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Pet of the Ruthless lycan king

Pet of the Ruthless lycan king



Riley was abandoned by her family and pack after they found out she couldn't transform, she could only hear the voice of her wolf but couldn't do things other wolves could do, she wandered around and was eventually captured as a slave to a Lycan king who wanted to rule over all the wolves in the land. After discovering she was his mate she is imprisoned and finds herself in a twisted relationship with his best friend

Chapter 1 Rachel's pov

I felt my head hit hard on the brick behind me as my mum pushed me. I expected it to come from their previous reactions but what I didn't expect was that it would hurt this much.

I could read the hate and disappointment on their faces as they kicked me out in the dead of the night, I wept trying to get their sympathy, they were my family after all but it seemed all hope was lost.

"We don't need a practical human to bring us bad luck" my mother said as she threw a stick at me to chase me away like I was some animal.

I waited a while to see if there was any hope but I was disappointed as they all turned around and left me alone.

I saw this coming when I lasted this long in the pack not being able to change since my 18th birthday and I was now 21.

After wandering a while into the forest I became very scared realizing I was all alone at the mercy of the harsh forest, there had been reports of people disappearing in that same forest and there I was.

I spotted a group of men from far away and hid. I knew at once that they were king Lucien's men The ruthless Lycan king who had been taking people.

I tried to run away when one of them looked in my direction but I eventually fell down.

I struggled to push myself up from the dirt as the men closed in around me. My heart pounded, each beat a reminder that I was alone and far from the safety of my pack-if they had ever been my safety at all. "What do we have here?" one of the men sneered, his voice laced with mocking amusement. I felt his eyes roam over me, lingering longer than I liked.

I tried to stand but stumbled, my legs weak from fear and exhaustion. The group circled me like vultures, their presence as oppressive as the thick air of the forest. "She would fit perfectly as a nice tribute for the King," another man said, stepping closer and gripping my arm tightly. I flinched, his touch cold and unyielding.

They didn't give me a choice. With swift motions, they bound my wrists with rope, pulling me to my feet and forcing me along a path that led deeper into the forest. My head swam with terror, but I bit my lip to keep from crying. I had cried enough for one night.

The trees seemed to close in on me as we walked, the branches clawing at my clothes like ghostly fingers. My mind raced, trying to think of a way to escape, but with each step, the reality of my situation sank in deeper. I was being taken to King Lucien's palace-his prison, more like it. There was no escape from a Lycan king, especially not one as ruthless as Lucien.

Hours later, I was dragged before King Lucien. His throne room was vast and intimidating, with high ceilings and walls adorned with the spoils of countless wars. The man himself sat atop a raised platform, his dark eyes fixed on me with an unsettling intensity. He was every bit as imposing as I heard at home said-tall, with sharp features and a presence that made my blood run cold.

"What is this?" His voice was deep and filled with authority. The men who had captured me shoved me forward, and I stumbled, falling to my knees before him.

"A stray, my Lord," one of the guards said. "Found her wandering the forest. She hasn't shifted."

Lucien's eyes narrowed, and I felt his gaze burn into me. I wanted to scream, to beg for mercy, but I held my tongue. "She hasn't shifted?" he repeated, his tone curious. "Interesting."

I forced myself to meet his gaze, though it took everything I had not to look away. His expression was unreadable, and for a moment, the room was filled with a heavy silence. Then, without a word, he gestured to one of his men.

"She will serve in the palace," he said coldly. "As a maid."

And just like that, my fate was sealed. I was escorted to a dark corner of the palace, given a torn and dirty uniform, and told my duties-cleaning, cooking, anything that needed doing. Days passed in a blur, the life I had known fading into a distant memory. The other servants kept their distance, their eyes filled with a mixture of pity and fear. I was an outsider, someone not worth knowing.

But there was one person who didn't treat me like I was invisible-Danny. She was a servant too, younger than me, with a frail body that seemed to be failing him more each day. Her pale face grew thinner as time passed, and it wasn't long before I learned She was sick-very sick. No one else seemed to care, too busy with their own survival, but I couldn't just stand by and watch Her suffer.

One evening, after the palace had quieted down, I approached him in the dimly lit servant's quarters. She lay on a small cot, his breathing shallow and labored.

"Danny," I whispered, kneeling beside her. "I'm going to find herbs. There's a spot in the forest where they grow. I'll be back before sunrise."

She looked at me with wide, feverish eyes. "It's too dangerous, Rachel. The rogues-"

"I'll be careful," I promised, squeezing his hand before slipping away into the night.

The moon hung high in the sky as I moved swiftly through the forest, my heart pounding in my chest. The wind whispered through the trees, and every rustle of leaves set my nerves on edge. I had grown up fearing the rogues-wolves who had been exiled, driven mad by their isolation and hunger. I prayed I wouldn't cross paths with them.

After what felt like hours, I reached the clearing where the herbs grew. I knelt down and began to gather the leaves, my fingers trembling with urgency. But just as I was about to stand, a low growl echoed from behind me.

My blood froze.

Slowly, I turned, and there they were-rogue wolves, their eyes glowing with feral hunger. They were thinner than I had imagined, their fur matted and dirty, but their teeth were sharp, gleaming in the moonlight. I took a step back, but it was too late. They had caught my scent.

I ran. My feet pounded against the forest floor, the herbs forgotten in my hand. The growls grew louder, closer. I could hear their snarls, feel the heat of their breath on the back of my neck.

And then I tripped.

I hit the ground hard, pain shooting through my leg as I tumbled into a tangle of roots. I tried to scramble to my feet, but the wolves were upon me. One of them lunged, teeth bared, and I screamed-a desperate, blood-curdling cry that echoed through the night.

I taught it was over as i looked up a tree across me and i was surprised at who it was,

King Lucien.

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