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Be My Lady, Be His Wife

Be My Lady, Be His Wife

Twinkling star


"I hope it's clear to you that this is a loveless marriage, don't attach emotions to anything you do because I won't reciprocate them. You're just in my life to play your part for a year and leave like you were never there. This marriage was for a purpose to begin with." He clarified as he made his way out of the room. *** Kayla being the illegitimate child of her father was forced to have a contractual marriage with a billionaire so as to save her father's company from going bankrupt even though she was already engaged to Arthur. The only thing on Barrett's mind is to claim his inheritance and to do that he had to get married. He didn't mind getting married to a random lady. Unknown to him that there's another guy in the picture, who would die to have his bride to himself and then his bride also loves this guy so dearly. What will happen when he sees his bride making out with another guy on their wedding night? The story takes another turn when Arthur refuses to let Kayla be even after her marriage to Barrett. The story takes a twist when Kayla finds herself falling for Barrett but still can't untangle her heart from Arthur, at the end she's meant to choose. Will she go for Arthur who has been her knight in shining armor for years or will she stick with her husband in order to save her family?

Chapter 1 Her Father's Daughter

Kayla POV

I tried to make my movements as inaudible as I could, but the lump in my chest wanted me to run, to run as far as I could. Their voices still echoing in my head but I was tired of hearing it, in fact I'm tired of everything. Why should I be the one to sacrifice always, was I born for this?

"Kayla!"I halted on my tracks immediately and I turned to face her, putting on a smile that belies the trauma in my heart.

"Where are you coming from? Why the hell are you tiptoeing to your room?" She asked, obviously accusing me of a crime yet unsaid.

"Well, it's late and I don't want to wake any one?"I lied with a smile as I held the edge of my nightgown.

"Ohh, really?"She asked as she walked towards me With a raised eyebrow.

"Since you've heard it all, why not follow me to my room so I and your dad will elaborate more on the pressing issue." She requested and without waiting for my consent, she held my hand and began to walk towards her room.

"Honey, our dearest daughter eavesdropped on our conversation, so I decided we should make everything clear to her so her mind would be at rest." Kate announced as she walked towards my Dad swaying her hips at each step.

"My lovely daughter, please have a seat." My father began with that betraying tone of his.

"You know our company's current situation and you know how badly we really need investors so as to prevent the bankruptcy that's approaching our company." He started then put on his pitiful face and cleared his throat.

"Mr Edward has volunteered to invest in our company." He announced and stared at me expecting me to give him a smile at least but I didn't react to that because I already know what he's trying to do.

"I paid a fortune to see him, it was really hard to convince him to invest in our company, he finally agreed but with a condition." He paused and stared at me then adjusted uncomfortably on his bed then Kate began to pat him on his back.

"He said he would help me on the condition that I give one of my daughters to him for a contractual marriage of a year. After the space of a year, he will divorce her." He said and then locked his gaze to mine.

"We have decided that you're perfect for this..." Kate voiced out and I didn't let her finish her words before I backfired her.

"What makes you think I'm perfect for it? Huh? What of Chelsea and Ava? Aren't they your daughters? Why should you say I'm perfect for it?" I asked with rage as I stood up from my seat

"My daughter, you're more mature than your sisters, you can handle this,we trust you with this...'' Kate started and I cut her short immediately.

"Ohh, Chelsea isn't mature enough to be a sacrificial lamb even though she's four years older than I am. I'm already engaged..."

"Shut the hell up! You don't speak to your mother in that manner!" My dad groaned as he stood up from his bed as though ready to give me a heavy slap.

"She's not my mother and can never be!"I retorted and as expected his palm graced my cheeks heavily and I was forced to hold my left cheek.

"How dare you speak to your mother in that manner?" He shouted and Kate stood up immediately and held him as tears began to drip down her cheeks.

"Please don't raise your hand on her, she's just a kid." She said as she placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Kayla, this is the least you could do for us, for your brother." He mouthed in a low tone.

Tears dripped down my cheeks and I ran out of their room slamming the door hard as I made my way to my room. I pushed the door to my room open and locked it immediately then leaned on it.

It has always been this way, a constant reminder that I owe my family, a debt that I didn't even know when I lent it. I have tried my best to please my father so he would forget what happened in the past but my efforts weren't even noticed, instead there's a constant reminder that I can't replace him; my step brother in their lives.

When I was five, my mom passed on and I was left with my grandfather alone. Growing up my mom already told me that my dad doesn't want us, she showed me his picture. For some reasons instead of hating him, I developed an unmeasurable love for him and would always wish he would come back to us.

He finally came after my mom's funeral to take me but my grandfather refused. He came back with his lawyer when I was eight and I had no option but to go with him. My suffering began the very first day I stepped foot into this house.

The discrimination I got from my step siblings because of my complexion was enough to make me hate my existence. My mom being a black from Texas and my Dad from New Jersey made my complexion a mixture of both. I suffered bullying from them and the worst part of it all was that their mom was their biggest fan.

As I grew,I realized that my mom was in fact my dad's side chick so that's the reason my step mother pours all the hatred she has for my mom on me. My step brother was the only one that treated me the same way he treats his sisters. He's the eldest of them all so he acts more mature. He taught me how to be a better version of myself, how to stand up for myself,how to love me and how to be proud of the woman I am.

Life was finally making a whole lot of sense until that very day, when hell was let loose and time was forced to pause. The day that changed every single thing in my life and even when I think it's over,it replays in my head. Reminding me that it can't be forgotten, after all the wound is still fresh, it isn't a scare yet...

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