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Paths to the eternal heart

Paths to the eternal heart

Lolo Josée


In the sumptuous and ruthless world of business, where relationships are often tinged with interest and rivalry, Camille, an heiress to an immense fortune, reigns as absolute mistress. Her cool beauty and sophisticated allure conceal a profound vulnerability. Accustomed to a world where emotions are perceived as weakness, she has built herself a shell, not letting anyone get close to her heart. Her family's demands and the inner demons she battles in silence keep her in a gilded prison, where she feels constantly judged and suffocated by the expectations placed on her. Her reputation as an aloof, even icy woman is well established.

Chapter 1 The Invitation

Camille DeLorme, heiress to one of the country's greatest fortunes, was once again faced with an invitation to a charity gala. These social evenings were commonplace in her diary, but this one had a special flavor. Organized by the Children's Foundation, the gala brought together the cream of society, and Camille's presence was expected as a matter of course.

Sitting in her spacious office at the top of the glass tower that housed the family empire, Camille gazed distractedly at the invitation in cream paper with gold lettering. A sigh escaped her lips. If only she could avoid these events without causing an uproar in the media and among her peers.

Camille didn't like these gatherings. She went to them with a heavy heart, hiding her sensitivity behind a mask of coldness and negativity. Life had taught her to protect herself, not to show her weaknesses. In this ruthless world, the slightest weakness was exploited.

Her assistant, Sophie, quietly entered the office. "Madame DeLorme, it's almost time to get you ready for tonight's gala. Would you like me to help you choose an outfit?"

Camille nodded, rising elegantly to her feet. "Thank you, Sophie. Bring me the blue dress."

A few hours later, Camille stood in front of her bedroom mirror, wearing a midnight-blue maxi dress that hugged her curves perfectly. The sparkling diamonds in her ears and around her neck added a touch of glamour to her impeccable appearance. She knew the effect she was having, but that didn't diminish the feeling of emptiness she often felt on these evenings.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the discreet roar of the limousine waiting for her downstairs. Camille took a deep breath, trying to prepare herself mentally. The outside world awaited the cold, unflappable billionaire who could negotiate the toughest contracts and lead her company with an iron fist.

Walking down the marble steps, Camille headed for the car that would take her to the gala. She greeted her driver briefly before climbing into the back of the car. The journey to the hotel was silent, with only the steady sound of the engine filling the space.

Arriving at her destination, Camille took a final breath before getting out of the car. In front of the hotel's illuminated entrance, a crowd of journalists and photographers were waiting, ready to immortalize her arrival. Her face impassive, she made her entrance, greeting a few acquaintances with a slight nod.

As she made her way to the reception hall, Camille was already feeling tired at the thought of having to play her part yet again. But tonight, something unexpected was about to happen. Something that, without her even knowing it yet, would change the course of her life.

The black limousine pulled up smoothly in front of the Ritz Hotel, a majestic edifice bathed in golden lights. Paparazzi had already amassed on the marble steps, their flashbulbs crackling with the arrival of each new celebrity. Camille DeLorme made an effort to contain her irritation. It was always the same ritual, the same superficial parade. Yet tonight, she couldn't help feeling a strange nervousness.

The driver opened the door, and Camille stepped out gracefully. Her midnight-blue dress sparkled in the spotlight, the diamonds around her neck and in her ears adding a touch of sumptuousness to her allure. She walked confidently, smiling politely at the journalists who threw out questions that she didn't answer. The façade of coolness she had mastered so well was in place, and no one would guess the doubts she harbored.

Inside the hotel, the grand ballroom was sumptuously decorated. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, illuminating the room with thousands of sparkling reflections. Elegantly laid tables surrounded the central dance floor, and an orchestra played soft, haunting music. The guests, dressed in gala outfits, chatted in small groups, their laughter and conversation forming a constant murmur.

Camille greeted a few acquaintances as she passed, exchanging empty courtesies. She spotted her friend and advisor, Philippe, near the bar and made her way over to him. Philippe was one of the few people who knew her true nature, and his presence always had a calming effect on her.

"Good evening, Camille," he said, handing her a glass of champagne. "Ravishing as always."

"Thank you, Philippe," she replied, taking the cup and taking a sip. "I wish these evenings were a little less... predictable."

Philippe smiled, understanding her sentiment perfectly. "Maybe they are, until they aren't. Tonight might surprise you."

Camille raised an eyebrow, skeptical. "I doubt it. The same faces, the same conversations. Nothing really changes."

Meanwhile, at the other end of the room, Alex, a young man of slender stature and undeniable beauty, entered the room. This was his first charity gala, and he felt slightly uncomfortable among these titans of industry and finance. He had been invited by a mutual friend, Pierre, who worked in the same sector as him.

Pierre guided him through the crowd, introducing him to a few people here and there. Alex smiled and shook hands, but his mind was elsewhere. He watched this world of luxury and power with curiosity, wondering how he would fit in. Then his eyes fell on Camille.

She was standing by the bar, talking to an older man. Something about her allure captivated him immediately. Her beauty was undeniable, but there was also an aura of mystery about her. A strength hidden behind that impeccable façade. Alex felt his heart quicken.

"Who is she?" he asked Pierre, who followed his gaze.

"Oh, that's Camille DeLorme," Pierre replied. "She runs one of the biggest conglomerates in the country. A formidable woman, but fascinating."

Alex nodded, his interest piqued. He'd heard of her, of course. Who didn't know Camille DeLorme? But seeing her in person was something else. He promised himself he'd find a way to talk to her before the evening was over.

As Camille continued to chat with Philippe, she felt an insistent gaze on her. Turning her head slightly, she met Alex's eyes. He smiled gently at her, and against all odds, she felt her heart miss a beat. There was something different about this stranger in the crowd. Something that, unbeknownst to her, would turn her carefully ordered world upside down.

The evening was just beginning, and already the first threads of fate were beginning to weave a web around Camille and Alex.

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