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Falling for Julia

Falling for Julia



Blurb Xavier's life took a different turn after he found out the terms and conditions related to taking over his mother's multi million dollar company. He never had any interest in starting a family given he was raised in a single parent environment. This conditions force him to look for an alternative Meeting Julia, Employing her as his contract wife and falling for her along the line much to the disapproval of his possessive mother brought drama into his once peaceful life. Will Camille sit still and watch her plans for her son get ruined by some local girl? Will Julia stick to the terms of her contract and ignore her feelings for the handsome billionaire's Son? Will Xavier Fight for his new life?

Chapter 1 1. Terms And Conditions

Xavier's POV

"Can I get a bouquet of Lilies please" I said to the lady behind the counter.

"Okay sir" she began typing off on her computer as I observed her

She was quite a beauty if I'm being honest, her auburn hair tied in a pony made her face look round. My eyes shifted to her chest, the shirt she was wearing looked a little undersized as her breasts were threatening to burst out a button

"That would be $125" she said bring me out of my reverie

I handed her my debit card as she began scanning it on the POS machine. She handed it back to me and disappeared into the door behind her.

I began looking around as I waited. It was a beautiful flower store, I could see several sections of flowers ranging from organic to non organic flowers!

I didn't like lilies, if for anything I am allergic to Lilies but my father liked them, I was taking them to his grave! If only he were still alive, my mother wouldn't be this hostile towards me.

My chains of thoughts were broken when the lady emerged with Lilies in her hands, she handed it to me and as soon as the scent came in contact with my nostrils I let it out

"Hechu!!" I sneezed

"Are you allergic to lilies?" the attendant inquired holding back the flowers

"Uhhm! Yes I am" I admitted

"We do offer delivery services, you can opt for us to deliver them to your girlfriend instead sir" she said politely

"Umm, it's not for my girlfriend, it's actually for my late father" I informed her

"ohh! I could discretely deliver them to his grave site so you don't have to spend hours with these in your car, it could harm you" she insisted

"Okay, how much do I owe you for that" I inquire

"You know what, it's on the house! My condolences" she says picking up a pen and paper

"Really? Thank you Miss?" I looked at her name tag

"Julia! My name is Julia" she responds flashing me a smile.

"Julia! Thank you" I said

"The address sir" she asks handing me the pen and paper

I scribbled the address and handed it back

"Thank you again" I say and took my leave.

I spent the entire day at the cemetery. I turned my phone off as I knew my mother would be going wild looking for me.

It was 5pm before I decided to drive back to my house. As I pulled up into my driveway, I saw my mother's car.

I sighed and alighted from my car. I took out my briefcase from the back seat and locked the car, I walked into the lobby and the lights were all out

I chuckled "how dramatic could my mother be" I thought amidst my amusement.

I turned on the lights and walked up to the sitting room, standing by the door I searched the entire room for her.

"Good Evening mother! What brings you here" I greet when I noticed her sitting at the dinning.

"I didn't see you at work today and you didn't show up for your date with Jessica, where have you been all day?" she inquired

My mother was fond of barging into my house at will. She had a spare so she never bothers to inform me. I was used to this and her many other tactics to get me to settle down.

"I had a few errands to run outside work" I lied.

I couldn't let her know I went to visit father's grave, for some reason she avoids stories related to him, all she was comfortable enough to tell me was that he died when she was still pregnant with me.

So in order to feel closer to him I take it upon myself to secretly visit his grave once every month, which is why I often put the flowers on my debit card, my mother still had access to my credit card informations as she had gotten it for me prior to college

"You didn't just miss work, you missed the monthly board meeting which was supposed to be about my hand over" she had a stern look on her face as she stood up

I noticed she wore a singlet handed Flowy gown in Mint green color. Her hair was neatly tucked behind her ear with an hair clip.

"I'm sorry, I forgot" I knew better than to argue with her right now, the best solution was to apologize and let it die off.

"Anyways since you are here, you can fill me in on the details of the meeting" I say taking a step into the dining as she seats back down

"Take your things into your room, freshen up and come down for dinner, we have alot to discuss" she voiced out authoritatively.

I sighed before turning to my heels and went upstairs. My mother was the human definition of authoritative and controlling, every decision ends in her favour, and you must adhere to it.

She single handedly raised me after my father's demise. I watched her struggle to grow this company from scratch and we are one of the best Construction companies in Miami courtesy of her efforts.

It is finally time for her to retire given that she just celebrated her 67th birthday a week ago but for some reason she doesn't have it In her agenda to retire.

I got into my room and turned on the lights, I walked past my King sized bed and into my closet. I had Collections of luxury and casual wears hung in sections all around my closet. In the middle was a showcase drawer filled with my Exotic wristwatches, cufflinks and Ties.

I had a full glass wardrobe filled with my collections of shoes and another with my perfumes. As I stepped in I carelessly dropped my briefcase on the floor.

My cleaner arrives every morning to clean up so I didn't care about the position of things. I began throwing off my clothes and stashing them into the nearest laundry basket. I tied a towel below my waist line and returned to my room.

I picked up my phone and turned it on. I saw almost a hundred text messages from both my secretary, Jessica and mum.

I threw the phone onto my bed seeing there wasn't anything important for me to see and went into the shower, as I took my bath I hum and danced to my favorite Taylor Swift song - Wildest Dreams. I rinsed my body and dried myself before stepping out.

I walked over to my drawer and applied my roll on all over my armpit, brushed my low cut hair and proceeded to my closet as I flexed my tattooed chiselled body. I picked out a gray jogger shorts and plain black t-shirt. I slipped on my slipper and picked up my phone.

I went downstairs to met my mother still seated in silence.

"So what's for dinner?" I asked

"Mushroom Pasta and Creamy Chicken sauce" she responds as I open and begin to dish the food.

After serving mine and hers, I took a scoop and it really tastes nice.

"I wasn't wrong in hiring Donna as my chef" I compliment

"She is good, I must say" she admits after having a spoonful

"So mum, what was the meeting about?" I ask

"I am ready to hand over to you" she said making me look up at her

"What changed?" I question

"Nothing, I just think it's time I seat back and watch from the sidelines" she focused on her food as she spoke

"So? What did the board say?" I ask

"They anonymously agreed that you can only take up the company if you can attend the next Charity ball with your fiancee" she dropped the bomb

"WHAT? Since when did that become a criteria?" I question

"That has always been the criteria for CEO position. No one in the business world wants to do business with an irresponsible CEO" she retorts calmly

"But I'm not irresponsible gaddamnit" I yell

"Your voice and tone are not to my liking" she warned

"Fine! I'm sorry, but I won't let you push me into a marriage I do not want to be in" I insist

"Then the CEO position will be open to other interested board members, you can still sit amongst the board while holding your current position" she argued

"You can't do that mother! You will lose complete hold on a company you suffered to build" I bark

She gulps down a glass of water making me notice she was done eating, she pulled back her chair and stood up.

"Try and see!" she picked up her bag and headed for the door.

I heard the door bang. I had automatically lost my appetite! I knew my mother well and she would do good to her threats

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