I'm here for business purposes," I stated firmly.

He smirked. "If I were you, I'd accept the flowers." There was a hint of threat in his tone.

I glared back at him. I bit my lip, determined not to let him see how affected I was by his actions.

With trembling hands, I accepted the flowers, maintaining a neutral expression.

"Can we begin now?"

He smiled and walked past me, pulling out a chair and gesturing for me to sit. As I took my seat, he sat across from me, and the food began to be served on the table.

"I'd like to discuss why you're targeting our hospital for a downfall," I inquired professionally, wanting to address the pressing issue immediately.

He grinned before sipping his coffee.

"Let's have our coffee first, shall we? And let's talk about something else. How's your life, Cecilia?"

I averted my gaze. With the cafe's romantic decor, it was clear that our conversation would not be strictly business. But I couldn't help feeling a mix of fear and irritation.

"Mr. Vasquez, the matter concerning the hospital is crucial. It needs to be addressed." I said, meeting his deep eyes.

He leaned back in his chair, a sly smile playing on his lips. "Cecilia, let's not dwell on work matters. Tell me, how have you been all these years?"

I felt my blood boil at his words.

"Let's not dwell on work matters, you say? Excuse me, Mr. Vasquez, what you're talking about is not just any hospital but my parents' blood, sweat, and tears invested in it. I'm not in the mood to discuss my personal life. My focus is on the hospital, and it needs to be addressed urgently." I said, emphasizing each word.

He stared at me for a moment before chuckling softly. "I don't plan to bring down your hospital, Madam Cecilia. That was merely to grab your attention. Now that I have it, I want to make one thing clear."

My heart began to race.

I clutched my skirt, trying to steady my nerves. "What is it?"

He grinned. "Can you promise that you will do it?"

I felt my heart pound loudly. I bit my lip, afraid of what this man might ask.

"But anyway, it's just useless since I'm sure you'll agree. Because I can make it happen," he said confidently.

The playful smile slowly faded from his lips, replaced by a serious expression that matched the pounding in my chest.

I had a terrible feeling about what he was about to say.

"Marry me again, Cecilia."

A single sentence that took my breath away. I couldn't believe this was happening. I hoped it was just a bad dream.

While on my way to the hospital, I couldn't help but think about the conversation Nolan and I had yesterday.

After he made his request, I immediately stood up. "This is absurd, Mr. Vasquez. If you're bored, please don't target our hospital. You can look elsewhere, but not at ours. We don't cater to bored billionaires; we save people's lives."

After I said that, I turned and began to walk away, but I was stopped by what he said.

"Does it mean you're rejecting my marriage proposal?" he asked languidly.

I gritted my teeth in annoyance.

I heard his footsteps approaching me. With every step he took, my anxiety grew.

He stopped right in front of me.

"You can come to my place if you change your mind, you know," he said softly, though a mischievous glint danced in his eyes.

He slowly touched my cheek, gently caressing it. "Dear, Cecilia..."

I gazed at him, hoping to find answers to my questions in his eyes, but I saw no response. His eyes had changed from loving to those of a stranger.

Disappointment. That's what I felt.

I violently removed his hand from my cheek and left the place. But before I could leave, he said, "You will come... surely."

I sighed.

I got out of my car when I arrived at the hospital. No agreement was reached between Nolan and me last night. I would find another way to make him stop playing games with the hospital.

"Good morning, Doc Cecilia," greeted a nurse.

"Good morning."

As I entered my office, I rolled my eyes at what greeted me.

"Kara, didn't I tell you not to accept gifts from Travis?" I asked.

I put down my bag and put on my coat. Kara entered my office.

"Yes, Doc Cecilia. But this isn't from Sir Travis. It's from a very handsome man I've seen in my life. He didn't say his name, but he said he's your fiancé," Kara said happily.

I froze.

"There seems to be a note, Doc."

There were many boxes of gifts on my table. And I was pretty sure who they were from. I saw a small note that said, "I can't wait tonight - V, N."

Vasquez, Nolan.

I stared for a moment. Tonight, something unpleasant would happen.

"Kara, just give these away to your family," I instructed.

Kara's eyes widened. "Are you serious?"

I didn't answer her as I immediately left the office. As I was walking, a nurse approached me.

"Good morning, Dr. Abecia. There's an urgent meeting in the conference room."

I nodded.

Here it is. I knew this would happen.

As I entered the boardroom, I found key stakeholders already assembled, their expressions a mix of concern and determination.

As soon as I sat down, my mom began to speak. "We are facing a critical financial setback with the withdrawal of Mr. Chu, a major shareholder. This is a big risk for our hospital's future."

Ms. Lee, the Chief Medical Officer, shared her worries, "The loss of this shareholder's investment will impact our cash flow and capital reserves. We need to act quickly to address this issue."

With the CEO, my father, unable to attend the meeting, my mother took charge.

The room fell silent upon hearing the problem.

"We should try to find potential investors or partners to inject capital into the hospital," I suggested.

They all looked at me. "Dr. Abecia, where could we find an investor during this urgent period? We need it promptly."

I thought about possible investors for the hospital. "I have someone in mind," I said confidently.

They raised their eyebrows. "Are you sure this person will be willing to invest in such a critical situation?"

I met their gaze steadily. "We have no other choice. Trust me on this."

They nodded.

"As of now, we can save money by cutting costs, generating more revenue, and talking to our suppliers to improve our financial situation. It's important that we act fast to get through this tough time."

After the meeting, I returned to my office, but when I opened the door, I was greeted by the back of a man.

He turned around when he heard the door open.

"Hey, babe."

Sitting inside was a handsome man with a friendly smile. His eyes sparkled with kindness, and his gentle demeanor made everyone around him feel at ease. He had a welcoming presence that exuded charm and approachability.

"Travis, as far as I remember, today's not your consultation schedule," I said as I sat across from him, slightly surprised by his unexpected presence in my office.

Travis leaned back in his chair, a playful glint in his eyes as he responded, "I couldn't resist the chance to see you, even if it's not an official appointment."

"Travis, you know I've mentioned before that I'm not thinking about dating right now, and stop calling me 'babe,'" I said seriously.

He chuckled. "Soon, I can call you 'babe' forever."

I tried to ignore what he said.

"But thank you for coming. I actually have something to talk to you about," I said.

The potential investor I was referring to was the man sitting in front of me now, Travis.

To Be Continued..

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a famous jet ski rider and a successful businessman. Tons of women are crazy and obsessed over him. He has reached the peak of his dreams, to the point where they seem almost unattainable. Even though many women are captivated by him, he’s not interested in any of them. He just wants to have sex, and that's it—no commitments, no drama, just sex, nothing more. All women are fascinated by his muscular, hard, and huge physique. He stands tall and handsome, a look no one can resist. Plus, his charisma is off the charts. His dark, cold, expressionless eyes can captivate every woman he looks at. But aside from that, he has a gorgeous and simple best friend: Luna Quinn Ferrer, a young lawyer. She’s simple yet stunning, soft and caring—the reason why he can’t forget about her. Then one night, there was a party, and she happened to be invited. She accidentally drank the wrong alcohol, which was mixed with a drug that made her body heat up. Unexpectedly, she became wild and unstoppable, seducing him with her gorgeous body—an innocent girl turned into a wild, seductive goddess. He was there to guide and watch her every move, ensuring no one else touched her. But when she begged him to touch her, his patience burst like a bubble. He touched her, licked and sucked, and even had sex with her. He was praising her all night. The next morning, he woke up to find her gone. He searched for her for days until he finally found her. She told him that she wasn’t ready for a commitment, which was exactly what he wanted too. He assured her that he had no feelings for her, which was a lie. She believed him, which is why she agreed to be his friend… with benefits. They enjoyed themselves every time they did “it.” But what if she finds out she’s pregnant with his child? What will she do? Will she tell her “friend”? But what if a woman from his past returns, introducing herself as his ex-fiance? What if she discovers they still have a connection, despite their so-called “friendship” with extra activities? Will Luna Quinn Ferrer distance herself and hide their child, or will she fight for her feelings for Khaizer Javier, even though someone from his past has returned?

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