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The Sycophant Love

The Sycophant Love

kristine mendoza


Sky Marie Caswell A victim of rape by Kade Russell, the son of a wealthy businessman in their town. She was helpless to defend herself against him because he was rich and innocent in the eyes of others. Sky never got the justice she wanted. Kade Russell Had long been interested in Sky, but she ignored him. Out of anger and jealousy, he raped her the night after a party. Since he came from a wealthy family, he believed he was untouchable. His rage only grew when Sky disappeared without a trace after their graduation _"So, Mr. Russell, is it true what Miss Caswell is accusing you of?"_ _"That's not true, your honor,"_ Kade said, glancing at Sky. _"What happened on December 5, 20**?"_ _"That night, your honor... (Before speaking, Kade looked at Sky) ... she said she wanted to be with me. She came with me willingly. All of my friends were there."_ _"Liar!"_ Sky screamed, bursting into tears. _"Miss Caswell,"_ the judge warned. _"And what happened after that?"_ the judge asked, looking at Kade. _"We went to my condo, just as she said. I didn't force her. She undressed in front of me on her own. I never forced her. Everyone at school knows I'm not interested in women,"_ Kade claimed. _"Do you have solid evidence?"_ asked the judge. _"Yes, your honor."_ _"Call in the witness,"_ the judge ordered. Sky was shocked when her best friend Samantha entered the courtroom. She was confused, wondering why Samantha was on the other side. _"So, Miss Fajardo, what happened on December 5, 20**?"_ the judge asked. _"Sky wasn't drunk that day,"_ Samantha said. _"Sam, what are you talking about?"_ Sky was stunned, unable to look Samantha in the eye. _"Continue,"_ the judge instructed. _"Even before that night, Sky had a thing for Kade,"_ Samantha revealed, causing Sky's knees to weaken at the statement. _"No, that's not true,"_ Sky whispered. _"It was all part of her plan to get pregnant by Kade and become rich,"_ Samantha continued. _"Liar! Samantha, what are you saying? I never said that. Even though I'm poor, I'm not that kind of person!"_ Sky shouted angrily. _"Miss Caswell,"_ the judge intervened. Sky sat down, shaking her head in disbelief, tears streaming down her face. She couldn't understand why her friend had betrayed her. _"How long have you been friends with Miss Caswell, Miss Fajardo?"_ the judge asked. _"Ten years, your honor,"_ Samantha replied. _"So, is it true that Miss Caswell's accusation against Mr. Russell is false?"_ the judge asked. _"Yes, your honor, it was her plan to get money,"_ Samantha confirmed. _"No, you're a liar!"_ Sky screamed in fury. _"Okay,"_ the judge said. _"The court has found Mr. Russell not guilty."_ Sky collapsed to her knees, crying, shaking her head in disbelief. _"Sky!"_ Samantha called out as Sky stormed out of the courtroom. _"F*ck you! I hope you die, you shameless traitor! I wish you were dead!"_ Sky screamed at Samantha after her case was dismissed. _"Miss Caswell, you should be thankful we didn't file charges against you. Do you know how much trouble you've caused? You almost ruined our family's reputation,"_ Mrs. Russell said as she and Kade walked out together, Kade smiling victoriously. _"Friendship over, Sam. I never thought you'd lie like that. I'm sure they paid you off. Oh, and by the way, you're the one who's after money, not me. You're the one who wanted to marry him, not me. But you twisted everything!"_ Sky said, glaring at Samantha, who began to cry. _"Can you shut up, Miss Caswell? What more do you want, huh? Since you're after money, just name your price,"_ Kade taunted, smiling. _"Shove your money where the sun doesn't shine. Just because you're rich doesn't mean you can cover up your filth. The truth will come out. You're a devil, and even though you twisted everything, people will know what you did,"_ Sky said, glaring at Kade's friend, who quickly looked away. _"Don't worry, Mr. Russell. I don't need your money. You can use it to pay for your son's therapy or donate it to those who believe they can buy souls,"_ Sky remarked, looking at the judge. (Sky knew from the beginning that the judge favored Kade, but she wasn't about to give up. The case had been dismissed at the first hearing, but she wasn't going to lose hope.) "Miss Caswell, let's go," her

Chapter 1 Bad reputation

Chapter 1

Sky glanced at the TV and was surprised to see the man on the screen.

"Good morning, Atty. Russell, and congratulations once again," said the TV reporter.

"Good morning, thank you," Kade replied.

"So, Atty. Russell, how did you discover that Governor Cuando was truly guilty?" the TV reporter asked.

"Atty..." Sky muttered in surprise.

"Atty? He just graduated, but look at him now-he's already making a name for himself, and he's handsome too!" Kaye said, gushing.

"He's a demon who tramples on others, and now he's a lawyer," Sky laughed bitterly.

"Huh? Do you know him?" Kaye asked, looking at Sky.

"Not really. I just heard that his family has a bad reputation. If anyone files a case against them, they settle it with money," Sky replied.

"We heard that too, but no one believed it because they seem so kind," Kaye added.

Sky laughed bitterly. "A criminal becomes a lawyer? Maybe it's to strengthen their power, so no one can stand against them," Sky thought, clenching her fists while watching Kade's interview on TV.

"From the beginning, I knew he was behind the fake plates and materials. Because of what he did, many people were victims of crimes that couldn't be solved due to the fake plates. It's an honor to bring justice to those who died at the construction site," Kade said.

"You fake person. They don't know you're worse than Governor Cuando, a rapist and a murderer," Sky thought.

"Look, Sky, isn't he such a kind lawyer? And to think he's not charging any fees to help those who died in the building collapse. Not only that, he's handsome too, right?" Kaye commented.

"Tsk," Sky scoffed, rolling her eyes. "If you only knew what kind of person he really is-worse than a demon," Sky thought, her fists clenched as she stared at the TV.

**Six years had passed since the tragic event that almost made her give up. She was completely isolated, shamed as a flirt and a gold digger. She wanted to die from the pain and humiliation that Kade had brought into her life, but someone made her realize that she had to live-for her child. Fortunately, the Rodriguez family helped her.**


"Gosh, girl! She's the one accusing Kade of rape!" one of the girls whispered, making Sky lower her head.

"She did everything to win the case, but she still lost. She had nothing to fight with. That's how it is when you're poor."

"Yeah, it's her."

"As if someone as ugly as her would catch Kade's attention!"

"Exactly! She's so ugly."

"She's such an embarrassment."

"I heard she works at a bar."

"Oh really? It's good that Kade was found innocent."

"She was just after Kade's money-that's what her friend said."

"How shameful."

"Miss Caswell," a voice called, and Sky looked up.

"Yes, Dean?" Sky replied.

"Follow me to the office," the Dean said.

Sky felt her world collapse when she learned that Sam and the others had pulled out her scholarship.

"Please, sir, have mercy on me. I'll do anything. Please, I just want to graduate from high school," Sky begged the Dean.

"I'm so sorry, Miss Caswell, but you can't attend this school anymore starting tomorrow," the Dean replied.

"But graduation is so close," Sky said, her voice trembling.

"Don't worry, you can still graduate. I'll make sure of it because I pity you, but you won't be allowed to enter the school anymore. You'll just receive your diploma," the Dean explained.

She refused to accept it. After everything that happened last week-the case was dismissed, and students had ganged up on her, which kept her out of school for four days-now this was the news she received after recovering. It felt like the world was turning against her.

No matter how much she begged, she knew it was useless.

"Get her!" Sky was startled by the shout. She was outside while the students were upstairs.

They began pelting her with eggs and other things.

She could only cry as she lay on the grass, trying to protect her head.

Sky cried as she cleaned herself in the bathroom. She didn't want to go home in that state.

"Nice boobs," a voice said, making her look up.

"What are you doing here?" Sky asked, glaring at Kade as she quickly put on her uniform.

"I miss your body," Kade said, sticking out his tongue and giving her a lewd look.

"You monster! You've turned everything upside down and made people believe your lies. But you will get what's coming to you. Karma will hit you twice as hard!" Sky said angrily.

"Hahahaha! Do you think you can scare me? You're so stupid. I told you before, didn't I? You should've just stayed quiet and done what I wanted. But no, you didn't listen. Look at you now, lying on the ground," Kade sneered.

"That will never happen! I'm not a whore to be used by you!" Sky shouted.


"You're really brave for a nerd," Kade said, grabbing Sky by the throat. Sky struggled to remove his hands from her neck.

"Kade, you're going too far!" Jeo tried to stop him.

"She's too stubborn. She fights back. You know I hate people who fight back, especially when they're poor like her. You're lucky I still tolerate you-your body is nice," Kade said, as tears streamed down Sky's face.

"Sky," Sam reached out, but Sky pulled away.

"No thanks. Use that to cover your shameless face. I hope you're happy with what you've done. I hope you're all happy with the suffering you've caused me. Congratulations, you succeeded in getting me kicked out of school. I hope you all die!" Sky shouted and stormed out.

"What?" Kade was shocked by her words.

"Did you really get her expelled?" Jeo asked.

"You think I'd let that happen, Jeo?" Kade responded.

"That's impossible. Kade's not even married to Sky's body. That doesn't make sense," Xian added.

"I'm sorry, Sky," Sam thought.

They didn't know that Sky was hiding in the hallway, terrified of what Megan, the school bully, might do to her.

"Miss Caswell," a woman inside a car called out.

"Why are you here?" Sky asked angrily, looking at Kade's mother.

"Ten million pesos. Stay away from my son. You're after our money, aren't you? Isn't ten million enough to stop your madness? You're ruining our family's name," Karen said coldly.

"Hahahaha! Do you really think you can buy me off with money? What your son did to me can never be replaced. He deleted the CCTV footage from his own condo, and that was solid evidence. But no, you paid off the judge. You think I don't know that? Your family is despicable. I guess it's true-what you sow, you reap. And your son has certainly reaped his family's rotten traits, hasn't he?" Sky retorted.

"You're getting out of hand. You should be grateful I didn't sue you for what you did. Do you know how much shame you've brought?" Karen yelled.

"What your son did isn't shameful? He raped me-not once, but over ten times!" Sky shouted.

"You wanted it, didn't you?" Karen said.

"That's not true! Every day he raped me! His friends were witnesses. Go ahead, cover up your son's crimes. I swear, you'll pay for it. But you know what? Someone as poor as me can't afford to fight you," Sky said bitterly.

"I may be poor, but I have respect. I know right from wrong, and above all, I fear God. But you-you're still alive, yet your souls are already burning. Take your money to your graves!" Sky said, turning her back on Karen.

"Sky, thank goodness you're here! Your house is on fire!" Sky's world crumbled when she heard the news.

"What?" she gasped, running towards her home.

When she arrived, she saw her house engulfed in flames. She felt hopeless as the fire consumed everything. The people around just stood there, doing nothing.

"Help! Call the fire department, please!" Sky screamed as she watched the only thing her parents had left her go up in flames.

End of Flashback

"Hey, you seem deep in thought," Kaye said, snapping Sky back to reality.

"I was just thinking about the twins," Sky replied. It was their first day of school, and earlier, her youngest had cried, refusing to go. Sky wondered how they were doing now.

To Be Continued...

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Other books by kristine mendoza

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Billionaire's The CEO Bedwarmer

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I'm here right now, standing outside the office, nervous about the outcome of my confession. What if he doesn't accept it? What if he doesn't like it? What about me? I don't know what to do. Finally, I decided to knock. "Come in," he said coldly. That's what I was afraid of. When I entered, I found him busy signing papers on his desk. "What are you doing here?" he asked without emotion, making me even more nervous. I wanted to turn around and leave to avoid the anxiety I felt, unsure of how to tell him why I was there. "I... I have something to say," I stuttered, and he glanced at me before returning his gaze to the papers. "What do you want to say? Please hurry, I'm busy," he said coldly. I took a deep breath before daring to speak. "B-because... what I'm pregnant," I stuttered, causing him to stop signing and look at me with no emotion. "So? What are you expecting from me?" he asked, making me cry, though I quickly wiped the tears away. I was nervous about what might happen next. "Because you're the father!" I said, mustering courage even though the truth was weakening me. "Then abort it," he said without emotion. I quickly approached him and slapped him. How dare he suggest aborting his own child? Was he heartless? "Are you stupid? You want to kill your own child?" I shouted at him after slapping him. "Are you sure it's mine?" he asked, leaving me confused. 'What does he mean by that?' I wondered, but I stayed silent, unsure of what he was implying. "Ohhhh, look at you. You're not even sure? So sad. What if it's not mine? You work at a bar, what if you're using your child to get money from me? You know, other women have come here with the same story," he insulted me, but I stayed quiet. I was certain this child in my womb was his. "Name your price, quickly. I have important things to do," he demanded. "What do you think I am? I'm not after your money, and my child doesn't need it," I insisted. "Then what do you want from me?" he asked, surprised. Did he not understand what I was trying to convey? "Take responsibility!" I demanded, without hesitation, though I feared what his answer might be. "What? Hell no!" he shouted, making me angrier. He liked it, then he didn't. What about my child? "No way, I have a girlfriend and I love her," he stated. Did that mean he wouldn't take responsibility? "What about me? And the child, please, I'm begging you," I pleaded. I didn't want my child to grow up without a father. "I don't care about you or your f*cking child. Get out of my office, or I'll call my bodyguard to drag you out," he threatened, and I knelt in front of him. "Please, I'm begging you. This is your child," I pleaded. I knew I looked desperate, but I was doing this for my child to have a father. "Are you deaf? I said---" he couldn't finish his sentence because a beautiful voice interrupted him. "Hi babe, I'm here," said the beautiful girl. As she approached, he looked at her with surprise. "Sorry, who are you? And why are you kneeling in front of my boyfriend?" she asked. I didn't have the courage to answer. What could I say? That I was begging her boyfriend to take responsibility? "Nothing, babe. She's just my employee, and she's kneeling because she made a mistake," Mr. Chavilier lied to his girlfriend. I was about to speak, but Mr. Chavilier shot me a look that could kill. "Babe, don't be too harsh on your employee," his girlfriend said while helping me stand up. I glanced at Mr. Chavilier, wondering if he still thought poorly of me. "You can leave now. Be careful next time," his girlfriend said. I wanted to speak about Mr. Chavilier's threat, but the way he looked at me silenced me. Even against my will, I left his office, but before doing so, I looked at Dedrick and spoke my final words.

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