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yoona seoltang


This story revolves around the Life of a young adult in her early twenties who has dreamt of nothing but freedom to live her own will, but later realizes life isn't all that it seems. With no way back, let's see how she forges her way ahead in the storms of life.

Chapter 1 Early Life Of Ummi Abubakar Kimberly

It was the tenth birthday of the first and only child of the Abubakar's. Born of a Christian mother and a Muslim father, ummi was taught both the ways of the christians and Muslims and for a fact they served on true God. Ummi worshipped with her father in the mosque on Fridays and in church with her mum on Sundays. None had any issue with the arrangements and made a promise to let Ummi decide her choice of religion when she turned 14. This promise stood until Ummi turned twelve.

Ummi had just graduated into junior high school when her mum and dad had an fight over the fact that ummi should become a muslim. Both her parents had gone to see her paternal grandmother who Ummi called Máa, when Máa raised a topic about Ummi being old enough to become a muslim as her father was also a muslim. Ummi's mother had tried to explain to Máa about the promise Ummi's father had made but Máa had shut her up.

Máa had never liked ummi's mother even before Ummi was born. She disliked ummi's mother for the fact that she was a non-native and also a christian, this Ummi's father knew but decided to turn a blind eye as Máa was his mother. After much arguments it was decided that Ummi became a Muslim which everyone obeyed.

During Ummi's stay in junior high school ummi had a crush on a classmate of her's called Israel. Ummi liked Israel for his looks, height, colour and aura. Israel was the cutest and most handsome guy in Ummi's junior high school, girls always yearned for his attention and looked for ways to speak with him. This Ummi never did as it seemed totally impossible for her to get his attention. Years passed Ummi was never noticed but Ummi's feelings for Israel kept growing. Although she could never get close to him but her heart was content just by staring at him from afar. Israel dated lots of girls and Ummi had no boyfriend, she was like a loyal wife from afar, no matter what he did, her feelings for him never changed instead it grew.

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