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Bloodmoon Luna

Bloodmoon Luna



Nuella was born with a rare condition, which grants one the ability to absorb and control the powers of a werewolf after biting them. Born on the night of the blood moon which was also the full moon, Marina was in labor as she bore her child which eventually led to her death. Alpha Jose (Roland and Luca 's father) hears of the threat of some child on his reign as alpha, after his mind has been poisoned, he sends word out to search for Fernandez who was on the run with his baby girl. He keeps Nuella in a cave where he goes out to mislead them but ends up getting killed. Seeing Agatha, he pleads with her to take good care of his daughter for him and then passes on, but before she takes in, the guards are already coming; she instead saves the baby. After 22 years, meet Nuella who grew up under the care of Agatha who bid her perfectly from the rest of the world, and considering her looks which could give her away anytime. She finds out that Nuella actually has Lunar Absorption Syndrome which most times can be extremely painful especially with transformations. On her birthday every year, a blood moon always appeared in the sky to serenade her, which made Luca search intently for her.

Chapter 1 The Tragic Beginning- Twenty-Two Years Ago

It was the third month during the Full moon, the night was still young and the aura moved silently as it covered the entire Dark Moon Pack. It was the night of the blood moon, the sky darkened, as it expected the supernatural to be born anytime soon.

"Push!" The nurse yelled at Marina, beads of sweat covered her face as she pushed her baby with the last strength she had,

Today marks exactly ten years since she last had a child, in fact she only bore one but never carried them in her arms.

She pants, breathing heavily and she bit her lips before giving it one last push. She closed her eyes,

"Now push!!!!' the midwife yelled, as soon as she sighted her baby coming.

"Argh!!!!!" She screamed, with her veins popping out of her neck, her eyes widened as she fell back in her bed, the sweet sound of the baby's cry filled the room.

Tears pricked down Marina's eyes as she looked at the gorgeous cutie she and her husband, Fernandez created.

"She's pretty, pretty Nuella. I ..." she began to gasp for breath, she was slowly going...

"Marina!" The midwife yelled, hitting her to get up, but she breathed her last, holding her baby's hand.

The door opened, Fernandez barged in after hearing the midwife scream his wife's name, his eyes met with her lifeless body lying on the mat, for a moment, the world stopped, he stared at his wife and daughter who seem to cry for her mother, if only she knew, she had just breath her last.

A formidable silence fell, as a tear pricked down Fernandez's eyes as he stared at his wife who lay there not moving.

The midwife looked at him as she broke the saddest news to him. It was a bittersweet moment for him, he had his daughter but his wife paid the ultimate price for her birth, and now she is gone.

"She's dead," She announced.

Twenty-two years later, inside a cottage of the Dark Moon Pack...

The sun Shone brightly as it cast itself on the small cottage hidden deep in the woods, today was the day, her birthday...the day she was found by the Stream by Agatha.

She walked out of the cottage, her eyes fell on the one person she loved the most, Agatha.

"I told you not to overwork yourself.... didn't I?" She began, Agatha turned to her, her hair was in a mess and she was just getting up from sleep.

"Happy birthday Ella, it's another full moon, you should stay home tonight" Agatha added with a bit of concern in her face. She was cooking her favorite meal and wouldn't have to stress herself over anything.

"Mom, c'mon...you and I both know that I can't help it. The pain that is yet to come is going to be unbearable and I can't just stick around." Ella says to her as she took the spoon with which she turned with.

"Nuella...you never listen, Do you?" She asked, sighing as Elle smiled.

Agatha watched her, she was the perfect beauty sense in all ramifications, tonight is the night she finally tells hers the truth and her attachment with the full moon, which comes only on her birthday to signify something.

Nuella was born with a disorder, known as Lunar Absorption Syndrome; she didn't notice this until Nuella turned five. They were playing a game when she suddenly bit her, Agatha felt weak instantly falling to the ground and was paralyzed for half a day, to say, if that day was the full moon? She'd lose all her werewolf powers.

This was a great tool to settle the ongoing war that had claimed a lot of lives in the past years.

The Dark Moon Pack and the Stone Wood Pack, have been mortal enemies for decades, with no plans to stop their rivalry anytime soon. And to make the matter worse, they were half- brothers, Alpha Roland and Alpha Luca, inherited this war from their fathers had continued the fight but although strangely, no one ever saw Alfa Roland of the Dark Moon Pack, which they often mock the pack as being weak, but it had fought so hard with the four walls of the Pack territory to keep everyone safe.

Nuella blew the fire with a hand fan, as she tucked her hair behind her ears,

Her skin was soft and silky like that of a goddess, as if the moon had specifically selected her to cast its light through her, her rich dark brown hair which she tucked behind her ears were shiny and wavy. Her eyes had a beautiful shade of ocean blue and dark blue all together making her irresistible.

Nuella was the perfect beauty, her features were delicate but strong, with high cheekbones and her small pointy nose which Agatha admired.

As the full moon arises, body begins to transform, her five senses increase to ten, and become even more radiant but this doesn't last for long as the excruciating pain that comes afterwards, breaks her.

Nuella Turned to see Agatha looking at her, if there was a solution to this condition of herself then she'd find a way. Hiding her from the rest of the world was the best thing, as Nuella drew a lot of attention to herself, when it comes to her beauty.

"You're lost in thoughts again, Mom" She began then said, "and I'm very sure they are sad thoughts" She stood from the fireplace, approaching her,

"Do I have a choice? My daughter is too pretty to suffer." She burst into a fake chuckle. She didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable.

"Well, we're out of some baking soda, I want to bake a cake for you but I'm out of it. I'd run off to the village market to get it. You stay put here, okay?" She turned to leave when Nuella held her wrist,

"How about I go this time? C'mon Mom, it's been years, I've not left the walls of this cottage and sadly I think I'm beginning to look like a prisoner in my own house." She added, Agatha sighs, she knows the consequences of her being spotted in the market.

"No! Nuella.... it's too dangerous!" She says to her, and that is what she's been telling her for two decades now. She was tired of the same old story all over again and again.

"Mom, you keep telling me it's dangerous...I've not had a friend all my life, and I've not seen anyone aside from you. Just do this one thing for me and this is all I ask from you, Mom." She pleased holding her hands, hoping this time she was able to convince her.

Agatha looked at her with pity, she heaved a deep sigh,

"It's just for one night, what could go wrong, Right?" She thought deeply then sighs, still looking at Nuella.

"Alright, fine. But just come back on time and don't talk to anyone, and don't let anyone see you too." Agatha grabbed a scarf from the door, covering her with it.

"But why am I covering myself, it's not like I stole something?

"Look, there are many things I would love to unfold and you being in secret is the best move now. And please, do not ask questions...you know how much I hate it when you ask me a lot." Agatha added giving her the money, she was skeptical about her leaving but she just couldn't restrain her anymore.

She is an adult now and had full right to her freedom but just that she had to tell her about the dark secrets of the past so she would be careful when she's amongst the enemy.

Nuella watched her closely, Agatha was scared of something, any time she disappeared, she would go into panic mode like the outside world was a danger to her.

She smiled then held her hands, "Mom, I'll be fine...okay? Don't worry about anything. I'll go and I'll return." She said slowly as she took the money from her and headed for the market.

Agatha watched her go, for some reason she had an odd feeling that she wouldn't return, but she hoped she did.

"Just be fine, Nuella." She said to herself as she looked up the sky, it was clear as ever,

"It would be a full moon soon, and not just any full moon, it was going to be a Blood Moon. The same moon that appeared in the sky the night she was born. The night the tragedy all happened and then the beginning of the painful life she was living.

"You just have to be fine." She turned to see the frowning face of Marcy,

"Mother," Agatha quickly went down on one knee, Bowing to her.

"Why did you let her leave this place?"

Agatha's heart sank immediately, "She was beginning to get suspicious of me, and beside the Market is far away from the palace."

"Is that what you are telling yourself?" She asked, but she was not happy at all.

"Pray they don't meet each other." She said then disappeared. Agatha felt a lump down her throat, she was feeling uneasy.

"Danger is approaching." She muttered to herself.

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