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ENTANGLED HEARTS : The CEO is my baby daddy

ENTANGLED HEARTS : The CEO is my baby daddy



When a night of passion with a charismatic stranger, leaves Anna pregnant and alone. she leaves New York City determined to heal her broken heart and build her career. Eight years later, she's a successful fashion designer, devoted single mother, and convinced she's closed the door on love forever. But when an opportunity brings her back to New York, she's face to face with the one person she never forgot - Adrian, the father of her child and a powerful CEO. As Anna navigates her rekindled connection with Adrian,she must confront the heartbreak of the past she ran away from. Can she resist the temptation of a second chance at love, or will she choose to protect herself and her child from the risk of getting hurt again?

Chapter 1 The heartbreak

Anna's pov

My best friend,Jack, is getting married- to someone who isn't me.

Even the sound of those words makes me want to chop my ears off.

The wedding venue is beautiful, just the way Jack always wanted,filled with the sound of laughter, music and champagne toasts filling the air.

But I couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness as I watched him exchange vows with his new bride. He looked dashing in his tailored tuxedo, his confidence and joy radiating from every angle.

His bride, Mary,on the other hand, was a vision in her stunning white gown - the dress that I had chosen for her. It had a daringly low back showcasing her flawless skin and toned physique.

And she looked even more beautiful in it than I had imagined - and certainly more stunning than I could have ever hoped to look myself.

I'll admit, I felt a twinge of resentment and jealousy towards her from the moment Jack introduced us. And Mary also appeared to feel the same way,Yet,Jack remained unaware to the tension, too caught up in his own happiness to notice the subtle hostility between us.

Back then, I pushed my feelings deep down and threw myself into my work, convincing myself that their relationship was just another one of Jack's flings. I was confident that he would eventually tire of her and come crawling back to me, just like he always had in the past.

One might think I was being too confident but I actually had every reason to believe that Jack would end up with me. His parents had welcomed me into their family after my own parents passed away, raising me as their own.

Since then Jack and I had been inseparable since childhood, sharing every moment, supporting each other's dreams, and exploring life's ups and downs together. I had given him my whole heart, and I thought ours was a love meant to be. Moreover, his mother had always dropped hints that she wanted us be together further fueling my illusion that we would end up together.

But I was proven wrong,their relationship wasn't just a fling. And presently I sat

in the crowd, watching them exchange their vows and their rings, now I knew Jack would never see me as more than his little sister.

And to rub salt in the wound, his parents sat there in the crowd, beaming with pride at their son,unaware of my shattered dreams.

But sadly I couldn't blame him for choosing her,she owned her successful fashion brand- even if it was sponsored by her trust fund. She was undeniably beautiful, with a youthful glow and beautiful curves. But it was more than that - she had a spark, a charisma that drew people to her.

While I was just a dull, awkward, and uninspiring wallflower, always hiding behind my glasses and frizzy hair. To back up my point, I got fired yesterday after struggling as a designer assistant for six years without ever getting credited or recognized. Surely I was just a faded background, while she was the stunning work of art that everyone couldn't help but look at.

I was on the verge of shattering into a million pieces as I witnessed their final kiss. But instead of making a scene, I took every last ounce of dignity I had and quietly stood up and slipped away. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jack's mother rise from her seat, likely to comfort me, but her husband stopped her.

Jack himself gave me a blank look,I couldn't tell what he felt at the moment.Meanwhile, the guests murmured and gave me curious glances as I exited, making me to wonder what they must have thought of me in that moment .

As I stepped away from the wedding,a sense of sadness washed over me. I just walked around aimlessly feeling utterly heartbroken. New York City which was usually a blend of life and color seemed to share my sense of loneliness.And all I could think about was Jack, Jack and Jack. For there was no one but him

And when the dam of my feelings broke I collapsed into a corner on the side of the road, and let my glasses slip from my face, the world around me blurring. My body shook with tears, the pain pouring out of me like a pent-up storm. The curious glances of passersby only added to my distress.

And I just knelt there and cried for a while, for that moment I didn't care about what anyone thought about me. I just wanted to stop feeling for a while.

When I had finally got the strength to rise and compose myself,over an hour had passed. I took my phone from my purse and saw that, I'd missed calls from Jack's mother and other relatives, but none from Jack himself. My heart sank, the weight of my sorrow increased.

I couldn't bear the thought of going home and facing anyone, having to explain my actions and emotions. And since I recently got fired from my job,there was nothing to distract me.

That's when I spotted the neon light of a bar nearby attracted me.The regret hit me then - while waiting for Jack to notice me, I'd neglected my own life. I'd never partied, never had my first kiss, and at 25, I was still a virgin. Many would find it shocking that I'd saved myself for Jack, only to be left heartbroken and my feelings not retaliated.

why I hadn't allowed myself to enjoy the experience and adventure of youth? Why I did I bury myself in school, hoping for that one person to notice me ?

But now, with nothing to lose, I felt a sense of freedom. I could walk into that bar, drown my sorrows, and forget my unrequited love. For once,I didn't care about my appearance - my glasses, frizzy hair, and ugly dress.And for the first time, I felt free to do as I pleased.

Like a cat amongst the pigeons, I attracted attention the moment I entered the bar. My unusual appearance had drawn the curious gazes, obviously they could sense that I was out of place here - a nerd in a bar.

Nervously, I took a seat at the counter and began to look around like a kid in a candy store

That's when I saw him - and my heart skipped a beat. He was sitting all alone, his eyes fixed on me. His face was chiseled with a sharp jawline. His hair was dark and messy, framing his face in a way that suited him

But it was his eyes that really caught my attention - beautiful emerald green eyes that seemed to draw me in. They sparkled as we made eye contact, and I felt like I was drowning in them. He smiled at me gently.

The bartender's voice broke the spell, "What can I get ye, lass?"

I couldn't think of anything,so I just replied, "S-something strong, please." The bartender gave me a nod, and soon, a glass of whiskey appeared before me.

With trembling hands, I gulped the drink in one take, And for the first time i experienced the burning taste of alcohol on my throat like fire.

But that wasn't enough I needed to wipe away my pain for a while. "More"

The bartender raised an eyebrow, but he still answered. And so it went, drink after drink, with a single thought driving me - to forget everything

"Care to drown those sorrows in my company, beautiful?"

I spat out the whiskey in my mouth, shocked by his sudden presence.My eyes widened, and I turned to face the stranger sitting beside me,my heart racing.

He chuckled, a sound as smooth and rich as dark chocolate

"Easy there, sugar. Didn't mean to startle you." Even with my surprise, he swiped a napkin from the counter, swiping at the corner of my mouth.

"Allow me to apologize... and make amends." He turned to the bartender, his eyes twinkling . "Another round for the lady, on me.".

The clink of ice against glass was the only sound to break the tension between us, as I took another sip of whiskey, feeling nervous.

"A beauty like you," he whispered, "doesn't usually haunt these places. So, tell me, what's brought you here?"

His closeness, the scent of cologne and alcohol, sent a thrill through my body, and I struggled to find a sensible response.

"I...I don't usually come here," I stammered, my words barely a whisper. "I just needed a break from...from life." I took a deep breath, sensing the chemistry between us.

He smiled, a slow, sensuous curve of his lips that sent a shiver down my spine. "Life can be a real bitch sometimes, can't it? But you don't have to face it alone."

His words sent a jolt of heat through me, and I felt my resolve weaken. "What do you mean?" I asked, my voice hoarse with emotion.

He leaned in closer, his voice a low, seductive murmur. "What I mean, is that you don't have to face this night alone.

Let me take you out of this place, away from the noise and the crowds, and into a world where it's just the two of us."

I bit my lip, fighting against the overwhelming desire to give in to this stranger's advances. "I don't even know you," I protested weakly.

He laughed, a deep, throaty sound that sent shivers down my spine. "Isn't that the best part?

"The thrill of the unknown? The chance to discover something new?" His hand slid from my arm to my waist, pulling me closer. "Come on, sugar. Let me show you a night you'll never forget."

His words were like a spell, weaving a web of temptation around me. My heart pounded in my chest, and my breath came in quick, shallow gasps.

The stranger's lips were mere inches from mine, his eyes blazing with desire "Kiss me," he whispered, his breath warm against my skin.

I hesitated for a moment, my mind reeling with a million reasons why I should resist. But in the end, my desire won out.

Even without any experience,I leaned in, closing the gap between us. Our lips met in a passionate embrace, igniting a fire that burned deep within my soul.

As our kiss intensified, his's hands roamed over my body, exploring every inch of me

I moaned softly, my body responding to his touch. He pressed me against the bar, his hips grinding against mine.

As our kiss intensified, the his hands roamed over my body. I gasped softly, my body responding to his touch in ways I had never experienced before.

"Come with me," he whispered, his voice a husky command.

I hesitated, But his hand slid into mine, pulling me away from the bar and toward the rooms in the bar.

"Trust me," he murmured, his eyes burning with intensity. "I won't hurt you." He said as slipped my glasses to the side.

He pressed me against the wall of the room,his lips finding mine in a passionate embrace.

My body responded to his touch, my hands roaming over his broad shoulders, my lips parting to let his tongue explore my mouth.

"I want you," he murmured, his hands exploring my body with an expertise that left me breathless. "

I gasped, my body aching with need. "Please," I whispered, my voice hoarse with desire. "But I..."

His eyes widened as he registered my words. "You're a virgin?" he asked, his voice low and reverent.

I nodded, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "I am. I've never done this before."

The stranger's expression softened, and he cupped my face in his hands, his eyes burning with desire. "Don't be embarrassed."

I swallowed hard, my heart racing in my chest. "But I don't know what to do," I admitted, my voice trembling with fear and desire.

He smiled, his lips brushing against my ear. "Don't worry, sugar.I'll take care of you. Just relax and let me show you how good it can feel." He pushed me on the bed.

I closed my eyes, my body trembling with anticipation his hands roamed over my body. His touch was gentle but firm, his fingers exploring every curve of my body.

He slid my dress up , his hands caressing the sensitive skin of my inner thighs, his lips trailing kisses up my stomach.

I moaned softly, my body arching against his touch as he pressed his lips against the soft, silky skin of my inner thighs.

"You're so wet," he murmured, his voice a seductive purr.

I gasped as his fingers slid between my thighs, teasing the sensitive folds of my vagina. I was drowning in pleasure, my body begging for more.

The stranger's fingers teased and probed, gently exploring every inch of me . My breathing became shallow and ragged, my body on fire with desire.

"Do you like that?" he whispered, his voice low and throaty.

I nodded, unable to speak as my body trembled with pleasure.

"Good," he murmured, his lips brushing against my ear. "Because I want to make you feel even better."

He slid two more fingers inside me, gently stroking my clit. I cried out, my body arching against his touch as waves of pleasure washed over me. I was lost in the moment, my mind spinning with desire.

"That's it, sugar," he murmured. "Let go. Let yourself feel everything."

I surrendered to the pleasure, my body writhing against his touch.

"Please," I moaned, my voice hoarse with desire. "I need you. I need more."

He smiled, his lips curving into a wicked grin.

He stood up, his hands gripping my hips as he pressed his body against mine.

I shuddered with anticipation, my body trembling with need as he positioned himself at my entrance.

"Are you ready?" he asked, his voice a low, husky growl.

I nodded, my heart racing as I braced myself for the moment of truth. I had never felt more vulnerable, more alive even with the love I felt for Jack.

He slid on a condom and pressed forward against me, i gasped at the sensation, a mix of pleasure and pain that left me breathless.

"It's alright, sugar," He murmured, his voice soft and reassuring. "Just breathe, and let me in."

I took a deep breath, letting it out slowly as I willed myself to relax. He pressed forward, the pressure building as he slowly entered me

I cried out, my nails digging into his back as the pain overwhelmed me for a moment. But then the sensation began to change, the pain giving way to a pleasure so intense it was almost unbearable.

He held me close, his movements becoming more urgent as he claimed me with his body. I cried out, my nails digging into his back as the pleasure built inside me.

"Say my name," he growled, his voice a primal roar in my ear.

I moaned, unsure of what to say, but he pressed on, his lips brushing against my skin. "Adrian Blackwood," he breathed, the sound of his name sending a shiver through me.

"Adrian," I whispered, the sound of his name like music to my ears.

As I uttered his name, his thrusts growing deeper and more powerful. He possessed me an intense madness, his name became a curse and a prayer on my lips.

I gave myself over to him, letting him claim me in a way I had never been experienced before. And with one last thrust,I clung to him, my body trembling with my orgasm.


I opened my eyes,my vision blurry and disoriented. The unfamiliar room greeted me, My mind is foggy, but as my memories start to return, a wave of panic washes over me. I'm in the bar's room, on the bed. We...oh God, what did I do?

I try to sit up, but a sharp pain shoots through my body, making me gasp. I fall back onto the pillow, my heart racing. I can't believe I gave myself to him, to a stranger. When all I wanted was for my first night to be with Jack,but that dream is long gone.

With endurance, I slowly swing my legs over the side of the bed, wincing in pain. I stand up, my legs trembling beneath me. I look around the room,my eyes blurry,trying to find my clothes. They're scattered on the floor, a reminder of the last night.

I dress slowly, each movement painful. I find my glasses on the nightstand and put them on, my vision returning to me. I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself down.

As I turn to leave, my gaze falls on Adrian's face. He's still asleep, his face relaxed and peaceful. I feel a pang of...something. Regret? Longing? I don't know.

I stand there for a moment, frozen. I want to touch him, to wake him up and...what? Ask him why he chose me ? Ask him why I felt butterflies just looking at his face? I don't know.

But I know I can't stay, I have to face reality once again. I take one last look at his face, committing it to memory. Then, I turn and walk away, leaving him and the night we shared behind.

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Other books by GeraldineWrites

When the Rose meets the Nightshade

When the Rose meets the Nightshade



In the city that never sleeps, two worlds collided. Carissa Coyhen, a 24-year-old woman with a heart full of dreams and a pocket full of struggles, was just trying to make a name for herself in the concrete jungle of New York. Her life was a constant battle to make ends meet, a never-ending cycle of bills, deadlines, and disappointments. Enter Felix Blackwood, the 27-year-old CEO of Blackwood Enterprises, New York's most eligible bachelor, and a man with a reputation for being as ruthless in business as he was charming in the spotlight. His life was a carefully crafted facade of power, wealth, and control. When fate brought them together in a chance encounter, the sparks that flew were not of attraction, but of animosity. Their initial meeting was a clash of wills, a collision of opposing forces that left them both reeling. And yet, despite the hatred that simmered between them, they couldn't deny the inexplicable pull that drew them together. As their paths continued to cross, the tension between them grew thicker than the Manhattan fog. They were two people from different worlds, with different values and different goals. But the heart doesn't always listen to reason, and the attraction between them refused to be ignored. Will they find a way to bridge the gap between their two worlds, or will their differences tear them apart? Can the rose bloom in the darkness of the nightshade, or will it wither under the pressure? Dive into their story to discover what happens when the Rose meets the Nightshade

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