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Inlove with the Surrogate

Inlove with the Surrogate



People who fuck for convenience. That's the supposed set up. Hugh Rockwell pays her dime in return of bearing his child. Angel Brook who desperately needs thousands of grands in order to make a living. That's the supposed set up. Surrogacy. A legal arrangement whereby a woman agrees to bear a child. That's the supposed set up. But that's not it, this is not the surrogacy sht anymore. The martyr Angel who always saves also needs the saving, and only one person could do that in the harsh world she's at. He looks at her from afar, while she cries, he wept. While she's in pain he's tearing into pieces. While she falling for other man, he falls more of her. He's the boss, and he is Angel's salvation.

Chapter 1 Left with no choice

Angel's POV


I was in the middle of sipping my favorite black coffee when I heard the mail man outside my door. It's been a stressful day for me since I pulled out all nighter because of my requirements for my major subject. As stressful as hell week may sound, I just have to go through the process since the final exam is coming.

Huston University is such a dream for every college student, and yes, I'm currently admitted there. So who am I to complain about how hard college is? For me, I just want to focus on finishing my degree since I know how blessed I am to be a part of it.

I stood up immediately to get the mail wondering what it was. I'm waiting for an important email so I'm quite enthusiastic about getting it. I picked up the white envelope on the steps outside my door and quickly ripped it open.

"Please settle your account so you will be able to take your final examination." I uttered, reading the letter from my university. My eyes scrolled automatically on the digits under it and to my surprise, my mouth hangs open.

"10 grand?" I gasped.

I bit my lip and can't help but to feel weak seeing my account. Before someone could even see me looking like a low bear outside I entered my room and sat on my single bed still looking at the blinding digits. I read it for the second time until It gets into my system.

I sighed and removed my eye glass. I palmed my face because of worry. Last time, I just wrote a promissory note because I don't want to ask for Brook's Money. The fact that they are the ones who adopted me, and chose to send me into my dream school is a debt already. Now that I know I'm not a kid anymore and can do something to pay my own bills, it will be a shame for me to ask for their money.

For me, their help is enough. I am forever grateful for their help in reaching my dreams. From the innocent child who did not know anything about this world, whose mind is enclosed into the walls of the orphanage I came from, now here I am. And so, it is just right for me to stop asking and bothering them to pay for the last two years of my degree.

"What do I do?" I whispered to myself and grunted more while thinking the impossible.

I closed my eyes tightly and searched my mind for ways I could do just to pay my tuition now but seem to have run out of ways I know. I started to panic and have anxieties thinking about my final examination.

"Should I just stop going to college?", I said to myself without thinking. "No!" I shake my head and bring myself up to my bed's headboard.

Wake up Angel, there's still a lot of ways to solve this. I breathed in and out thrice composing myself. I picked out my phone and called Molly- my best friend. She used to be my classmate before but after she got into some serious family problems, she decided not to go and just work. I know she's busy with her work but I still called her, after a few more rings she answered.

"What's up?", she answered.

"I need your help."

"What help?" I rolled my eyes lightly with her cold voice. She's such a tomboy but a heart breaker of our circle.

"Do you perhaps know some part time jobs?" My voice is getting smaller, couldn't even finish my sentence because she'll probably scold the shit out of me.

"What now? Last time you asked me this, you said you need to pay for your thesis? Didn't I lend you some? I told you that you should just tell the Brook's that you need money for college. Didn't they send you there in the first place?"

I sighed and grabbed a handful of my hair because of her outburst. I understand her, but I think she couldn't understand me. I am not in the mood to explain myself to her again because my concern as of the moment is to look for ways so I can pay for this goddamn semester.

"Just tell me Molly, please." I said with a monotone voice.

She didn't speak for seconds and I heard her sigh afterwards. She knows where I'm coming from and even if she scolds me, I know I always got her back.

"I don't know, Angel. You know that I'm planning to leave this bar because of how low their wages are. You might get worn out before you could even pay your tuition."

The disappointment in her voice is evident. She's working as a waitress in 'this' bar and I know how much she hates working there.

"Though, I heard from my boss last night about this surrogacy thing."

My forehead furrowed. Because even if I'm unfamiliar with 'that' word it still rings a bell inside my head.

"Surrogacy?" I asked.

"Yes. But, hell no. I know you're gonna decline it anyways. Considering your personality and all-" I couldn't mind all that she's saying because I'm just too focused on the thought of looking for that 10 grand right away.

"What is surrogacy?"

"You don't know it? You will bear a child for 9 months and before, during and after birth. Viola! Easy money."

I bit my lips. It sounds terrifying for me, but there is something inside me to push through this. Maybe because I'm in a concrete and caught lock situation where I wouldn't have a choice of saying no and will just keep on trying any ways I can.

"Is that even legit?"

"As far as I know, yes. I've read it before and got to know some women who do surrogacy."

"Then why didn't you do it?"

"If only I can, Angel. You knew that one of my ovaries was gone. Fvck this hysterectomy sh*t."

I stood up to open my windows so I could get some fresh air. I can't seem to function in everything that she's saying. Surrogacy? Ovaries? What the hell? I just want to pay for my semester!

"You can fit in that maybe. You don't have any background about that, and you seem healthy growing up with Brook's guidance. So yeah, either you tell them about your bills or get pregnant being a virgin and earn a lot of grand, baby.", she teased me more.

We talked more for a while catching things up, but throughout our conversation and until I laid on my bed at night I couldn't help but to think about the things she told me.

Do I really have to go this far just so I can pay for college? Why can't I just have the guts to tell the Brook's that I need the 10 grand right away?

But they've been so good to me. And I know the situation of their business as of the moment is rocky. I don't want to cause more problems. And besides, I'm In debt since I was young.

Due to the unending pressure in my mind, even staying up all night did me no good. And so in the middle of the night, I picked up my phone and typed a message for Molly.

To Molly:

Can I have the details about the surrogacy? And their contact if ever.

That's it. God knows how many times I deleted my message just so I can sound professional and not sound so pressured. I'm ashamed about this work but I can't think of anything else.

But what about college? I'll get pregnant while going to school? Is that even okay? What about-

My thoughts stopped when my phone lighted up into my chest. Molly replied right away, my chest rattled reading her message.

From Molly:

Are you really doing this? Send your resume to the Huston XXX building. That's what my boss told me. He even asked me if I'm gonna apply and taunted me with great deals. As if. If only I can, duh. He said I can earn a 100 grand just for a single baby? That's out of my nuts. If you ever get into them, 10 grand is no big deal at all!

Even through text I can hear a sarcastic voice. In other times, I might have teased her but right now, my eyes are fixated on the address.

Surrogacy. Can this work for me?

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Other books by mheixccc

One Night with the Alpha

One Night with the Alpha



I woke up like it’s just another day. I opened my eyes and somehow everything feels right. I did have a good night’s sleep, I’m so tired that I feel like I’m sound asleep tonight. I turned to the left and hugged my pillow. I have a class today and in the afternoon I have to go to the restaurant for my duty. Oh my, speaking of my duty. I opened my eyes widely thinking about what happened yesterday. I don't even know if I can still do restaurant duty. I was right when I heard what I heard loudly. I turned back to the right to pick up my cellphone but before I could even see my cellphone I heard a deep voice. ”Yes. Furnish it and provide anything that’s needed. ” My eyes widened as I saw him standing and leaning on the sink holding a cup of coffee. His wide chest and bars on his stomach is greeting my hella morning. What the fuck? How could I forget that I had someone with me? One of his hands was busy holding the phone while one of his hands was holding my single white mug, he sipped into while staring at me. I looked at his eyes down to his lips, his neck, his chest and on his packs. I would have continued to look down if he hadn't spoken again. "Alright." He ended the call and casually placed the cellphone on my small desk. My eyes widen as I slowly get up to sit on the bed, I don’t want to talk because my breath might smell terrible knowing that I just woke up! He slowly approached me I thought he was going straight but he picked up the brown paper bag on top of the desk and someone took it from there. It’s a dress shirt, again. Only now did I realize that someone else was wearing his slacks because they were ironed and fixed. Did someone came in here or what? Why did I wake up so late? Oh Lord! "Pack all of your things and you should be done at the end of the day." He said with a tone of finality. "W-what?" I gasped. I look at him tiredly looking like a mess as my gaze follows him. He seems to be in a hurry. ”I found some good place for you. Much convenient, comfortable and… ”he stopped and looked around. "Nice than this." I snapped at what he said. ”What? No! ” Now he wears his neck tie. Before he continue doing that he looked at me in the eye and uttered. "Yes." He turned his back on me and took his belongings. “I’m not leaving this place! I just moved in here! ” I still complained. I can only see his bare back. As I finally got up from my bed and didn't care how upset I looked. He turned his gaze back to me, I saw he was fixing the definitely expensive watch on his wrist. "Just do as I told." He said and picked up the phone and wallet on the desk. I can't be bothered because he seems to be leaving without us even having a good conversation. My heart sunk when I saw that he don’t have any interest of telling me what the hell is happening. I will leave my apartment like for what, seriously? His shoulders went up and down, I think it's because of his heavy breathing. A few more seconds before he looked at my direction now holding his things with his hands. His eyes are serious and my eyes are almost begging him to give me the information that I’m asking. Our conversation last night appeared somewhere in my head. That's when I realized I was talking to someone else last night and I'm talking to someone else today. They are way more different. This guy, is someone that I wouldn’t want to talk to. He’s cold, he’s rude, manipulative and… heartless. "This filthy place won't do good for someone who'll bear my child." he uttered with a cold slashing tone. I pursed my mouth looking at his dull eyes. His use of vocabulary made me want to just shut my mouth. Filthy, yes. ”In order for you to be worthy of me, you need to at least have a good place to stay in. Bear my child in a healthy place, so my grands will be worth it. ” I gulped the pressure in my throat. My eyes watered because of what he said. I feel a dagger being thrust into my chest every word he says. "What?" he asked with a ruthless smirk in his face. I blinked and tried to stop my breathing because anytime I feel like bursting. ”Your ready made coffee even taste like shit. That explains how shitty this place is. ” I gritted my teeth and looked at his cold eyes. Because I want to memorize every part of it. I want to remember every single thing about him, remember how he stoop so low of me and how confident and rude he is. He raised an eyebrow and cocked his head to the other side probably saying what I’m staring at. I averted my gaze and held back the tears that dripped down my face. I swallowed all the resentment and remembered what my position was in the set up we both had. Right, I’m just his surrogate who’ll bear his child and that was it. He walked to my direction, nearer that before. I only looked at his feet because I didn't want to see his bad behavior. But when he touched my chin again, I couldn't help but look at him. This time I’m sure he just saw the pool of tears in my eyes. It seems l

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