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Her soft touch

Her soft touch



Riley the adopted daughter of the Robin's family is made to marry the over ambitious, narcissistic, cold hearted ceo of one of the most successful companies in the country who she taught loved her, to get money for her adoptive fathers medical treatment and faces hell when his ex girlfriend comes back from from her journey to a far away country. She is then framed and kicked out of the marriage after losing her father. Would she let go of the pain she felt, after discovering that her biological parents are multi billionaires who had been in search of her for years and would do anything for her.

Chapter 1 The Encounter

Riley couldn't help but marvel at the man walking into the café. "Is he really a person or a figment of my imagination? How is he so handsome?" she muttered to herself, her gaze fixed on Jayson as he entered the shop.

Her friend Cassie, who had joined Riley on her part-time shift, gave her a playful shove. "You're quite the beauty yourself. Why don't you take the handsome gentleman's order?" Cassie said with a grin, nudging Riley towards their new customer.

The group of employees who had just walked in had been huddled together, brainstorming solutions to a pressing problem at their company. Their jobs were on the line, and failure to come up with a viable solution could mean losing their positions-something they knew Jayson, their CEO, wouldn't tolerate.

They were all dressed formally, with their company ID cards prominently displayed, except for Jayson. His impeccably tailored suit and the confident air he carried made it obvious who was in charge. Riley couldn't help but feel a pang of envy; she admired their positions and success, having struggled for years to find a job herself.

As the group settled at a table, Riley approached them with the café's menu. "Can I take your order?" she asked, placing the menu in front of Jayson.

Jayson glanced at the menu, his eyes briefly meeting Riley's before he spoke. "We'll each have a cappuccino. Does anyone want something different?" He looked around at his colleagues, who nodded in agreement.

Just as Jayson was about to hand the menu back, he noticed Riley's captivated gaze lingering on a proposal one of the employees had left on the table. Her curiosity was evident, and Jayson's attention was piqued.

"Do you have something to say about the proposal?" Jayson asked, pulling Riley's attention back to him.

Riley hesitated for a moment before speaking. "I don't know if I'm in a position to offer advice, but I would suggest making them feel like they need you rather than begging for their investment. Present the situation as if there are many other options for the company, and they will realize the loss if they don't invest."

Jayson regarded her thoughtfully. Her suggestion was precisely the solution they had been seeking. "You're very insightful. What did you major in?" he inquired.

"Business management," Riley replied with a smile, before excusing herself to prepare their order.

A few minutes later, Riley returned with a tray of cappuccinos, carefully placing each cup in front of them. Jayson took a sip, still observing her. "You have a degree in business management. Why are you working in a café?" he asked.

"I wasn't very lucky with the interviews I attended," Riley admitted. "I couldn't just sit at home and do nothing."

"Are you still in need of a job?" Jayson asked, his tone more serious now.

"Yes, sir. I am very much in need of a job," Riley responded, her anxiety evident as she chose her words carefully.

Jayson handed her his business card. "Submit your resume by 8 tomorrow morning. We'll discuss your role in the company. If you're interested, of course."

Riley's eyes widened with excitement. "Yes, sir, I'm very interested," she said, accepting the card with a trembling hand.

After paying the bill, Jayson and his team left the café. Riley stood frozen, processing what had just happened. Cassie, noticing her friend's stunned expression, grabbed her shoulders and shook her. The two of them erupted into joyful screams, attracting curious glances from new customers entering the café. They quickly composed themselves, and Riley resumed her duties.

Later, Riley rushed to the hospital where her adopted father was staying. Bursting into his room with a broad smile, she announced, "Papa, I have fantastic news! I finally got a job! I'll be able to afford your surgery soon, and you'll be back on your feet in no time."

Her father's eyes lit up with pride and relief. "Congratulations, Riley. I'm so happy for you," he said, grasping her hand.

The next day, Riley arrived at the company and was awestruck by its grandeur. She wandered through the building, marveling at the opulence and the scale of the operation. "Wow! I can't believe I'll really be working here," she thought to herself, heading towards the reception area.

The receptionist, a striking young woman with dark skin and neatly arranged curly hair, greeted her with a warm smile. "You must be Riley. I believe Mr. Jayson is expecting you."

Riley nodded. "Yes, I need directions to Mr. Jayson's office."

The receptionist handed her a company card. "Here's an access card. His office is on the 16th floor, to the left. You shouldn't miss it."

As Riley prepared to leave, the receptionist added, "Be very careful up there. Follow instructions closely. That's all the advice I can give."

Riley thanked her and made her way to the elevator, her mind buzzing with curiosity about the receptionist's cryptic advice.

On the 16th floor, Riley followed the directions and found herself in a corridor lined with offices. She approached a large door marked "CEO" and knocked softly.

"Come in," Jayson's voice called from inside.

She entered to find Jayson engrossed in his work at a luxurious desk. The room exuded power and sophistication, but he didn't acknowledge her presence immediately. Riley took a moment to appreciate the office before clearing her throat.

"Good morning, Mr. Jayson. My name is Riley Jay. I majored in business management at California State University, Long Beach, with a CGPA of 4.0, along with other achievements," she began, but Jayson continued to focus on his computer, showing no signs of interest.

After a moment, Jayson scribbled something on a piece of paper and handed it to her. "Here, meet her. She'll guide you through."

Riley looked at the paper and read the name "Miss Sandra." She thanked Jayson and left his office, feeling the chill of the atmosphere as she made her way to the designated desk.

At the nearest desk, a cheerful young woman with braces greeted her. "Hello, good morning. You must be Riley. I'm Lydia. Miss Sandra is at the third desk on the left. You must be the new person everyone's been talking about."

"Thank you, Lydia," Riley replied, heading towards Miss Sandra's desk.

Miss Sandra, a stern woman in her late forties with a noticeable mole on her right cheek, looked up as Riley approached. "Good morning, ma'am. I'm Riley Jay. Mr. Jayson sent me to see you."

"Welcome," Miss Sandra said, gesturing to a seat. "This file contains the basic rules and guidelines for working here."

Riley accepted the blue file and listened as Miss Sandra continued. "Do you have any prior experience as a secretary or assistant?"

"No, ma'am. This is my first job," Riley admitted.

Miss Sandra's eyes narrowed slightly. "I'm going to guide you so you don't end up like the others. Many have come before you, but they didn't last long. Our CEO has stopped hiring for this position recently, so I'm surprised you made it."

Riley's anxiety grew. "I didn't realize being a secretary would be so challenging," she thought.

"What did you say?" Miss Sandra asked, noticing Riley's distracted expression.

"Did I say that out loud?" Riley muttered to herself.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. I didn't say anything," she quickly corrected.

"Good. As I was saying," Miss Sandra continued, "be punctual every day, avoid excuses, and try to make no mistakes. Also, don't attempt to seduce Mr. Jayson. Be smart, quick, and neat. Follow these guidelines, and you might last longer than others. Though, I must say, the pretty ones rarely last long."

Riley was taken aback but resolved to do her best. Miss Sandra escorted her to her desk, which was modest but a significant step up from her previous job. She took a moment to appreciate the achievement, her heart swelling with pride.

As she began organizing her desk, an alarm-like device started beeping. Confused, she noticed Lydia across the room, trying to signal her. Lydia pointed towards Jayson's office, and Riley understood the beeping was a call from him.

She hurried to Jayson's office, finding him just as he was preparing to leave. "I'll be attending a meeting at our San Diego branch in the next three hours," he said, handing her his briefcase and glancing at his watch.

"San Diego?" Riley repeated, her mind racing. "That's a two-hour drive."

"Is there a problem with that?" Jayson asked.

"No, sir," Riley said, trying to hide her nervousness. "I'll handle it."

Jayson nodded and got into the car. Riley stood hesitantly, looking at the car keys in her hand. Her one attempt at driving had ended in an accident, resulting in her expulsion from driving school.

"What are you waiting for?" Jayson's voice cut through her thoughts.

"Sorry, sir," Riley said, her hands trembling as she got into the driver's seat.

As they drove towards San Diego, Riley's mind was a whirl of thoughts about her new job and the challenges ahead. Little did she know that this was just the beginning of a complex and demanding journey that would test her in ways she never imagined.

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