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The Baneful Possession

The Baneful Possession

kristine mendoza


Many believe that those blessed with physical beauty are incredibly fortunate, but for a simple woman who only wishes to live a peaceful and normal life, beauty can be a curse-an extraordinary charm and beauty that the young woman never desired. Alyana is not only beautiful on the outside but also has a heart that is equally kind and good. She has never understood why people say her life is perfect, as it contrasts sharply with the hardships she endures. She lost a loved one in an unexpected event, and not a day goes by without her blaming herself for what happened. But what if she encounters a fearsome monster? Will her hope of living peacefully be completely shattered, or will she find the peace she seeks through the young man? Alejandro, a mysterious and powerful creature of the night, harbors a dark secret. He's drawn to Alyana's beauty, but he is also afraid of the beast within himself. Can Alejandro overcome his inner demons and embrace the love he so desperately craves? A tale of beauty and the beast, blending light and darkness, and finding love in unexpected places.

Chapter 1 The house

Chapter 1

Alyana stood silently in front of her mother's grave, her eyes swollen and her face flushed.

"Mother, why did you leave me? It hurts so much," she said, placing her finger near her heart as a single tear fell from her weary eyes. It seemed like she had cried all she could, and now only a few tears remained.

"It should have been me, not you. Mother, it was my fault. I should be the one lying there, not you," her hand trembled as she gently touched the engraved name of her departed mother on the tombstone.

"Mother, please take me with you. I want to be with you. I promise, Mother, even if we're there, we'll still look after Father. Mother, I'm begging you, just take me with you."

The young woman sat down beside the grave, resting her head on it, looking up at the sky. After a while, she heard someone calling her name.

"Alyana, my child?"

She sighed deeply and turned to see her father. "Father, I still want to be with Mother."

When her father finally reached her, he gently helped her stand up.

"Let's go, my child. You need to rest. You've been here for a while now. Look, your eyes are swollen."

"But Father-"

"Come on, your mother wouldn't be happy if she saw you crying non-stop. Let's go home, my child."

Alyana sighed once more, and before they left, she glanced back at the grave and bit her lip.

"I love you so much, Mother."

Alyana's Point of View

"Father, please let me stay here. I don't want to go to Manila. I don't want to leave Mother," I pleaded with my eyes, looking at him.

I had insisted on staying here in the province several times, but Father seemed determined not to agree.

"My child, this place is dangerous for you. As much as it pains us to leave the place where you were born, it's necessary."

Tears began to well up in my eyes again. "W-what about Mother? How can we visit her grave if we're so far away?"

"Don't worry, we'll come back for your mother. Losing her was heavy on my heart, but I can't show that to you. Alyana, I'm the only one you have now, and I can't let you see how deeply I'm hurting over what happened to your mother. As a father, it's my responsibility to ease the pain in your heart. I can't bear to see my only princess in such pain."

I hugged Father tightly and sobbed softly. I'll try. I'll try to be strong for you, Father.

When I pulled away from the hug, I immediately asked, "Are you sure about your decision? Will we be okay there?"

"You have nothing to worry about, my child. We'll be staying with an old friend of mine. He's a kind and helpful man. I'm sure we'll be safe there, especially you."

I don't know why, but my heart was pounding, and I had a bad feeling I couldn't explain.

For now, I'll trust Father. I hope... I hope we'll find peace there.

My eyes widened in awe as I looked at the towering buildings we passed by. It was so different from the province. There were hardly any trees in sight, mostly buildings. The city was beautiful; now I understand why my childhood friends would boast about their experiences whenever they visited the city.

Even though I was amazed by the surroundings, I didn't show it. They might think I'm just an ignorant girl from the province. I scratched my head, but that's the truth.

Father looked at me when I suddenly yawned. "Get some sleep, my child. The journey is long, and you'll probably get sleepy. I'll wake you up when we arrive."

I just nodded in response. I could already feel my eyelids getting heavy, and I was sure that in a few minutes, I'd fall asleep.

As Father said, he woke me up when we reached our destination.

"Alyana, my child, we're here. Get your things ready."

I looked at the large bag I was holding. I had another bag slung over my back, but it wasn't heavy. I only had a few things, so I wouldn't have trouble carrying them.

When I finally got out of the vehicle, a few people immediately approached us. They helped us with our things, including the large bag I had been holding earlier.

I looked up and gasped when I saw the entire house-mansion. It was huge and elegant. I used to only see houses like this in movies, but now it's right in front of me.

I hope I don't get lost in here.

Someone was approaching me, an older maid. Her gaze was fixed on my bag, and when she got closer, she asked for it.

"I'll take care of your bag, so I can put it in your room."

"Thank you."

The woman looked up and stared at my face in shock. I'm not sure, but I could see fear and anxiety in her expression, though awe was more evident.

"You're such a beautiful child, dear."

I smiled shyly because I didn't know how to respond.

The woman left with my bag and invited us inside. If the house looked beautiful and elegant from the outside, it was even more so inside. I wanted to pinch my own cheek to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

A man greeted us and hugged my father. This must be the Don Alessandro he mentioned. Although he was older, it didn't show in his physical appearance. He was still well-built and handsome. If Father hadn't told me that this man in front of us was his childhood friend, I would've thought he was only in his 30s. They were the same age, but if I were to compare, Don Alessandro was more handsome.

Don Alessandro turned his gaze to me, and I saw the surprise in his eyes. "Is she the daughter you were talking about, Reynaldo?"

"Yes, she is."

Nervous as I was, I managed to speak. "Good day, Don Alessandro."

"Don't call me Don, dear. Just call me Uncle, Uncle Sandro."

I nodded slowly. "I'll get used to calling you Uncle."

He looked at Father and grinned teasingly. "How can I believe that you are the biological father of this gorgeous girl? Pft Reynaldo, it seems she only got her eyes from you," and with that, he burst out laughing, patting Father's shoulder.

Father looked like the sky and earth had just fallen on him. "Stop it, Alessandro Salvatore. It's obvious she inherited her looks from my beloved wife."

I froze.

I felt tears welling up in my eyes again when I heard that and remembered my late mother. When Don Alessandro noticed, his face turned serious again.

"I'm sorry for your loss, Reynaldo," he then turned to me, "and also to you, Alyana."

For a moment, the three of us were silent until Don Alessandro-Uncle Sandro-spoke again.

"I know you're tired from the journey. Let's eat together. I've prepared a lot of food for you."

The Don walked ahead while my father and I followed behind him. We hadn't even fully reached their kitchen yet when the delicious aroma of the food being served hit us. I couldn't deny that I was already feeling hungry from the journey.

There were many lined-up servants, all standing at the side of the long table in front of us. There were plenty of vacant seats and a lot of dishes spread out on the table. Aren't they going to eat?

I nudged my father, who was standing right next to me, and whispered, "Aren't they going to eat?" I pointed to the servants at the side.

It seemed like the Don heard me, as he let out a soft laugh.

"Do you want them to join us, dear?"

Without thinking, I nodded.

"Alright then, Manang, join us here, all of you."

The servants looked at each other and didn't move from their positions until the Don spoke again, and only then did they approach the table.

I quietly devoured the food on my plate. It seemed like I would eat a lot today because almost everything on the table was my favorite. Silence enveloped the table until the Don broke it.

"Your name is Alyana Blierre, right, dear? Tell me if I'm mistaken."

I reached for the glass in front of me and took a sip before I spoke, "Yes, that's right."

I noticed that everyone was looking at me, which made me feel shy.

"How old are you again?"

"I'm just about to turn eight years old."

"Oh, I see..." He turned to my father, "Your arrival here is perfect. This place is ideal for her debut celebration."

My eyes widened at what I heard.

"Please don't go to any trouble. I'm okay with a simple celebration as long as I'm with my father, and you as well."

The Don smiled.

"Such a good child, quite different from your father when we were young."

"Don't ruin my reputation with my child, Sandro," my father said with a laugh, causing the Don to laugh as well.

"What? I'm just telling the truth, you were totally a brat when we were kids."

"That was then, I'm a decent person now."

The Don just shook his head and turned back to me.

"What grade are you in now, Alyana?"

"I'll be starting my first year of college this coming school year, Don."

"I told you, dear, stop calling me Don. Call me Tito or Daddy instead. You're family here."

I nodded slowly and continued eating, but after just three more bites, I paused again.

"I'll be the one to finance your education, dear. Reynaldo and I already discussed it, and the necessary papers have been prepared."

I looked at the Don in surprise, though still hesitant, and shook my head.

"I'm already grateful that you're letting my father and me stay here. It would be too much if you also took care of my education."

"No, Alyana, I've already made my decision. I'm not taking it back."

I didn't know what to say, feeling a mix of joy and nervousness. Joy because I could continue my studies, and nervousness because I couldn't imagine what my future would be like outside. I've been homeschooled since I started high school.

"This is an overwhelming help for me. Don't worry, once I get a job, I'll be the one to help you," I said in a lengthy speech and smiled warmly at him.

"Don't worry about that. I'm not asking for anything in return. Besides, I wasn't able to fulfill my role as your godfather years ago. This is Tito's way of making up for it. As for your safety, I'll take care of that as well."

My father was right; Don Alessandro is very kind. I'm now eager to meet his children. My father told me that he has two children, both older than me. I hope they're as kind as the Don.

To Be Continued...

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Other books by kristine mendoza

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Billionaire's The CEO Bedwarmer

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I'm here right now, standing outside the office, nervous about the outcome of my confession. What if he doesn't accept it? What if he doesn't like it? What about me? I don't know what to do. Finally, I decided to knock. "Come in," he said coldly. That's what I was afraid of. When I entered, I found him busy signing papers on his desk. "What are you doing here?" he asked without emotion, making me even more nervous. I wanted to turn around and leave to avoid the anxiety I felt, unsure of how to tell him why I was there. "I... I have something to say," I stuttered, and he glanced at me before returning his gaze to the papers. "What do you want to say? Please hurry, I'm busy," he said coldly. I took a deep breath before daring to speak. "B-because... what I'm pregnant," I stuttered, causing him to stop signing and look at me with no emotion. "So? What are you expecting from me?" he asked, making me cry, though I quickly wiped the tears away. I was nervous about what might happen next. "Because you're the father!" I said, mustering courage even though the truth was weakening me. "Then abort it," he said without emotion. I quickly approached him and slapped him. How dare he suggest aborting his own child? Was he heartless? "Are you stupid? You want to kill your own child?" I shouted at him after slapping him. "Are you sure it's mine?" he asked, leaving me confused. 'What does he mean by that?' I wondered, but I stayed silent, unsure of what he was implying. "Ohhhh, look at you. You're not even sure? So sad. What if it's not mine? You work at a bar, what if you're using your child to get money from me? You know, other women have come here with the same story," he insulted me, but I stayed quiet. I was certain this child in my womb was his. "Name your price, quickly. I have important things to do," he demanded. "What do you think I am? I'm not after your money, and my child doesn't need it," I insisted. "Then what do you want from me?" he asked, surprised. Did he not understand what I was trying to convey? "Take responsibility!" I demanded, without hesitation, though I feared what his answer might be. "What? Hell no!" he shouted, making me angrier. He liked it, then he didn't. What about my child? "No way, I have a girlfriend and I love her," he stated. Did that mean he wouldn't take responsibility? "What about me? And the child, please, I'm begging you," I pleaded. I didn't want my child to grow up without a father. "I don't care about you or your f*cking child. Get out of my office, or I'll call my bodyguard to drag you out," he threatened, and I knelt in front of him. "Please, I'm begging you. This is your child," I pleaded. I knew I looked desperate, but I was doing this for my child to have a father. "Are you deaf? I said---" he couldn't finish his sentence because a beautiful voice interrupted him. "Hi babe, I'm here," said the beautiful girl. As she approached, he looked at her with surprise. "Sorry, who are you? And why are you kneeling in front of my boyfriend?" she asked. I didn't have the courage to answer. What could I say? That I was begging her boyfriend to take responsibility? "Nothing, babe. She's just my employee, and she's kneeling because she made a mistake," Mr. Chavilier lied to his girlfriend. I was about to speak, but Mr. Chavilier shot me a look that could kill. "Babe, don't be too harsh on your employee," his girlfriend said while helping me stand up. I glanced at Mr. Chavilier, wondering if he still thought poorly of me. "You can leave now. Be careful next time," his girlfriend said. I wanted to speak about Mr. Chavilier's threat, but the way he looked at me silenced me. Even against my will, I left his office, but before doing so, I looked at Dedrick and spoke my final words.

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a famous jet ski rider and a successful businessman. Tons of women are crazy and obsessed over him. He has reached the peak of his dreams, to the point where they seem almost unattainable. Even though many women are captivated by him, he’s not interested in any of them. He just wants to have sex, and that's it—no commitments, no drama, just sex, nothing more. All women are fascinated by his muscular, hard, and huge physique. He stands tall and handsome, a look no one can resist. Plus, his charisma is off the charts. His dark, cold, expressionless eyes can captivate every woman he looks at. But aside from that, he has a gorgeous and simple best friend: Luna Quinn Ferrer, a young lawyer. She’s simple yet stunning, soft and caring—the reason why he can’t forget about her. Then one night, there was a party, and she happened to be invited. She accidentally drank the wrong alcohol, which was mixed with a drug that made her body heat up. Unexpectedly, she became wild and unstoppable, seducing him with her gorgeous body—an innocent girl turned into a wild, seductive goddess. He was there to guide and watch her every move, ensuring no one else touched her. But when she begged him to touch her, his patience burst like a bubble. He touched her, licked and sucked, and even had sex with her. He was praising her all night. The next morning, he woke up to find her gone. He searched for her for days until he finally found her. She told him that she wasn’t ready for a commitment, which was exactly what he wanted too. He assured her that he had no feelings for her, which was a lie. She believed him, which is why she agreed to be his friend
 with benefits. They enjoyed themselves every time they did “it.” But what if she finds out she’s pregnant with his child? What will she do? Will she tell her “friend”? But what if a woman from his past returns, introducing herself as his ex-fiance? What if she discovers they still have a connection, despite their so-called “friendship” with extra activities? Will Luna Quinn Ferrer distance herself and hide their child, or will she fight for her feelings for Khaizer Javier, even though someone from his past has returned?

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