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The Billionaire CEO's Unplanned Obsession

The Billionaire CEO's Unplanned Obsession

Audrey Karl


"When a broken-hearted girl has a one-night stand with a powerful CEO, she never expects to see him again. But fate has other plans. After a shocking pregnancy and a devastating loss, she finds herself in his sights once more. This time, he's determined to make her his. Can she resist his charms, or will his unplanned obsession become her greatest love?"

Chapter 1 THE TWIST


"Ahh, yes, harder!"

I moan in raptorous delight as my body is being pounded into mercilessly. The sounds of our private parts slapping against each other fills the room and turns me on even more. I don't know how we reached this point, because I'm drunk but I don't care. I've decided to let myself go today. My moans and that of the man using his big member to drill into me is the only thing I can focus on.

His mouth on my neck. My ear. My breasts. I moan, digging my fingers into his back. He kisses me, biting my lip a second time. I make a strange noise. It's strangled sounding. I feel this coiling inside me. This tightening. I'm going to come again. It's going to happen. I've never come twice with a guy before.

Ready?" he asks me.

For what? Ready for... I want to ask him but I can't, so instead I nod. His eyes are on mine. He's using one arm to take his weight. He's using the other to hold one of my legs up higher. Then he starts moving. Hard punchy thrusts that take my breath away from the word go. My mouth falls open. I don't expect it, but the coiling is back.

The tightening. The urgency. The need. At first, I can't make so much as a sound. I can't do anything but gape. My eyes are wide and on his. His face is strained but beautiful. So beautiful. His eyes are on me. I can't look away. When I start breathing again, it's ragged. Like I can't get enough air. My fingers grip his shoulders tighter. My legs grip him tighter too. I'm groaning. I'm making some other noise. I can't stop. I'm loud. I don't usually make this much noise, if at all. I can't help it. The coiling. The tightening. I'm there.

Right there.

"Fuck,..!" I curse out "...fuck, fuck, fuck!"

"Oh..." he growls. "Emma" It's a deep rasp. "Oh...Emma." i wonder hiw he Knows my name.

I see a flicker of something in his eyes. An emotion.That and him saying my name...it has me spiraling out of control. He grunts, pulling my leg up higher. He's jerking into me. Saying my name again. I think I might curse some more. I'm not sure. I definitely say his name as well. I orgasm for a long time. He finally slows, easing in and out of me. Then he buries his face in my breasts. We're both panting hard. The last thing I remember is seeing a blurry face lean over, then I fall asleep.


"Ahh! Oh my God!" I shriek in alarm as I woke up naked and in bed with a strange man, the man was still asleep. Timidly, I kicked him off the bed using my feet. He fell to the ground with a thud. Slowly, I inched off the bed, the blanket wrapped around my body. The man slowly came around.

"W..wh..who are you and..what am I doing here?" I questioned him.

He looked at me with a confused look on his face, his blonde bed hair gave him an adorable appearance.

"What do you mean" he asked in a raspy voice, his eyes looked cold.

"I..I. Mean what am I doing here naked with you?" I squeaked. Then suddenly, it all came to me, I was drunk last night because my boyfriend if three years had broken up with me and cheated on me with my cousin.

"Oh no," I covered my face in shame. What have I done. This was why I never drank.

"Erm, look mister yesterday was a mistake. Okay? I didn't mean it, I'm sorry...but bye" I quickly apologized and ran out with the blanket and my clothes in my hands. Luckily, I found a bathroom where I changed back into my clothes.


"What! You had a one nightstand? With a stranger?"

"Yes, please stop reminding me" I groaned out in embarrassment under my blanket, as Jenny Clark, my best friend who I lived with stared at me in shock.

"Well, forgive me but this is way too shocking. You the miss-too-reserved had a one nightstand with a stranger" she squealed.

"I know, I'm so ashamed. I was so drunk and so I didn't know what I was doing"

"Its okay, so tell me. How was he?, was he good?, did you orgasm? How many times did you orgasm? Tell me all the juicy details." her eyes were shining with curiosity.

"I don't know. Stop making me remember. I ran out immediately I apologized to him."

"Come on, you needed some excitement in your life after what that bastard has done to you" she spoke solemnly.

"Yes," I nodded in agreement. "But I don't think I will ever find love again."

"Hey! Don't let that bastard make you becone the worse of yourself" she clasped my hands in hers. "You deserve to be happy"

"Thank you, Jenny"


"No! How could this happen? Why me?" I sobbed out as I sat down in front of a restaurant clutching and envelope. I had just been fired from my job without any reason. I was a diligent worker so what happened. It had been three weeks since that incident with that man and I had already forgotten about it but life had decided to throw another hurdle my way.

"Well, well. If it isn't my dear old ex" a mocking voice sounded above me. I raised my head to see Pascal Smith, my ex boyfriend with his hands wrapped around my cousin Samantha. The two of them had evil smirks on their faces.

"...Pascal" I gasped.

"Are you stalking me?" I shook my head no. "Good. Have you received the good news from your boss"

I frowned in confusion, he clicked his tongue at me, "She doesn't know?"

"Babe" Samantha whined, "...tell her already, don't keep her waiting"

"Sure, I told him to fire you. Yes me. Since I'm also a sponsor of the company, your boss has to listen to me." He grinned.

"It was you? But why?" I cried out, tears ran down my face. "All, I ever did was to love you both, why do this just to hurt me?"

"I never loved you. You don't deserve to be happy. I can't have my ex girlfriend working in my company."

Then they left me crying as I sat there. People saw me crying but no one made to help me, figures. Suddenly my phone rang.

"Hey Jenny" I tried to sound normal.

"...Hey" her voice sounded hesitant not chatty like Jenny at all.

"What's up".

"Umm, Emma do you remember the test you took a week ago?"

"Yeah, what does it say" I had a bad feeling.

"Well...Emma, it says....it says you are pregnant"

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