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A Chance at Love

A Chance at Love

Authoress LJ


A must read novel... Read till the end ♥️

Chapter 1 SOLD OUT

" G...r..u...b...b..." Grumbled my stomach. It was already 11: o'clock and I hadn't eaten. Though I was hungry I was already used to starvation .It was one of the many of harsh treatments I received from my foster parents.

Despite the hardships, I was still forced to work on an empty stomach.It was all excruciating but was the order of the day.

My foster parents Melissa and Ferdinand Graham had always looked for ways to get me off their backs. I was placed in their care due to some political reasons. They could easily get rid of me if they wanted to but, they were respected country nobles, abandoning me would be a scar to their reputation of charity and almsgiving..they couldn't afford that,yet Melissa and Ferdinand weren't planning on giving up on abandoning me.

When I clocked twenty, Mr Graham and wife noticed my unraveling beauty. I was a blue eyed blonde with a nice figure, it didn't take long for suitors to come for me, but my parents chased them all.

I wondered why they did that. Weren't they trying to get rid of me? What better way than to marry me off.

Fortunately, while cleaning the corridor leading to their room,I got my answers. I overheard " my parents" talking about it.

" We have to do something, notable men can't come for our daughter but Alicia? That little wretch cannot be happy that simple!" Queried Melissa

" I couldn't agree more,but, it's nothing to worry about anymore my dear." Ferdinand replied a smirk on his face.

" What do you suggest, dearest husband of mine?" Asked Melissa rather excited.

" I have agreed to sell her to a business partner of mine." Ferdinand replied and I gasped in horror.

" Sell her? That would be great,well just tell people she's happily married." Added Melissa laughing " bedsides there's no difference since she's just an object anyway." She continued still laughing.

I couldn't take it anymore,I abandoned my cleaning and ran to my stable of a room breaking into a shower of tears.

" Sell me? Am an object?" I said to my self still weeping. Incessant tear drops eluding my eyes as I kept trying to face my reality.


After crying myself to an ache,I received word that my" parents" wanted to see me. Of course I knew why,but I went to meet them anyway.

" You sent for me dad?" I asked noticing an inexcusable smirk on Melissa's face.

" Alicia, in 2 days time,Mr Nathan Seville will be here to take you." Ferdinand stated bluntly.

" Take me?" I pretended to act surprised

" Yes, take you, we sold you,don't you get how worthless of a thing you are?" Melissa added in spite.

" Packing your Godforsaken belongings and get ready to leave my f**king abode. 18 years of a thorn in my flesh you finally get to leave!" Concurred Ferdinand irritably.

I felt unwanted, tears rolled down my cheeks. Damn it! I didn't want them to gain the satisfaction that they made me feel worthless...

" Don't contaminate my carpet with your pitiful tears, get the f"*ck out of my room." Yelled Melissa and I hurried out in haste.

I felt like my world had just crumbled. I wanted death to put me away my misery right there.

My life was horrible. It just got worse and worse .

Little did I know my journey was just getting started.

End of chapter 1

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