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Fooling the CEO

Fooling the CEO



Emma Hampton is sold by his abusive father ever since life removed her from innocence. Growing up, she didn't experience the life of being a child; playing with barbie dolls was not her game because she was the one who was being played with. Mistreated, misplaced and violated, that was her life all throughout. But not until she gained her strength and pulled herself up and learned how to fight back. A huge amount of money is placed into her head after she was sold to Elijah Koch, the CEO of high-end hotels in the country. With Emma manifesting the plan inside her head, she tried to fool the CEO to get her revenge. She wanted out, she wanted freedom, and all she wants is for the people who mistreated her to suffer. But all these things will not fall into her plan. Can she fool the CEO? Or will she just be fooling herself?

Chapter 1 Prologue

Back then, I thought the world was big. It's so big that I can't reach the stars and the sky; they can all be reached just by my eyes. It seems that everything I think is impossible; everything is so far beyond the reach of the mind and not of one's own ability.

I watched the tall skyscrapers rush to reach the sky. The city is well lit, but my heart is still stuck in this black hole.

"Ms. Hampton."

I stopped thinking when my driver called me. I looked at him and he stared at me from the rear mirror. Has he been calling me? I seem to have lost myself for a while.


"Mr. Anderson called. He's asking for you, he's waiting for you for dinner. "

I gritted my teeth as I heard that name. It's been months now, but I'm still full of anger and disgust. I let out a deep breath. If he wasn't one of his men, I would have uttered an insulting word about him now.

"Tell him, I'm on my way home," I simply said.

"Shall I also tell him where you went today?" the driver asked.

My brows furrowed. My heart thumped in chaos, but I made sure he wouldn't notice that. I saw him glance at me again.

"Of course. No need to ask for my permission, Sibal. He's your boss," I uttered in a monotone voice.

He just nodded lightly. Of course, I'm not a fool to just give him the smooth railway. He knew anything about me, including my day-to-day whereabouts. So I'm sure he definitely knows about my meeting with Angelo today.

That's why as soon as the elevator opened, I immediately saw his angry face. I remained stoned face as my heels clacked along the hallway of his pad. Fire almost came out of his nose as he stopped in front of me.

"Where have you been?" he asked with restraint.

I smirked, "Didn't Sibal tell you? It's impossible for you to not know. "

"I'm waiting for you here for this goddamn dinner, which I told you this fucking morning! Only for me to find out that you're out with that mother fucker!? "

I saw his fist clenched to his sides. Veins popped out in his arms as he did that. He's mad, and I'm making fun of it.

"Didn't I tell you not to meet that man!?" He burst out.

My lips protruded as I looked at him with amusement in my eyes.

"I'm sorry, mister. You're not the boss of me," I said this sarcastically.

I stepped so that I could leave him, but before I could even do that, he grabbed my wrist to stop me. I gasped. I gripped my handbag tightly and remained calm, even though he was about to burst into rage.

"I own you, Emma. You are fucking mine. Only mine," he said emphatically.

His warm breath smells like whiskey; it hits my face getting colder now. I shifted my position and brought my palm into his rough jaw, feeling the spikes in his stubble.

"You own my body, not me Elijah." I whispered and kissed the side of his lips.

I lost hold of him because he seemed to be weakening, but he recovered quickly.

"Ahh!" I screamed when I felt the hard and cold concrete on my back.

He pinned me in there and pressed his body into mine.

"What about what happened to us last night? This morning? I thought we were okay, huh!? "

I groaned when his grip tightened.

"Oh! Don't be such a pussy, Elijah! We just fucked! Why are you making this a big deal huh!? "

"Just fuck !?" He turned to me intensely.

"Bullshit!" He shouted and let go of me.

He lost his grip on me and I breathed fast as I stared at his shoulder that was rapidly rising and falling. He brushed his hair with his fingers and proceeded to palm his face, dumbfounded.

"After all what I've said to you last night !? I call bullshit on that, Emma! "

I smirked and did not bother to fix my skirt. Soon that smirk became a chuckle and a faint laugh. He stared at me like I'm some sort of a puzzle he couldn't understand.

"You are such a fool, Elijah." I chuckled.

His brows furrowed. I stepped forward so I could be near him again.

"On the sixteenth day of September, the day that I made my plan... I told you I'll make you pay for this." I uttered with no mercy.

His eyes blinked as he's trying to understand me.

"I'm not sold on you, mister. But you called for a war in exchange for those millions. " I again explained.

"What?" he asked, confused.

I reached for the papers inside my bag and threw it on his face. The papers flew everywhere, and all he could do was watch those papers fall onto the cold floor of his pad.

"You think you brought me? Then I guess you're paying now. "

I smirked.

The elevator tinged and men in uniforms got in to get him. He looked at me, confused with pain in his eyes.

This game is over now. Fooling the CEO is a success plan.

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Other books by mheixccc

One Night with the Alpha

One Night with the Alpha



I woke up like itā€™s just another day. I opened my eyes and somehow everything feels right. I did have a good nightā€™s sleep, Iā€™m so tired that I feel like Iā€™m sound asleep tonight. I turned to the left and hugged my pillow. I have a class today and in the afternoon I have to go to the restaurant for my duty. Oh my, speaking of my duty. I opened my eyes widely thinking about what happened yesterday. I don't even know if I can still do restaurant duty. I was right when I heard what I heard loudly. I turned back to the right to pick up my cellphone but before I could even see my cellphone I heard a deep voice. ā€Yes. Furnish it and provide anything thatā€™s needed. ā€ My eyes widened as I saw him standing and leaning on the sink holding a cup of coffee. His wide chest and bars on his stomach is greeting my hella morning. What the fuck? How could I forget that I had someone with me? One of his hands was busy holding the phone while one of his hands was holding my single white mug, he sipped into while staring at me. I looked at his eyes down to his lips, his neck, his chest and on his packs. I would have continued to look down if he hadn't spoken again. "Alright." He ended the call and casually placed the cellphone on my small desk. My eyes widen as I slowly get up to sit on the bed, I donā€™t want to talk because my breath might smell terrible knowing that I just woke up! He slowly approached me I thought he was going straight but he picked up the brown paper bag on top of the desk and someone took it from there. Itā€™s a dress shirt, again. Only now did I realize that someone else was wearing his slacks because they were ironed and fixed. Did someone came in here or what? Why did I wake up so late? Oh Lord! "Pack all of your things and you should be done at the end of the day." He said with a tone of finality. "W-what?" I gasped. I look at him tiredly looking like a mess as my gaze follows him. He seems to be in a hurry. ā€I found some good place for you. Much convenient, comfortable andā€¦ ā€he stopped and looked around. "Nice than this." I snapped at what he said. ā€What? No! ā€ Now he wears his neck tie. Before he continue doing that he looked at me in the eye and uttered. "Yes." He turned his back on me and took his belongings. ā€œIā€™m not leaving this place! I just moved in here! ā€ I still complained. I can only see his bare back. As I finally got up from my bed and didn't care how upset I looked. He turned his gaze back to me, I saw he was fixing the definitely expensive watch on his wrist. "Just do as I told." He said and picked up the phone and wallet on the desk. I can't be bothered because he seems to be leaving without us even having a good conversation. My heart sunk when I saw that he donā€™t have any interest of telling me what the hell is happening. I will leave my apartment like for what, seriously? His shoulders went up and down, I think it's because of his heavy breathing. A few more seconds before he looked at my direction now holding his things with his hands. His eyes are serious and my eyes are almost begging him to give me the information that Iā€™m asking. Our conversation last night appeared somewhere in my head. That's when I realized I was talking to someone else last night and I'm talking to someone else today. They are way more different. This guy, is someone that I wouldnā€™t want to talk to. Heā€™s cold, heā€™s rude, manipulative andā€¦ heartless. "This filthy place won't do good for someone who'll bear my child." he uttered with a cold slashing tone. I pursed my mouth looking at his dull eyes. His use of vocabulary made me want to just shut my mouth. Filthy, yes. ā€In order for you to be worthy of me, you need to at least have a good place to stay in. Bear my child in a healthy place, so my grands will be worth it. ā€ I gulped the pressure in my throat. My eyes watered because of what he said. I feel a dagger being thrust into my chest every word he says. "What?" he asked with a ruthless smirk in his face. I blinked and tried to stop my breathing because anytime I feel like bursting. ā€Your ready made coffee even taste like shit. That explains how shitty this place is. ā€ I gritted my teeth and looked at his cold eyes. Because I want to memorize every part of it. I want to remember every single thing about him, remember how he stoop so low of me and how confident and rude he is. He raised an eyebrow and cocked his head to the other side probably saying what Iā€™m staring at. I averted my gaze and held back the tears that dripped down my face. I swallowed all the resentment and remembered what my position was in the set up we both had. Right, Iā€™m just his surrogate whoā€™ll bear his child and that was it. He walked to my direction, nearer that before. I only looked at his feet because I didn't want to see his bad behavior. But when he touched my chin again, I couldn't help but look at him. This time Iā€™m sure he just saw the pool of tears in my eyes. It seems l

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Fooling the CEO

Chapter 1 Prologue



Chapter 2 The girl who cried for help



Chapter 3 Fear



Chapter 4 I want her in this lifetime



Chapter 5 Own you



Chapter 6 Gold



Chapter 7 Anytime. Anywhere.



Chapter 8 Hire



Chapter 9 She, who he remembers



Chapter 10 Can't Talk



Chapter 11 Conditions



Chapter 12 Sorry



Chapter 13 Plan of Seduction



Chapter 14 Mall



Chapter 15 Goodnight



Chapter 16 Dispose



Chapter 17 Will never do that



Chapter 18 My girl



Chapter 19 Are you Jealous Mr. Anderson



Chapter 20 Cousin



Chapter 21 Warning



Chapter 22 Fiery



Chapter 23 Crave for my kisses



Chapter 24 Drown



Chapter 25 Baby, you know I'm weak to that



Chapter 26 Vote goes to you



Chapter 27 Beautiful



Chapter 28 Sex Slave



Chapter 29 Kiss me



Chapter 30 Can you stay



Chapter 31 I want you, Elijah



Chapter 32 Used and Abused



Chapter 33 He's not interested



Chapter 34 What's with the moaning



Chapter 35 Yummy



Chapter 36 Give me my kisses



Chapter 37 Messed Up



Chapter 38 His girl denied him



Chapter 39 You own me



Chapter 40 Show me no mercy, sir.
