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Giving My Ex-husband A Second Chance

Giving My Ex-husband A Second Chance

Lark Brown


"You have a day to sign the divorce paper and leave my house and life" Damian said while I shivered. It's not like I didn't see it coming, I just wasn't expecting it to be that fast. I went to my room, packed a few things I could carry, got back downstairs and signed the papers. Vivian, whom Damian was divorcing me for was sitting beside him on the chair, and smiling wickedly. "Willa!" Damian called just before I opened the door. "Have it, that should be enough to start a new life somewhere far away from me. Take it and never show your face in front of me again!" He let out with no remorse. I collected the cheque and was surprised when I saw the six figures on it. A million dollars! That was all I was worth to Damian. I stared intently in his eyes while I tore the cheque into pieces and threw it in his face. He was shocked. Vivian too. They never expected it. I had no money, no hope, and no idea what awaited my life but I wasn't going to give them that satisfaction. The defeated look on their faces as I walked away was all the win I needed at that moment... Willa's life took a turn for worse after she got married to the arrogant billionaire heir, Damian. Their marriage was arranged but for Willa, it was a chance at love. She did everything she could to win Damian's heart including giving up her dreams. However, Damian had no space in his heart for another woman other than his first love, Vivian. He never cared about Willa, she was just a trophy wife that came with a price tag. When Vivian showed up, he saw no more need for Willa and quickly divorced her. It wasn't as easy as he thought, Vivian came with a lot of secrets, and by the time he realized his mistake, Willa had morphed into a powerful force...

Chapter 1 1


I sat down in front of my mirror combing my hair and admiring my beauty. I was lost in my thought and I didn't hear the door open.

"Willa...Willa...Willa" I heard someone called my name. I thought I was hallucinating not until the person tapped me on my shoulder.

I jumped up and looked around me till my eyes landed on the person who happened to be my dad.

"Dad, you're here" I said sadly

"What is wrong with you Willa? I've been standing here for some minutes but you weren't aware." My dad said.

"I'm fine, dad." I replied giving him a sad smile.

My dad didn't believe me but didn't say anything. He took his seat and told me to sit.

He cleared his throat before speaking "My dear, I came to inform you a date has been fixed for your wedding"

This sounded like bomb to my ear. That was when I remembered I'm getting married to a man I've not seen before. My arranged marriage came up when a lawsuit was filed against my dad's company for selling an agreed contract to another company.

All effort to get out of these mess proved abortive and he began to lose his investors who were withdrawing their shares from the company. In order to avoid his company going bankrupt, he went to seek help from his closest friend, Dave King.

Dave was willing to help my dad but with a condition that I will get married to his son, Damian King in return. My dad gladly accepted.

"Dad, I haven't accepted to marry Damian. Why did you go ahead and fix a date for the wedding without my approval? I asked my dad

"I do not need your approval to do what is right for you, Willa" He replied

My eyes welled up in tears.

"This isn't right, Dad and you know." I said "You deprive me of becoming a fashion designer and now this..." I added

I was already crying by now as I couldn't take it anymore.

My dad wasn't moved by my tears. He was looking at me blankly.

"My daughter, you know what I'm doing is for your sake..." He spoke

"How is it for my sake?" I cut in sharply

"You know the situation of my company, don't you? Is it until the company goes bankrupt and we have no means of surviving that's when you will understand" he said.

My dad was already getting annoyed by my attitude but decided to keep calm. I didn't reply him and the room was dead silent.

"I'm not getting married to Damian." I said flaring up

"You wouldn't dare, Willa." My dad said standing up angrily. "It's either you marry Damian or I disown you as my daughter." He added and walked out of my room.

I couldn't believe all this is happening to me. It has come to the situation that my dad is now threatening me.

"Why...why...why me..." I said hitting my hand on the table opposite me, not caring if I get hurt or not.

"Who in the world choose their company over their child happiness" I thought inwardly. I began to sob quietly.

Few minutes later, I heard a knock on the door. It was my maid, Lisa. She is the only one I trust and someone I could confide in.

Immediately she came in and saw me crying, she hurriedly came to me and hug me. It was as if she knew what I needed at that moment.

I rested my head on her shoulder and began crying. She kept on patting me on my back till I was calm.

When she was sure I was calm, she pulled me to the bed and we sat down.

"What's wrong, young miss? Why are you crying?" Lisa asked

I narrated the whole story to her and she felt pity for me.

"I know your dad wants what is best for you that's why he is doing all this. You should also understand him" She said

"I understand him but can't his friend help him without including me to the picture?" I said almost crying

"Common, don't cry." she said

"Do you know my dad threatened to disown me if I don't marry Damian." I told her

She gave me her best smile before responding "Your dad can't do without seeing you for a day, how then is it possible for him to disown you? You dad just said that out of anger knowing fully well you will oppose him."

I looked at her sadly. How I wish she knows the pain I'm going through.

But still, I can't blame her. We both know my dad can be very adamant some times.

"How about doing this?" Lisa spoke

"What?" I asked quickly eager to hear her suggestion

"Why not talk to him again, maybe during dinner. He might have a change of heart." She replied

"That seems like a good idea. I will talk to him at night. I hope he reconsider his decision." I told her

"Now stop crying and smile." Lisa said looking at me with a puppy face but I wasn't in the mood for that.

When she saw I wasn't answering, she started tickling me and I had no choice but to laugh.

She dragged me downstairs to come for lunch since I didn't take breakfast.

At night, I was having dinner with my dad and I started thinking of the perfect time to bring the matter up so he won't get furious at me.

I looked at him in the face and the look on his face was not welcoming. I was about giving up but decided to give it a try.

"Dad" I called out and he stopped eating

"Ehm..." I stammered

"What is it, my dear? Do you need anything?" He asked

"No dad, I do not need anything" I replied

Then what's the matter?" He asked

"I...I...I want to discuss with you about my arranged marriage with Damian. Can you please reconsider it?" I said giving him a crying face with the hope that he would be moved by it.

"Willa, you should have known me by now. I don't go back on my words." He spoke

"But dad..." I was about saying but he cut me off sharply

"There is no but, Willa. My decision is final. You're getting married to Damian either you like it or not" he said.

I was already getting pissed off by his decision. He does not care how I feel, either I'm happy or not. All he cares about is me getting married to Damian so his company won't go bankrupt. I stood up angrily

"Dad, I'm not getting married to Damian. I don't love him and neither will I. Why force me into a marriage I don't want to go into" I said angrily at him.

"You're going to marry Damian. You don't have a choice." He said to me

"Is it until my company go bankrupt that's when you will realize what I'm doing is for your good." He added

"No, dad. This isn't for my good at all. You're only selling me off to Damian just for your own selfish reason." I retorted

"Read my lips Willa, you're getting married to Damian and there's nothing you can do about that" he said and took his leave

I fell on the ground instantly and started weeping.

"Why is my dad acting this way?" I asked no one in particular.

After a while, I stood up and ran to my room. Immediately I got inside, I locked the door from behind.

I cried my eyes out throughout the night till I fell asleep.

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Giving My Ex-husband A Second Chance

Chapter 1 1
