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When the Rose meets the Nightshade

When the Rose meets the Nightshade



In the city that never sleeps, two worlds collided. Carissa Coyhen, a 24-year-old woman with a heart full of dreams and a pocket full of struggles, was just trying to make a name for herself in the concrete jungle of New York. Her life was a constant battle to make ends meet, a never-ending cycle of bills, deadlines, and disappointments. Enter Felix Blackwood, the 27-year-old CEO of Blackwood Enterprises, New York's most eligible bachelor, and a man with a reputation for being as ruthless in business as he was charming in the spotlight. His life was a carefully crafted facade of power, wealth, and control. When fate brought them together in a chance encounter, the sparks that flew were not of attraction, but of animosity. Their initial meeting was a clash of wills, a collision of opposing forces that left them both reeling. And yet, despite the hatred that simmered between them, they couldn't deny the inexplicable pull that drew them together. As their paths continued to cross, the tension between them grew thicker than the Manhattan fog. They were two people from different worlds, with different values and different goals. But the heart doesn't always listen to reason, and the attraction between them refused to be ignored. Will they find a way to bridge the gap between their two worlds, or will their differences tear them apart? Can the rose bloom in the darkness of the nightshade, or will it wither under the pressure? Dive into their story to discover what happens when the Rose meets the Nightshade

Chapter 1 One

The sun rose over the concrete jungle of Manhattan, its golden light gilding the steel skyscrapers and bustling streets. Carissa Cohyen weaved her trusty Honda through the maze of traffic, her grip on the steering wheel tight, her nerves taut.

Her best friend, Rachel's, voice came through the phone's speaker, her buoyant enthusiasm a balm for Cara's anxious thoughts.

"Ugh, Rach," Cara groaned, her fingers clenching the steering wheel tighter.

"The Knight and Co Limited is the sixth company I applied for , and I'm running out of steam. I need this job. Mom's bills are piling up and moving to New York was supposed to be my big shot. I can't afford to fail"

"Cara, sweetie, take a deep breath and let the universe do its magic! You've got this far, and that's something to celebrate. Six interviews in, and you're still standing - that's like, ninja-level job-hunting skills right there! And hey, if Knight and Co Limited doesn't work out, we'll just dance it out and manifest the next opportunity. Your mom's bills will get paid, and we'll figure it out together, 'kay? You're strong, capable, and talented - and don't forget it!"

Cara's laughter rang through the speakers, a genuine smile tugging at her lips.

"Thanks, Rach." Cara continued, "Seriously though, I needed that. I just need to chill and be myself. I've prepared well for this interview; whatever happens, happens."

"See? A good laugh fixes everything," Rachel chirped. "Now go knock 'em dead, girl!

"Girl, I've got some news to share!"

"Come on, spill it!"

"Guess who asked to move in last night? Mike did! " Cara gushed.

Rachel's tone shifted, concern edging into her voice. "Girl, seriously? Mike? After what he did to you...ugh, I still can't believe you're giving him another chance.

The excitement that had been building in Cara deflated at Rachel's reaction. "I know he hurt me, Rach. But he's grown so much, and we've been so happy these last few months. I love him."

Rachel's skepticism was palpable through the phone. "I know you do, girl, but you deserve someone who treats you right. Mike might've changed, but he's gotta prove it. You deserve a king, not a man who treats you like a doormat."

Cara's voice was soft, but resolute.

"I hear you, Rach," Cara replied. "I'm not saying it's been easy. But I really think he's changed. He's more present, more attentive, more... everything. It's like he's become the man I always knew he could be."

Rachel's voice softened as well, "I just don't want you to get hurt again, Cara. But I'm here for you, no matter what."

Cara sighed, "Thanks, Rach. You're the best friend a girl could ask for"

"But if he hurts you again, tell him Rachel's coming for him!".

As Cara drove, a sleek, expensive car suddenly swerved past her, forcing her to veer to maintain control. Mud splattered onto her shirt and car tires.

"I will call you back," she said hastily into her phone before stepping out of her car.

Stepping out of her car, Cara's eyes widened in dismay at the mud stain on her top. "What the...! "What the fuck,Who does this bastard think he is?" she muttered, furious.

In a fit of anger, Cara grabbed a handful of mud and flung it at the expensive car as it drove away. She repeated the action, splattering more mud. But to her surprise, the car reversed and pulled up in front of her.

The door opened, and out stepped a tall, well-built man in a blue suit, his hair a rich shade of brown, and his eyes a piercing blue.

"I thought all the riffraff in the city knew their place," he said, his tone condescending.

Cara shot back, "And I thought a decent human being should have at least been taught manners! You were the one who overtook me for no reason"

The man's eyes narrowed, his gaze lingering on Cara's mud-stained top before meeting her fiery gaze. The air was electric with tension as they stood there, locked in a silent standoff.

"Rude low life bitch lecturing me about manners" He took a step closer to Cara, his voice low and menacing.

Cara met the man's glare with her own, her jaw set in a stubborn line. "Look who's talking, you spoiled, arrogant brat. If you'd had any manners yourself, we wouldn't even be in this situation. But here we are."

Cara scoffed, "Yeah, yeah, I've heard it all before. Some rich jerk with a god complex, who thinks he can intimidate his way out of any situation."

The man's nostrils flared, a muscle in his jaw twitching. "You're pushing your luck"

Cara crossed her arms defiantly. "What, are you going to call your daddy to handle this for you?"

The man's face darkened, his jaw tightening. "I don't need anyone's help to deal with low-life scum like you. And don't think you're getting off easy just because you're a woman. I'll have you arrested for vandalism."

"Arrested? You must be joking.Cara, her chin raised defiantly, replied, " you, Mr. Fancy Suit, can take your charges and shove them where the sun don't shine."

The man checked his watch, his expression darkening. "You've wasted enough of my time," he snarled. "You have no idea what you just cost me."

Cara raised an eyebrow. "Oh, poor baby. Maybe you should have thought of that before you decided to play chicken with me on the road."

The man's face twisted in anger. "This isn't over," he growled. "You'll pay for this."

He turned and got back into his car, peeling away from the curb with a screech of tires. Cara watched him go, her heart still racing from the confrontation.

"Great, just great," she muttered to herself, shaking her head. She looked down at her mud-stained top and tires, and groaned. Now she was going to be late for her interview, and she looked like a mess.

She pulled into a nearby convenience store parking lot, trying to think of a way to clean up the mud. She spotted a hose and some cleaning supplies outside, and grabbed them. As she cleaned, she couldn't shake off the feeling of unease.

After finally managing to remove most of the mud from her car. Cara got back into her car, feeling frazzled and anxious. She took a deep breath, trying to calm down. She had to focus on her interview now.


New York city,

Blackwood enterprises,

11:21 pm,

Felix Blackwood, CEO of Blackwood Enterprises, entered the office with a disheveled appearance and an angry expression, much to the amusement of his staff. But they were required to greet him with a straight face.

Klaus, felix best friend, and COO, quipped, "Look who finally decided to grace us with his presence. The CEO, one hour late to his own interview for an assistant, and with an untidy appearance. You're really making a great impression, Felix."

Paula, the HR Manager, added, "The New York Times described him as a charming and competent young bachelor. I wonder what they would say if they knew he was late to his company for the fourth time this week.

Felix scowled, "It wasn't my fault, Klaus. I got held up by some infuriating woman on the way here." The mere mention of Carissa conjured her face in his mind's eye for a brief moment.

Paula raised an eyebrow, "Felix, I know you're trying your best, but seriously, remove the rose-tinted glasses. Half the board members seem to be in favor of your step mom taking over, despite your father's last wishes."

Felix's expression darkened, "I don't think you know what you're insinuating, Paula. So you please shut the fuck up and leave me alone" He snapped and his temper rose.

Klaus, stepping in between them, shouted, "Hey, don't you talk to her like that! As the COO and HR manager, Paula and I have been nothing but loyal to you since you became CEO. We've been taking care of your affairs and defending you against the board, while you lounge around playing the role of New York's finest bachelor in your little Playboy panties and don't you dare forget that we were still the only ones who stood by you during your crazy phases when your dad died you fucking bastard"

Paula calmed Klaus down, "Look at me, Klaus. Just calm down, okay? Felix didn't mean it that way. He was annoyed, and we know how well he trusts his uncle.Right Felix"

Felix, his face contorted with guilt, barely managed a reply. "Yes, I didn't mean it that way. you know you guys mean a lot to me and for a second there I just snapped. "

Klaus, still fuming, muttered under his breath, "Whatever. Let's just get to the interview."

Paula, her voice calm, picked up the phone and dialed.

"Hello, Julie? This is Miss Dante. Could you send over a new pair of suit for Mr. Blackwood?"

"Yes, ma'am. Someone will be over with it soon."

Moments later, there was a knock on the door, and a secretary entered with a fresh set of suit.

Paula dismissed her, "Thank you. We'll be ready in a few minutes."

Paula hung up the phone and turned to Felix. "Let's get started with the interview. Our first candidate is waiting."

Felix nodded, still looking a bit disheveled. "Yes, let's get this over with."


Cara swore angrily as she drove into Blackwood Enterprises'. She cursed the rude bastard who caused her to be so late for her last chance at securing a job in this dog-eat-dog city.

As she pulled into the parking lot, Cara caught a glimpse of herself in the rearview mirror. Her hair was disheveled, and her top was still stained with mud. She groaned, feeling a sense of dread wash over her. This was not how she wanted to present herself for the interview.

Cara took a few moments to collect herself, trying to shake off the lingering unease. She got out of the car, smoothing her hair and trying to straighten her clothes. She took one last deep breath, and then headed into the building. Time to put the confrontation behind her and focus on the interview.

As she entered the building, she hoped she wasn't too late. At the secretary's desk, she said, "Good afternoon, Ma'am. I'm here for the interview."

Miss Julie looked up, smiling. "You're late, Miss...?"

"Carissa Coyhen. I know I'm late, but I had trouble on the road." Cara gestured to the mud stain on her shirt. "Please, can I still be considered?"

Miss Julie's expression softened. "You're in luck. The interview is still ongoing. Here's your ID card. hold on to it and take a seat in the room down the hall. You'll be called soon."

Cara thanked her and entered the room, feeling a surge of anxiety as she scanned the other candidates. But she remembered her Rachel words of encouragement and steeled herself with confidence.

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