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A deal with the devil

A deal with the devil

Simp Sama


"Stay away from that human boy, you're mine" He growled at her, pulling her towards him possessively but she stared back fiercely, refusing to back down. "That human boy is my soon-to-be husband!" She snarled back. "He'll never have you, Kali, not while I live" The devil glared at her. ..... What happens when a fallen angel and a casted demon makes a baby? Kali is what everyone considered as the impossible. Raised in hiding, hunted by humans, as innocent and naive as a new born child. She meets a human prince and falls for him. He is determined to prove that she is not a monster and make her his queen but they are thrown into a different world when they discover who are parents are, why they had hidden her all her life and how powerful she truly is. Not only is she discovering many shocking secrets about herself and the world she is in, she finds that she is also mated to one of the most powerful devils in existence and he is not willing to let her go, neither is the human prince she has fallen in love with. ....... She stared at his eyes, she was mesmerised by his beauty. She had never met a soul so attractive and alluring. She heard footsteps, they were fast approaching. He smirked and leaned in closer. "He's coming love" He whispered, his lips slowly brushing hers. "Don't-" She whispered but he was already gone. The door was pushed open and she turned to see Axel walking in. He looked around, his eyes narrowing. "Kali? Who was that?" "No one"

Chapter 1 A new beginning

"Shut up!" He hit her already swollen face, and she felt her cheeks go numb. She bit her tongue to stop her from screaming from the pain.

Another hand dragged her hair and she screamed, earning another slap on her face. It hurts. Her scalp burned. Her face was swollen, her whole body hurt. She didn't want their hands on her anymore. She felt weak and helpless. She managed to gather all the energy she could to speak.

"P. Please stop. D.. don't" She found herself pleading. She had no choice, she was desperate, anything to make it stop, anything please.

"Shushh... it'll be over soon" They tore her shirt and pulled her bra, exposing her boobs to their hungry eyes. Her eyes squeezed shut. What had she ever done to deserve this.

Tears ran down her face as she quickly uses both her hands to cover her exposed chest, but stronger hands pulled hers away and pinned her to the ground like she was nothing. She tried to fight them but what was a weak woman compared to these strong men.

"Let... me go" She tried to scream, her voice was already gone.

"Lovely" Another one said. While two hands held her down, Another two were fondling with her trousers, She kicked trying to fight them, but she was powerless against three hungry males.

"Pl. ease" her voice cracked.

Having successfully gotten rid of the trousers, he held her thigh while another took hold of her boobs.

Slowly, he began to pull down her panties. "No.no!" She screamed.

"Ahhhhhh" Nicole woke up with a gasp. Her thick eyelashes were wet, her eyes were red and swollen and tears were rolling down her cheeks. Not again.

"It was just a nightmare"

"It was simply a nightmare" She began to chant, to calm herself now. It wasn't real, none of it was real, at least not now.

Closing her eyes, Nicole tried to stabilize her breathing. Her heart was racing fast, beating like it was going to jump out of her chest any second.

"Ding!" She flinched at the sound, feeling her phone vibrate in her pocket, she brought it out to see a message 'I'm ready, come outside love'

She took another deep breath. Nicole blinked twice and looked around. She was in her room, alone and safe.

She then stared at the phone in her hand and everything clicked as she was immediately drawn back to reality. She stretched and let out a groan, realizing she had fallen asleep while waiting for Rider.

Breathing out, she closed her eyes and dropped the phone on her bed.

She was sweating all over, her body felt sticky, but she had managed to calm herself down. Now she needed another bath.

Pulling herself out of bed, she walked towards her bathroom, stripping her clothes slowly, she noticed how shaky her hands were.

'Calm down Nicole, it's not real, no one is going to hurt you again, you're safe now'

She stood in front of the huge mirror in her bathroom, staring at her reflection. Dull, glossy blue eyes stared back at her. Her pink tongue ran over her dry lower lips to wet it.

She was a pretty attractive lady and she knew it. Having long wavy brown hair, rare gray eyes, her small pointed nose, full heart shaped lips. Her body was a killer one, but she would always wear big and baggy clothes and hide her eyes behind big nerdy glasses.

Pushing her hair behind her eyes, she turned on the shower and the cold water poured. Nicole closed her eyes, standing directly under the water.

She stood there for a while before she heard someone yelling. She sighed, they are at it again.

Turning the shower off, she picked a towel and wrapped it around her petite body, taking another one, she wrapped around her long black hair.

Nicole shook her head as she heard their voices, she knew what was happening already.

"Rider" She said under her breath.

Looking around her now empty room, a small smile creeped up her face. She was finally leaving. She was leaving this shabby town and all her memories in it. She was going to leave them all behind.

Putting on a pair of black jeans, a black tank top and black jacket on top of it and black boots to match.

Yes, her favorite color was black.

She put on light makeup, as she wasn't a makeup type of girl. Picking her phone and bag, She walked out of the room, shutting the door behind her.

"What the fvck is your problem with me, Nick!" That was Rider's voice.

She walked down the stairs to find Rider arguing yet again with her older cousin, Nicky.


"Rider," She interrupted them. "Nicky" She stared at them both with a bored expression.

"Would you two just cut it out already? You're two grown ass men"

"Nicole" Nick started, he was annoyed and was not happy at the fact that his cousin, who was like a little sister to him, was leaving. They had been living together ever since she lost her parents in an accident. And now she was leaving with her so-called boyfriend.

"I'm an adult now, Nicky, you can't expect me to live in this old town forever, I want to travel and explore and see the rest of the world. And what better way to do that than with my boyfriend" She pouted. Nicole knew her older cousin would always lose an argument to her whenever she pouts.

They had already had the conversation over and over again, she knew her cousin didn't want her to leave, but she wanted to.

"I've packed everything babe, we are ready to go whenever you are," Rider said with a sweet smile which Nicole returned while he secretly sent a glare to her cousin.

Rider had no idea why the man hated him so much. Maybe it had to do with the fact that he used to work under his parents and got fired because of him. He didn't care.

"I'll be in the car," He said before walking out of the house.

Nick walked towards his cousin to hug her, he was close to tears. "I'm going to miss you so much Nicky" she hugged him back.

"You don't have to leave, you know" He sniffed being all dramatic with his little tears.

"I know," She whispered. "But I want to. It'll make me happy"

"Be happy Nicole" He patted her head and gave her a bright smile, but Nicole could see behind the smile he was unhappy.

"I will be Nicky, and I promise after I get settled down somewhere, I'll come visit you"

"Alright kid, have fun!" He said and kissed her forehead before eating her off.

Meet Nichole Lane, A simple and open-minded twenty two year old lady who had recently graduated from Sapphire college in Delaware Her life had been complex ever since her parents died, and on the same night, she got into an incident that affected her sexual life, having being set up and almost raped by three men.

As a fourteen year old that lost her parents and was almost raped, Nicole was traumatized and had to go for different therapy. With her uncle, aunt and cousin's support, Nicole was able to overcome it with time, but she was scared forever.

The once cheerful and colorful Nicole died along with her parents that night.

Finally, She was leaving, She waved her cousin goodbye and ran to her boyfriend's car.

Putting on the seatbelt, She smiled at Rider, who held her hand up and kissed it.

Finally, A new beginning...

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