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ln the world of the wealthy and influential Robert Family, 23-year-old lookalike twins Tyler and Tyson are set to inherit the Golden Hotel empire. Tyler, the charming and friendly one, and Tyson, the cold and calculating one, navigate love, family, and identity. Their 17-year-old sister Valerie, a beautiful and feisty high school student, is determined to avoid love, but fate has other plans. Meanwhile, a mysterious young woman with a troubled past and a determination to succeed catches their attention. As their paths collide, secrets are revealed, and love becomes the ultimate game-changer. Who will find love, and who will lose everything?

Chapter 1 The Mysterious Delivery Girl


Chapter 1: Highlight Club (7:30 PM)

A lady's bike was parked in front of Highlight Club. Ariel removed her helmet and flipped her hair, which caught the attention of some guys outside the club. They started drooling over her. She placed the helmet on top of the bike and got down. She picked out the cake from her delivery box and walked inside the building.

Once inside, she brought out her phone and checked the picture of the person she was supposed to deliver the cake to. Tyler was sitting between two girls and two of his friends. "Did you promise to give me one of your cars?" the girl on his left side asked, resting her head on his chest.

"I promise to give you, babe," Tyler replied proudly.

Ariel finally reached where Tyler was sitting. "Are you the one named Tyler?" she asked, showing him the picture on her phone.

"Yes, what can I do for you?" he asked.

"Alright, I was asked to drop this cake and letter for you," she replied, handing them over to him.

"Who was it?" he asked.

"I was told not to tell you; that you would recognize the person as soon as you read the letter," Ariel answered.

Tyler opened the letter and read it. "'I'm done with you, you motherfucker. That's a cake to celebrate our breakup.'" Tyler read out loud what was written inside and smiled. "I'm single again!" Tyler shouted, feeling happy.

Everybody inside the club shouted, celebrating with him. "What? How can someone be happy after being served breakfast?" Ariel thought in her mind.

"Woah!" Everybody inside the club shouted.

"Congratulations, dude!" Gideon congratulated him.

"Thanks, buddy," Tyler replied with a smile.

"Can I take a picture of you with the cake to show that the cake has been delivered?" Ariel asked.

"Sure," Tyler replied.

Tyler picked up the cake, and they took a picture of it with his friends, all smiling.

"Done," Ariel said and left.

"I'll be back in a minute, guys," Tyler asked for an excuse as he went chasing after Ariel.

"Hey, delivery girl!" Tyler called out to her, and she looked back.

"What can I do for you?" she asked.

"What's your name?" he asked.

"Why are you asking for my name?" she asked, confused.

"I just want to know you better," Tyler responded.

"I can't tell you, okay?" she said.

"Okay, give me your phone number," Tyler asked for her digits.

"No," she replied sharply with a smile.

"I just want to call you, huh? I like you already," Tyler confessed.

"I hate you," she muttered and got on her bike, putting on her helmet.

"Please, just give me," Tyler begged.

She turned back to him and brought out her middle finger, which represented "F**k you."

"What?" he said, lost for words.

Ariel kicked her bike and zoomed out of the club.

"I will make sure I get your number," Tyler said and went back inside.

The Roberts Mansion (9:00 PM)

Tyson was inside the living room watching TV when the doorbell rang. He got up and went towards the door. He checked through the camera and saw that it was Tyler at the door. He opened the door, and Tyler came in.

"Hey, bro," Tyler said, and they made a handshake.

"What's up? What happened in the club today?" Tyson asked.

"I really enjoyed myself," Tyler replied, and they both sat down.

"A hot delivery girl came to deliver a cake to me; the cake was from my girlfriend, sending a message of her breaking up with me," Tyler explained.

"Don't tell me that girl broke up with you? Though I'm not surprised," Tyson said.

"Yeah, but I will soon get another one," Tyler said proudly.

"How sure are you?" Tyson asked.

"The girl that came to deliver the cake was a beautiful hot chick; I really like her, and I asked for her number, but she refused. I'm sure I will get her number at all costs," Tyler said.

"Don't take any stupid movement again, because I don't want to be mistaken as you again, okay?" Tyson said and left for his room.

"Okay, I'm just really tired," Tyler said and lay down on the couch.

To be continued...

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