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Victoria is like your everyday Single Nigerian lady struggling to make ends meet and survive, until she turns to suicide,after succeeding successful, she wakes up again to discover she's in the body of Julia Nelson, the daughter of James Nelson the billionaire Ceo and owner of Choco luxe beverages nation wide, she faces challenges as she adjust to this new body and identity, and also her half sister is out to get her in any step she makes, follow Julia as she fights for a better life and triumphs over all obstacles.

Chapter 1 Victoria

Victoria woke up with a sigh on her lips, another day to die, why is it so damn hard to die in this miserable country, can't someone just die in peace.

she got brushed her teeth, showered and went to her wardrobe, she found her beige gown, brushed her hair touched her lips and face, added the few accessories she has, and sprayed her cheapest perfume she bought for 700 naira, and walked out of her one room self contain she lives in.

she walked past her neighbors, she didn't greet anybody she did not talk to any of them, when went straight to the bustop.

she got to the bustop and stood there for 10 minutes, thinking of different ways to end her life, and she finally decided to die by drowning.

tho she can swim ,she figured that the wave of the ocean can drown her or pull her somewhere far where the creatures of the sea will fight to have a pound of her flesh.

she decided on going to the third mainland bridge, the longest bridge in africa, she got on the bus and said where she was going.

she got to the bridge and came down from the bus.

she stood by the railings of the bridge and said

"God am coming, please don't bring me to this world again am tired, please don't.

and then she jumped with a smile on her face, and then everything went quite........


A hospital heart monitor was beeping and a beautiful young lady was lying on the hospital bed beside it

Uhhhh why is it so bright,

and where the hell am I,

she looked around the room, it's a beautiful single ward room big enough to size her entire apartment.

Nahhh I can't pay for this, am sure this ward will be expensive" she thought.

can't I just die in peace, who saved my life?

I just want to be left alone to die.

I need to leave this place, am sure the bill will be so so high.

she was still talking to herself when the hospital ward was opened from the outside, And a Doctor and a nurse entered the ward.

"Oh you're awake? that's good I'll inform your parents, my name is doctor Matthew, and this is nurse chioma, we were both assigned to you by your family, to take care of your till you're healthy again".

"do you feel any pain or headache in any part of your body?" the doctor asked.

"wait what? who is Julia, family?

"what family, since when did I have a family? " she thought inwardly.

"Am sorry doctor but my name is not Julia , my name is Victoria " she said.

the doctor and nurse became confused and asked?

"miss Julia are you alright, do you remember who your are?" he asks

he started checking her pulse, opening her eyes and checking her heartbeat.

"you're fine physically buts what's wrong? " he asked.

"What date is it today, and where am I?" Victoria and.

"Today's date is October 20th 2021 " the nurse answered.

Wait October?

I thought I died August 18 2021?

"Wait it's already two months since I jumped off that bridge? " Victoria thought.

how is that possible?

and why do they keep calling me Julia,

who's is this Julia?.

"please can I have a mirror? " she asked.

"sure " answered the nurse

she brought out a pocket mirror and gave it to Victoria.

Victoria collected the mirror and looked at herself.

"Ahhhhhhhh, ahhhhhh " Victoria screamed.

what the hell,

where is my face? she asked,

no no no no his can't be happening,

"I must be dreaming? "she thought inwardly.

"if I am Julia then where is my body?"

she removed the IV from her hand and got up from the bed and realized she can't feel her legs,

and she asked he doctor,

"Doctor what happened to me?"

"you where in a car accident, you remember?,

"you were driving back from a club with your friends and your car was hit by truck" he said.

"okay a car accident ? no wonder I can't feel my legs, I thought this body is disabled, I would have killed myself again" Victoria thinks.

"Don't worry your leg is fine, it's just numb for a while, nurse chioma will give you a proper massage,

you should be up on your feet in the next two days, because you you've been in the hospital for a week now.

you jus have some bruises on your head, shoulder and tigh. " said the doctor.

we'll be leaving now,

"if you need anything just press the red bottom beside you, nurse chioma will attend to you immediately" the doctor said.

and your family is coming in the evening to see you, he said and left the ward together with the nurse.

She sat on the hospital bed and stared out of her window looking through the busy street if lagos.

Deep in thought, thinking what's she going to do,

who's this Julia , and how did she enter into this body.

she stayed in the ward contemplating over and over again, if she in Julias body then who is in her body and what happened to it.....

she got tired and decided to rest a lay down for a while,

but she slept off unknowingly.

she felt someone tap her hand and calling her name

she opened her eyes and came face to face with a beautiful middle aged woman

her dress screamed elegance and the smile on her face dignified her beauty.

"are you ok my darling, you had me worried " she said.

I've warned you severally, stop hanging out with those people, stop making me and your father worry about you all the time" she said crying.

why are you crying, you know she never listens to any word we say, we pampered her so much it's affecting her brain" The middle aged man present in the room said.

ohh so these are Julias parents, am sure they must be very wealthy.



"am sorry about everything that happened, am sorry for not listening you to the both of you, am also sorry for all the embarrasment I've caused you both".

"I know I've not been a good daughter, and I've made you both worried and stressed, I promise to change my ways for the better, I'll be a honest and hardworking daughter from now on, am so sorry" Julia said.

Mr and Mrs Nelson were both startled and shocked?

is this our daughter, why the sudden change in character?

"Are you sure this is not another one of your ploys to make me let my guard down? " Mr Nelson asks with a questionable look on his face.

"No dad am serious this time, I know I've been stupid so far, but I promise to be a good daughter you both can be proud of" she said.

"Honey it's alright let's talk about this when she's discharged from the hospital, ok? " Mrs Nelson asks her husband.

"okay " he replies.

She stayed in the hospital for two more days and was discharged on the third day.

While packing her bags her mother tells her the driver is already waiting for them at the hospital garage.

She nods and they both leave the ward and got the garage.

Julia was so shocked to see the car that the driver drove to pick them up.

Is that a BENTLEY BENTAYGA ?" she asked inwardly.

OMG this family is rich, Damn.

"Julia, Julia" her mother called her, are you ok you spaced out? " she said.

"yes am fine, am ok " she replied.

the driver opened the door for them and they drove out of the garage.

they drove for 20 minutes before arriving at an estate gate.

they drove for about another 5 minutes, and arrived at a mansion.

Julia was shocked on the seeing the mansion, if someone had told her that she will ever live to enter such a house, she would have punched their face.

the driver opened the door for she and her mom, and Went to ahead to carry her bag from the boot. she followed them into the grand mansion.

she saw the rolls of cars parked at the mansions garage, it felt like she was at a car sale.

maid's lined up outside the mansion to welcome her home, there was a welcome home sign hung on the entrance of the mansion.

she was welcomed into the mansion by the maids, she looked around the mansion and what she saw amazed her.

an indoor pool, a bar , jacuzzi, furnitures she had never seen before, the interior of the mansion was out of this world for her, but she composed herself on the outside she looked calm, but on the inside no one will know her brain is going haywire.

she followed her mother up to her room and looked around the room,

a princess theme style bedroom, pink sheets, pink curtains, pink walk-in closet, rolls of shoes, clothes, accessories, bags

this was the dream bedroom of any young girl, and she was getting it just for free.

lunch will be ready in 10 minutes, freshen up and come downstairs dear, your father has something important to tell you" her mother said to her and left the room.

Julia showered picked out a sundress and dressed her hair,put on an indoor slippers and strolled downstairs.

she approached the dining room and saw her father and mother and another middle aged couple seated there.

the woman was pretty but not as beautiful as her mother, she has a elegant beauty, looking poised and sophisticated.

while her mother has an exotic beauty, unique and captivating.

"hello good afternoon" she greeted the couple.

"Julia it's so nice to finally meet you" the woman replied.

"you've turned into a beautiful young lady, it's finally nice to meet you again after a long time" she replied.

"yea you look so much like your mother, how have you been my dear? " the man asked her.

"am ok thank you for asking" Julia replied.

"Julia this is Mr Alex Brickson, my long time friend and business partner, and this is his lovely wife Camille Brickson"Mr Nelson told Julia.

"it's nice to meet you again "she said.

right on time the maids brought in their lunch and everyone started eating, the environment was harmonious and happy.

"Julia there something your mom and I wanted to tell you" Mr Nelson said.

"what is is father" she replied.

the reason why mr and Mrs Brickson came today was to talk about the marriage agreement we made with them


"what do you mean marriage agreement?" Julia asked raising her voice a little.

calm down and let him finish " her mother said.

honey go ahead,

You turned out to be a girl, and Mr and Mrs Brickson had a boy " her father said.

"So that means I have a finance I don't know anything about?" she asked.

"yes dear you do, he's name is William" her mother replied.

"this is not what I expected at all, I can't just marry some guy just like that, no no no I have to stop this marriage and I have to stop it fast, I need to get a hang of this body and lifestyle first, I can't just jump into marriage so soon" Julia said Inwardly.

"But dad I can't just marry someone I know nothing about just like that, why didn't anybody tell me about the arrangement, and now all of a sudden you spring up marriage, just when I decide to get my life together" she said.

"you said in the hospital that you're going to listen to your mother and I from now on, you also promised to be a good daughter and respect us, dont tell me you're going back on your word so quickly?" her father asked.

"and am sorry young lady, but this the first step in you respecting us , and our wishes, and that's by marrying William Brickson and there is no room for debate and that's final" he told Julia.

"talk to you daughter, William is flying back in two days , and you're going to be engaged to him the week after, so be on your best behavior" he said and walked out with the bricksons.

"Dear pls try and understand your father and I, want the best for you always, I know you're shocked about this sudden news but, I know you'll not regret it at all,

"William is a vibrant young man, and he has been managing his father's company abroad for 5 years now" her mother told her.

"and another thing your father forgot to tell you is that you'll be working along side William as his P.A until the launch of (Save Africa) the company is hosting.

"So get ready, and I heard he's also a very strict boss" she said smiling and walking out of the room.

Julia sat at the dining table alone deep in thought, not knowing what to do.

"when I thought I'll be somebody with this body and do the right things, boom!! marriage with someone I barely even know, how do I go about this" said to herself.

"I'll think of what to do about the marriage issue later, I need to prepare my self for my new life and new job, I'll right all the wrongs I made in my last life" Julia said to herself.

she finished eating and took her plates to the kitchen sink, only for one of the maids to stop her and said,

"young madam leave the plates I'll pack it myself and arrange the table" the maid said.

"No it's not a problem, I can pack my own plates it's not a problem" Julia told her.

"No small madam, please I'll be sacked if you do that" the maid said hurriedly.

"since when has she spoken calmly to me before, what is happening?" the maid said to her self looking weirdly at Julia.

"Why is she behaving like i want to chew her head off" Julia thought inwardly.

She left the plates to the maid, and walked upstairs to Julias room, and had a thorough look at the room she will be occupying for a while.

walked around the room familiarizing herself with everything trying to remember if any of Julias memories will surface, but she got nothing so she decide to go through the documents she saw in the drawers

She opened the first drawer and saw some wrapped gifts and property documents, then she opened the second drawer and saw a note on a tape recorder saying" KEEP IT SAFE.

She picked up the tape recorder and was about to play it, Julias bedroom door opened and a young lady stepped into Julias room screeching.

"Ohhh girl how are you doing, you had me worried when I heard you were in the hospital, your father refused to allow me visit you, he talk say I be bad influence, I swear that man go give himself high blood pressure" she said snickering.

"I've been calling your phone for days now and it's not reachable, wats up with you, are you ok now?" the young lady asked.

"yes am fine who are you?"Julia asked her with a playful grin on her face.

"really, did you just ask me that? really did you hit your head somewhere or something how can you ask me who I am?" she asked angrily.

fuck fuck, who's this? why can't I remember who she is.

"am sorry my memory has been hazy since I woke up, please don't get offended" Julia replied her.

"and since when do you talk like a nun?"she gave Julia the weird face.

"what do you mean a nun, this is how I always talk" she replied.

"no,no be like this you dey talk babe, see you acting all cring, you're talking like you're queen Elizabeth daughter, taking all posh and proper" she said annoyingly.

Julia laughed so hard she fell on the bed " am not posh and proper am Julia" she replied her.

"Ok whatever floats your boat, anyways my name is Celine and am your best friend since we were babies, our parents are basically cousins, so I know you like the back of my hand" she replied Julia.

"Anyways the rest of the gangs are coming in the evening, oh and Sofia is back from her trip with her boyfriend" she said.

"Who's Sofia" Julia asks.

"Have you forgotten who Sofia is too?" Celine You turned out to be a girl, and Mr and Mrs Brickson had a boy " her father said.

"So that means I have a finance I don't know anything about?" she asked.

"yes dear you do, he's name is William" her mother replied.

"this is not what I expected at all, I can't just marry some guy just like that, no no no I have to stop this marriage and I have to stop it fast, I need to get a hang of this body and lifestyle first, I can't just jump into marriage so soon" Julia said Inwardly.

"But dad I can't just marry someone I know nothing about just like that, why didn't anybody tell me about the arrangement, and now all of a sudden you spring up marriage, just when I decide to get my life together" she said.

"you said in the hospital that you're going to listen to your mother and I from now on, you also promised to be a good daughter and respect us, dont tell me you're going back on your word so quickly?" her father asked.

"and am sorry young lady, but this the first step in you respecting us , and our wishes, and that's by marrying William Brickson and there is no room for debate and that's final" he told Julia.

"talk to you daughter, William is flying back in two days , and you're going to be engaged to him the week after, so be on your best behavior" he said and walked out with the bricksons.

"Dear pls try and understand your father and I, want the best for you always, I know you're shocked about this sudden news but, I know you'll not regret it at all,

"William is a vibrant young man, and he has been managing his father's company abroad for 5 years now" her mother told her.

"and another thing your father forgot to tell you is that you'll be working along side William as his P.A until the launch of (Save Africa) the company is hosting.

"So get ready, and I heard he's also a very strict boss" she said smiling and walking out of the room.

Julia sat at the dining table alone deep in thought, not knowing what to do.

"when I thought I'll be somebody with this body and do the right things, boom!! marriage with someone I barely even know, how do I go about this" said to herself.

"I'll think of what to do about the marriage issue later, I need to prepare my self for my new life and new job, I'll right all the wrongs I made in my last life" Julia said to herself.

she finished eating and took her plates to the kitchen sink, only for one of the maids to stop her and said,

"young madam leave the plates I'll pack it myself and arrange the table" the maid said.

"No it's not a problem, I can pack my own plates it's not a problem" Julia told her.

"No small madam, please I'll be sacked if you do that" the maid said hurriedly.

"since when has she spoken calmly to me before, what is happening?" the maid said to her self looking weirdly at Julia.

"Why is she behaving like i want to chew her head off" Julia thought inwardly.

She left the plates to the maid, and walked upstairs to Julias room, and had a thorough look at the room she will be occupying for a while.

She walked around the room familiarizing herself with everything trying to remember if any of Julias memories will surface, but she got nothing so she decide to go through the documents she saw in the drawers

She opened the first drawer and saw some wrapped gifts and property documents, then she opened the second drawer and saw a note on a tape recorder saying" KEEP IT SAFE.

She picked up the tape recorder and was about to play it, Julias bedroom door opened and a young lady stepped into Julias room screeching.

"Ohhh girl how are you doing, you had me worried when I heard you were in the hospital, your father refused to allow me visit you, he talk say I be bad influence, I swear that man go give himself high blood pressure" she said snickering.

"I've been calling your phone for days now and it's not reachable, wats up with you, are you ok now?" the young lady asked.

"yes am fine who are you?"Julia asked her with a playful grin on her face.

"really, did you just ask me that? really did you hit your head somewhere or something how can you ask me who I am?" she asked angrily.

fuck fuck, who's this? why can't I remember who she is.

"am sorry my memory has been hazy since I woke up, please don't get offended" Julia replied her.

"and since when do you talk like a nun?"she gave Julia the weird face.

"what do you mean a nun, this is how I always talk" she replied.

"no,no be like this you dey talk babe, see you acting all cring, you're talking like you're queen Elizabeth daughter, taking all posh and proper" she said annoyingly.

Julia laughed so hard she fell on the bed " am not posh and proper am Julia" she replied her.

"Ok whatever floats your boat, anyways my name is Celine and am your best friend since we were babies, our parents are basically cousins, so I know you like the back of my hand" she replied Julia.

"Anyways the rest of the gangs are coming in the evening, oh and Sofia is back from her trip with her boyfriend" she said.

"Who's Sofia" Julia asks.

"Have you forgotten who Sofia is too?" Celine ask her.

"hellooo... the one who bullied you in school?" she asks wearily.

"No I don't remember her, sorry please just run me through what happened in school with Sofia" Julia begged.

"Long story short she's the one who told everyone you seduced your own cousin when he tried to rape you " Celine replied.

"Really, she did that, why did she do that ?" Julia asked.

"She hates you because she's your half sister dummy, her mother is a mistress, she drugged your dad to sleep with her when your mother was pregnant, her mom and your mom where once best friends" Celine said getting angry.

So Julia has a half sister who's trying to sabotage her.

"hmmmm? I need to be careful around her and her mother until I know their strengths and weaknesses" Julia said to herself.

"okay thank you Celine ,I understand" julia said

"okay sure, anyways I gotta go, am going shopping with my mom this afternoon, I'll see you later ok"Celine replied.

"okay sure bye" Julia said waving goodbye.

"bye girl" Celine said and strolled out the room closing the door.

Julia sat on the bed deep in thought, I need to do something about this half sister of mine, when push comes to shove, I'll definitely shove.

"I can't jus sit around and do nothing, this is my new life now I have to handle and take care of any problems coming my way " Julia thought to herself.

she heard a knock on her room door , and went to answer it.

a maid was standing at the door.

"young madam your mom asked me to give this to you, she said it's your stuffs" the maid said hurriedly.

Julia collected the box from the maid and thanked her, closing the door behind her she sat on the bed and opened the box, and she saw a phone , a wrist watch, a necklace, and credit card.

she picked up the phone and tried to open it, she tried different passwords but none of them worked , so she tried her fingerprint and it worked , she went through Julias chats, phone records , transactions, and messages. while she was going through the phone her mom came into the room and called her.

"Dear?"she said.

"Yes mom" Julia replied.

"there's something I want to tell you, but please don't flare up and allow me finish ok?" she said.

"Ok I won't I promise" Julia said.

"Ok, your grandma called for a family dinner this evening, everyone will be there including Margaret and Sofia,

"I know you don't like seeing them, I don't too, but we can't deny the fact that your grandma likes Sofia and you equally, and she requested they both come for the dinner" her mother finished.

"what time is the dinner " Julia asked.

"6pm at Caesar palace" she replied.

"Ok I'll go it's not a problem" Julia replied.

"honey please be on your best behavior, you know you always get into a fight whenever you see Sofia or her mother, Please dear I don't want any drama today, especially not when your father is thinking of stepping down soon" her mother said.

"and I don't want him changing his mind on deciding who his heir will be, please dear be cool today for me ok?" her mother told he.

"yes mom don't worry I won't cause any drama"

"you're sure you won't let me down?" she asks.

"I promise I won't " Julia assured her.

"ok take a rest and I'll call you when it's time to go" she said and walked out of the room.

hmmmm there is a battle brewing, but one thing I enjoy the most is a good battle.

she touched her chest and said, Julia I will avenge you, don't worry and I'll make you proud of yourself

she went into the walk-in closet and decide to look for a dress for the dinner , she finally decided on a short silk blue dinner gown, she paired it up with a pair or heels and small Lois Vuitton bag and she picked out a few accessories and decided to go lay down.

she slept for an 2 hours and woke up to her mother calling her.

"wake up baby, get dressed we leave in an 30 minute's" her mother said walking out.

Julia got up went, took a shower, got dressed, put on her accessories and heels, made her hair and sprayed her cologne and took her phone, credit card and stepped out of her room.

she went downstairs and saw her mom and dad in the sitting room talking.

"mom, dad am ready" she said.

"oh honey you look beautiful" her mother said gushing over Julia .

"thank you mom" Julia replied smiling.

her dad wore a plain face clearly he's still angry at Julia.

let's go, mom is almost at the hotel" he said and strolled out of the mansion.

Julia and her mom both followed him out of the mansion, and got into the car,

they drove for 10 minutes and arriveask her.

"hellooo... the one who bullied you in school?" she asks wearily.

"No I don't remember her, sorry please just run me through what happened in school with Sofia" Julia begged.

"Long story short she's the one who told everyone you seduced your own cousin when he tried to rape you " Celine replied.

"Really, she did that, why did she do that ?" Julia asked.

"She hates you because she's your half sister dummy, her mother is a mistress, she drugged your dad to sleep with her when your mother was pregnant, her mom and your mom where once best friends" Celine said getting angry.

So Julia has a half sister who's trying to sabotage her.

"hmmmm? I need to be careful around her and her mother until I know their strengths and weaknesses" Julia said to herself.

"okay thank you Celine ,I understand" julia said

"okay sure, anyways I gotta go, am going shopping with my mom this afternoon, I'll see you later ok"Celine replied.

"okay sure bye" Julia said waving goodbye.

"bye girl" Celine said and strolled out the room closing the door.

Julia sat on the bed deep in thought, I need to do something about this half sister of mine, when push comes to shove, I'll definitely shove.

"I can't jus sit around and do nothing, this is my new life now I have to handle and take care of any problems coming my way " Julia thought to herself.

she heard a knock on her room door , and went to answer it.

a maid was standing at the door.

"young madam your mom asked me to give this to you, she said it's your stuffs" the maid said hurriedly.

Julia collected the box from the maid and thanked her, closing the door behind her she sat on the bed and opened the box, and she saw a phone , a wrist watch, a necklace, and credit card.

she picked up the phone and tried to open it, she tried different passwords but none of them worked , so she tried her fingerprint and it worked , she went through Julias chats, phone records , transactions, and messages. while she was going through the phone her mom came into the room and called her.

"Dear?"she said.

"Yes mom" Julia replied.

"there's something I want to tell you, but please don't flare up and allow me finish ok?" she said.

"Ok I won't I promise" Julia said.

"Ok, your grandma called for a family dinner this evening, everyone will be there including Margaret and Sofia,

"I know you don't like seeing them, I don't too, but we can't deny the fact that your grandma likes Sofia and you equally, and she requested they both come for the dinner" her mother finished.

"what time is the dinner " Julia asked.

"6pm at Caesar palace" she replied.

"Ok I'll go it's not a problem" Julia replied.

"honey please be on your best behavior, you know you always get into a fight whenever you see Sofia or her mother, Please dear I don't want any drama today, especially not when your father is thinking of stepping down soon" her mother said.

"and I don't want him changing his mind on deciding who his heir will be, please dear be cool today for me ok?" her mother told he.

"yes mom don't worry I won't cause any drama"

"you're sure you won't let me down?" she asks.

"I promise I won't " Julia assured her.

"ok take a rest and I'll call you when it's time to go" she said and walked out of the room.

hmmmm there is a battle brewing, but one thing I enjoy the most is a good battle.

she touched her chest and said, Julia I will avenge you, don't worry and I'll make you proud of yourself

she went into the walk-in closet and decide to look for a dress for the dinner , she finally decided on a short silk blue dinner gown, she paired it up with a pair or heels and small Lois Vuitton bag and she picked out a few accessories and decided to go lay down.

she slept for an 2 hours and woke up to her mother calling her.

"wake up baby, get dressed we leave in an 30 minute's" her mother said walking out.

Julia got up went, took a shower, got dressed, put on her accessories and heels, made her hair and sprayed her cologne and took her phone, credit card and stepped out of her room.

she went downstairs and saw her mom and dad in the sitting room talking.

"mom, dad am ready" she said.

"oh honey you look beautiful" her mother said gushing over Julia .

You turned out to be a girl, and Mr and Mrs Brickson had a boy " her father said.

"So that means I have a fiancee I don't know anything about?" she asked.

"yes dear you do, he's name is William" her mother replied.

"this is not what I expected at all, I can't just marry some guy just like that, no no no I have to stop this marriage and I have to stop it fast, I need to get a hang of this body and lifestyle first, I can't just jump into marriage so soon" Julia said Inwardly.

"But dad I can't just marry someone I know nothing about just like that, why didn't anybody tell me about the arrangement, and now all of a sudden you spring up marriage, just when I decide to get my life together" she said.

"you said in the hospital that you're going to listen to your mother and I from now on, you also promised to be a good daughter and respect us, dont tell me you're going back on your word so quickly?" her father asked.

"and am sorry young lady, but this the first step in you respecting us , and our wishes, and that's by marrying William Brickson and there is no room for debate and that's final" he told Julia.

"talk to you daughter, William is flying back in two days , and you're going to be engaged to him the week after, so be on your best behavior" he said and walked out with the bricksons.

"Dear pls try and understand your father and I, want the best for you always, I know you're shocked about this sudden news but, I know you'll not regret it at all,

"William is a vibrant young man, and he has been managing his father's company abroad for 5 years now" her mother told her.

"and another thing your father forgot to tell you is that you'll be working along side William as his P.A until the launch of (Save Africa) the company is hosting.

"So get ready, and I heard he's also a very strict boss" she said smiling and walking out of the room.

Julia sat at the dining table alone deep in thought, not knowing what to do.

"when I thought I'll be somebody with this body and do the right things, boom!! marriage with someone I barely even know, how do I go about this" said to herself.

"I'll think of what to do about the marriage issue later, I need to prepare my self for my new life and new job, I'll right all the wrongs I made in my last life" Julia said to herself.

she finished eating and took her plates to the kitchen sink, only for one of the maids to stop her and said,

"young madam leave the plates I'll pack it myself and arrange the table" the maid said.

"No it's not a problem, I can pack my own plates it's not a problem" Julia told her.

"No small madam, please I'll be sacked if you do that" the maid said hurriedly.

"since when has she spoken calmly to me before, what is happening?" the maid said to her self looking weirdly at Julia.

"Why is she behaving like i want to chew her head off" Julia thought inwardly.

She left the plates to the maid, and walked upstairs to Julias room, and had a thorough look at the room she will be occupying for a while.

She walked around the room familiarizing herself with everything trying to remember if any of Julias memories will surface, but she got nothing so she decide to go through the documents she saw in the drawers

She opened the first drawer and saw some wrapped gifts and property documents, then she opened the second drawer and saw a note on a tape recorder saying" KEEP IT SAFE.

She picked up the tape recorder and was about to play it, Julias bedroom door opened and a young lady stepped into Julias room screeching.

"Ohhh girl how are you doing, you had me worried when I heard you were in the hospital, your father refused to allow me visit you, he talk say I be bad influence, I swear that man go give himself high blood pressure" she said snickering.

"I've been calling your phone for days now and it's not reachable, wats up with you, are you ok now?" the young lady asked.

"yes am fine who are you?"Julia asked her with a playful grin on her face.

"really, did you just ask me that? really did you hit your head somewhere or something how can you ask me who I am?" she asked angrily.

fuck fuck, who's this? why can't I remember who she is.

"am sorry my memory has been hazy since I woke up, please don't get offended" Julia replied her.

"and since when do you talk like a nun?"she gave Julia the weird face.

"what do you mean a nun, this is how I always talk" she replied.

"no,no be like this you dey talk babe, see you acting all cring, you're talking like you're queen Elizabeth daughter, taking all posh and proper" she said annoyingly.

Julia laughed so hard she fell on the bed " am not posh and proper am Julia" she replied her.

"Ok whatever floats your boat, anyways my name is Celine and am your best friend since we were babies, our parents are basically cousins, so I know you like the back of my hand" she replied Julia.

"Anyways the rest of the gangs are coming in the evening, oh and Sofia is back from her trip with her boyfriend" she said.

"Who's Sofia" Julia asks.

"Have you forgotten who Sofia is too?" Celine ask her.

"hellooo... the one who bullied you in school?" she asks wearily.

"No I don't remember her, sorry please just run me through what happened in school with Sofia" Julia begged.

"Long story short she's the one who told everyone you seduced your own cousin when he tried to rape you " Celine replied.

"Really, she did that, why did she do that ?" Julia asked.

"She hates you because she's your half sister dummy, her mother is a mistress, she drugged your dad to sleep with her when your mother was pregnant, her mom and your mom where once best friends" Celine said getting angry.

So Julia has a half sister who's trying to sabotage her.

"hmmmm? I need to be careful around her and her mother until I know their strengths and weaknesses" Julia said to herself.

"okay thank you Celine ,I understand" julia said

"okay sure, anyways I gotta go, am going shopping with my mom this afternoon, I'll see you later ok"Celine replied.

"okay sure bye" Julia said waving goodbye.

"bye girl" Celine said and strolled out the room closing the door.

Julia sat on the bed deep in thought, I need to do something about this half sister of mine, when push comes to shove, I'll definitely shove.

"I can't jus sit around and do nothing, this is my new life now I have to handle and take care of any problems coming my way " Julia thought to herself.

she heard a knock on her room door , and went to answer it.

a maid was standing at the door.

"young madam your mom asked me to give this to you, she said it's your stuffs" the maid said hurriedly.

Julia collected the box from the maid and thanked her, closing the door behind her she sat on the bed and opened the box, and she saw a phone , a wrist watch, a necklace, and credit card.

she picked up the phone and tried to open it, she tried different passwords but none of them worked , so she tried her fingerprint and it worked , she went through Julias chats, phone records , transactions, and messages. while she was going through the phone her mom came into the room and called her.

"Dear?"she said.

"Yes mom" Julia replied.

"there's something I want to tell you, but please don't flare up and allow me finish ok?" she said.

"Ok I won't I promise" Julia said.

"Ok, your grandma called for a family dinner this evening, everyone will be there including Margaret and Sofia,

"I know you don't like seeing them, I don't too, but we can't deny the fact that your grandma likes Sofia and you equally, and she requested they both come for the dinner" her mother finished.

"what time is the dinner " Julia asked.

"6pm at Caesar palace" she replied.

"Ok I'll go it's not a problem" Julia replied.

"honey please be on your best behavior, you know you always get into a fight whenever you see Sofia or her mother, Please dear I don't want any drama today, especially not when your father is thinking of stepping down soon" her mother said.

"and I don't want him changing his mind on deciding who his heir will be, please dear be cool today for me ok?" her mother told he.

"yes mom don't worry I won't cause any drama"

"you're sure you won't let me down?" she asks.

"I promise I won't " Julia assured her.

"ok take a rest and I'll call you when it's time to go" she said and walked out of the room.

hmmmm there is a battle brewing, but one thing I enjoy the most is a good battle.

she touched her chest and said, Julia I will avenge you, don't worry and I'll make you proud of yourself

she went into the walk-in closet and decide to look for a dress for the dinner , she finally decided on a short silk blue dinner gown, she paired it up with a pair or heels and small Lois Vuitton bag and she picked out a few accessories and decided to go lay down.

she slept for an 2 hours and woke up to her mother calling her.

"wake up baby, get dressed we leave in an 30 minute's" her mother said walking out.

Julia got up went, took a shower, got dressed, put on her accessories and heels, made her hair and sprayed her cologne and took her phone, credit card and stepped out of her room.

she went downstairs and saw her mom and dad in the sitting room talking.

"mom, dad am ready" she said.

"oh honey you look beautiful" her mother said gushing over Julia .

"thank you mom" Julia replied smiling.

her dad wore a plain face clearly he's still angry at Julia.

let's go, mom is almost at the hotel" he said and strolled out of the mansion.

Julia and her mom both followed him out of the mansion, and got into the car.

they drove for 10 minutes and arrive

"thank you mom" Julia replied smiling.

her dad wore a plain face clearly he's still angry at Julia.

let's go, mom is almost at the hotel" he said and strolled out of the mansion.

Julia and her mom both followed him out of the mansion, and got into the car.

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Chapter 1 Victoria



Chapter 2 Crossed paths



Chapter 3 The Return of William Brickson



Chapter 4 Sofia's scheme



Chapter 5 Continuation



Chapter 6 The party



Chapter 7 Sofia's Obsession



Chapter 8 Immense Danger



Chapter 9 The Chase



Chapter 10 Capture



Chapter 11 The Unexpected Return



Chapter 12 The Confrontation



Chapter 13 A New Beginning



Chapter 14 A Night to remember



Chapter 15 The Twisted truth



Chapter 16 Hostage



Chapter 17 Way out



Chapter 18 Friend or foe



Chapter 19 Friend or foe 2



Chapter 20 Join forces



Chapter 21 Fight



Chapter 22 Shadows in the light



Chapter 23 The Calm Before the Storm



Chapter 24 Dark Clouds Gathering



Chapter 25 **Counterplay**



Chapter 26 A Moment of Peace



Chapter 27 **Public Backlash**



Chapter 28 **Shadows of Revenge**



Chapter 29 **A Close Call**



Chapter 30 **A Familiar Fear**



Chapter 31 **A Confrontation in Shadows**



Chapter 32 **A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing**



Chapter 33 **A Mother's Fate**



Chapter 34 **Shadows Closing In**



Chapter 35 **Setting the Trap**



Chapter 36 **The Trap is Sprung**



Chapter 37 **Shadows in the Dark**



Chapter 38 **Unmasking the Traitor**



Chapter 39 **A Desperate Escape**



Chapter 40 **Into the Unknown**
