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Love in Motion

Love in Motion

Authoress LJ


Super exciting..... Must read!

Chapter 1 The Heartbreak

The wind blew across my hair vigorously. The air smelt like cinnamon, I guess it was so due to all the candles around me and Tyler .

He drew my hands closer looking at my eyes, I could see glimmers of sparkles in his and he could see anxiety in mine. He then brought me closer to him until I could feel the warmth of his skin.

"You do know that I love you Cheryl?" Tyler said and I felt a tingling sensation.

"You.. you.. you what?" I said shocked. Tyler was my best friend and I didn't feel that way towards him.

" Since we were kids, even before I knew what the word love means, Cheryl, I want us to be something more, I am tired of watching you from a distance keeping my feelings bundled away, watching you with guy after guy after guy, lending you a shoulder to cry on after every heartbreak, I have always loved you. " Tyler said and I could see his lips closing in on mine.

"Tyler stop" I said but he was about reaching contact, I didn't know what to do, if he kisses me I would never get over it, Tyler was my bestie, I couldn't even keep any thoughts of us have a relationship, I just couldn't. I knew that he only told me this because he was scared of being trapped in the friends zone but that was were he already was. But before I could think another thought, his lips brushed against mine.

Scared and surprised I withdrew immediately.

" What's wrong, you.. don't like me? Or you still think of me as just a friend?" He asked looking broken.

" Tyler.. " .The expression I saw on his face was a mixture of love, anger and disappointment.

" Tyler, you.. we.. this cannot happen."

" Why not? Because you are crushing on a Jake, or Tom or Brad? I have always been there for you, being the third wheel with one of your new boyfriend, while I was dying inside. What is wrong about me Cheryl... "

" Nothing! Nothing is wrong about you.. I just don't see you that way. Tyler please am sorry, you should have said something... "

" But I am saying something and you are blowing me off, what did I possibly do wrong? We are literally perfect, even back in highschool , I know how many times people have mistakes us for a couple, but you always blow it off. Cheryl please, don't leave me hanging, your answer can change how we are now... "

" Exactly, I don't want things to change. You are the only one I can be free with, I can confide in and I don't want to loose that Tyler. I am sorry. " . Not knowing what else to do I left Tyler right there on the spot. Not even looking back.

I was so heartbroken and I could tell that he was too. I just couldn't bear the thought of dating my best friend.


" Umm hey Cheryl Tyler told me to give this to you." Muriel said passing me an envelope.

" Take that back. " I bluntly replied.

" Come on, It has been a month since the incident, you need to at least talk to him, he is your.."

" Muriel, I said take that back, I don't want to see him and I want nothing to do with him. " I replied already fed up as I went inside the room locking up the door. Muriel approached the door and knocked.

" Just take a look." Muriel said slipping the envelope under the door, I could only sigh at her , trying to look away from the envelope but I couldn't.

I went over the door and picked it up.

" I don't want to" I said to myself keeping the envelope in my drawer. I still wasn't over the brief but memorable kiss and I knew he wasn't too, but, me meeting him would leave me in an akward position even more akward than the kiss and I didn't want that.

I opened the drawer just to catch a glimpse of the envelope that was already dawning on me to open when I saw a scribble of note at the back.

It read:-" ... Just so you know, I'm leaving California."

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