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The Billionaire's Secret Betrayal

The Billionaire's Secret Betrayal



Clarissa Linton thought she had escaped her painful past and the man who betrayed her heart, but when she's forced into an arranged marriage with him, revenge burns in her veins. Aaron Thorne is a ruthless billionaire who has everything except the woman he let slip through his fingers. Now, forced together in a marriage of convenience, Aaron is determined to win back the love of his life. But Clarissa has a secret of her own-one that could destroy them both. With lies, betrayal, and desire intertwining their lives, will they find a way to rewrite their story, or will the revelation of Clarissa's true identity shatter the fragile bond between them?

Chapter 1 The Wedding Deception


"I'll make you regret ever loving me."

It was a promise. One I had silently vowed to keep the moment Aaron Blackwood betrayed my family. And now, standing before him in a wedding dress that felt more like a shroud, I was about to seal his fate with a kiss.

The chapel was breathtaking, I'll give him that. White lilies lined the aisles, chandeliers dripping with crystals sparkled from above, and everything was bathed in the golden glow of candlelight. To anyone watching, this was the wedding of the century-a perfect union of two powerful families, cementing a merger worth billions.

But to me, it was the beginning of my revenge.

My hands gripped the bouquet of white roses, so tight I could feel the thorns digging into my skin. The pain was welcome. It kept me sharp. It reminded me of why I was here. This wasn't a love story. It was a transaction. An exchange. And I intended to come out victorious.

Aaron stood across from me, his dark eyes fixed on mine, a small, hopeful smile tugging at his lips. He was playing his part well-the doting, loving husband, grateful for a second chance. As if he deserved one.

"Clarissa," he murmured, his voice warm, soft, like a caress. "You look beautiful."

Beautiful. I almost laughed. Was that supposed to make up for everything? For the lies, the betrayal, the destruction of everything I once held dear? He had the nerve to stand there and call me beautiful, as if I hadn't spent the last few years plotting his downfall. He thought this marriage would be a fresh start. But for me, it was nothing more than a means to an end.

I glanced at the officiant, who droned on about love, commitment, and eternal devotion. Empty words. The kind that make people feel safe, as if love alone could ward off betrayal. But love hadn't saved my father. Love hadn't saved my family's business from ruin. And love wouldn't save Aaron from what was coming.

Aaron's hand slid into mine, the touch electric. For a brief moment, I hated how my body still reacted to him, even now, after everything. His touch was familiar, warm, the way it used to be when we were young, when I believed in fairytales and happily ever afters.

But that was before.

Before he shattered my world.

I forced myself to smile, the kind of smile that would fool everyone in the room. Even Aaron. He had no idea that beneath the surface, I was anything but the dutiful bride. The gears of my plan were already turning, each step leading closer to his destruction.

"I, Clarissa Linton, take you, Aaron Thorne, to be my husband," I said, my voice steady, smooth. Not a tremor. Not a hint of the storm brewing beneath the surface.

His smile grew wider as if he thought my words meant something. As if I truly intended to honor the vows I was about to make. Fool.

The officiant looked at Aaron, waiting for his response. He turned to me, his eyes filled with something I used to recognize-love, or something close enough to it. "I, Aaron Blackwood, take you, Clarissa, to be my wife," he said, his voice thick with emotion. "I know this isn't what we imagined our future to be, but I promise, I'll make it right. I'll make up for everything."

Make it right? He actually thought he could fix what he'd broken. The arrogance was astounding. Aaron didn't know the first thing about fixing what he destroyed. He couldn't bring my father back. He couldn't reverse the damage done to my family's legacy. And he couldn't stop me from dismantling his world brick by brick.

The officiant smiled, oblivious to the war raging between us, and finally said the words everyone had been waiting for: "I now pronounce you husband and wife."

The crowd erupted in applause. The sound of it filled the room, bouncing off the walls like a symphony of lies. Aaron took a step closer, his hands moving to cradle my face, his touch gentle. Tender.

And for a fleeting second, I could almost believe the lie. That this was real. That he and I could somehow be what we once were, before the world went to hell. Before his betrayal turned my love into something twisted and dark. But that second passed, and I remembered why I was here.

Aaron leaned in, his lips brushing against mine, and that was when I whispered it. The words that would haunt him long after the applause had died down.

"I'll make you regret ever loving me."

He pulled back slightly, his brow furrowed, confusion flickering in his eyes. I gave him my sweetest smile, the kind I used to reserve for him back when we were younger and more foolish. It was a smile that said everything was perfect. That our future was bright. But beneath it, my mind was already racing, plotting the next move.

The kiss was over before it even began. The crowd cheered louder, unaware of the cold war being waged between us. I stepped back, slipping my arm through his as we turned to face our audience. To them, we were the picture of happiness. To them, this was the start of a beautiful love story.

But to me, this was the beginning of Aaron's end.

As we walked down the aisle, hand in hand, my heart pounded in my chest. Not from love or excitement, but from anticipation. Every step we took together brought me closer to my goal. His mansion would be our battleground, and he had no idea what was coming.

We exited the chapel into the warm evening air, the golden sunset casting a halo around the entire event. Guests flocked toward us, eager to congratulate the happy couple. I smiled and thanked them, playing my part perfectly. Aaron's hand remained on the small of my back, guiding me through the crowd, as if we were truly in this together.

But we weren't.

And he was going to find out soon enough.

"Clarissa," Aaron murmured close to my ear, his voice filled with hope. "I know things have been rough between us, but I promise you, this is the start of something good. We can fix this. We can be happy again."

I turned to face him, my smile still in place. "Of course, Aaron. I'm sure we can."

He kissed my temple, a simple, sweet gesture that once would've made my heart flutter. But now, it was nothing more than a reminder of everything I was here to destroy.

As we climbed into the limousine, the door closing with a soft click behind us, I allowed myself one final glance at the chapel. The place where I had become his wife.

And where I had set his downfall into motion.

The car pulled away, the cheers of our guests fading into the distance. Inside, it was quiet, the hum of the engine the only sound between us. Aaron looked over at me, his eyes filled with a mixture of hope and regret, and for a moment, I almost felt sorry for him.


But then I remembered everything he'd done. Everything he'd cost me. My father, our business, my happiness-he had taken it all. And now, it was my turn.

Aaron reached for my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I'm glad we're doing this," he said softly. "I know it's not going to be easy, but I want us to work. I want us to be the way we used to be."

I leaned in, my lips brushing his ear as I whispered, "You're right, Aaron. This is the start of something. But it's not what you think."

He pulled back, confused, but before he could ask what I meant, the car came to a stop in front of his mansion. Our new home.

I stepped out of the car, turning to face the imposing structure before me. This was where it would all begin. Where I would unravel him piece by piece until there was nothing left.

As I walked toward the entrance, I felt a smirk tugging at my lips.

The game had officially begun.

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