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Betrayed By My Sister

Betrayed By My Sister

Quene Vee


The day I broke up with Alpha Spiffy Kelly due to his arrogant and abusive nature for Michael Wilson,was the day he swore to make my life miserable until I came back to him. A week before my wedding with Michael, Spiffy planned with my sister Jasmine. They spiked my drink at a hotel while he had his way with me, with my sister recording every action, my horny moments and unconscious words. I became pregnant for him without knowing,I found out 9 months later when he stormed my new home with the recorded clip and demanded that I must leave with him,as the baby in my womb belongs to him. Michael had no option than to reject me as his Luna when the DNA result confirmed Spiffy's claim with my sister Jasmine making hot chases and advances at Michael. Will he be able to resist her while I plan my brutal revenge on her and Spiffy?.

Chapter 1 Mischief Maker: Alpha Spiffy Kelly

"Tell Michael that I've come to take my child and the mother, they belong to me",I could hear spiffy's hoarse voice from the left window of our duplex.

"Let me see what is going on down there" as Michael bid me to get up from his chest where I rested my head.

I was having a good time with my mate, caressing his long beards while resting on his chest before the noise of spiffy's voice erupted.

"Spiffy don't you think you got the wrong address"? Michael blurted out to Spiffy from the glass framed window.

"Not at all Michael",I could see Spiffy from the window as I had followed Michael. Spiffy smiled in the most annoying and mischievous way while Michael looked at him in confusion.

"Honey let me go down and talk to Spiffy, remember he is the Alpha of Night Shadow's Pack", "I should hear him out", Michael said just as he picked up his expensive white sleeve shirt and rushed out of the room, banging the door behind him.

I felt relaxed not knowing what Spiffy had planned. Michael was my mate and the leader of one of the strongest Pack in Moon Hills, the Blue Fangs Pack and I was his Luna.

Not quite long, my maid Steph walked into my room panting as she said "Alpha Michael said you should come down to the living room".

The scent of Spiffy's perfume filled the living room and as I was about to Sit beside my mate Michael he halted me with his hand as he said "Do not sit, hear what he has to say".

I made an angry grimace at Spiffy, my eyes rending him into pieces as I spoke with gritted teeth. "What do you want here"?

He pointed to my protruded stomach and said "I am here for that tiny life inside of you and to take you along with me".

I turned to Micheal and gestured with my hands saying, "What does he mean,is he okay"?.

Michael looked away from me waving the back of his palm at me as he said "You will have to answer that yourself".

My face turning red in anger, I yelled at Spiffy "! Will you tell me the meaning of the nonsense you are saying or you get out!"

I was in utter surprise when Spiffy spoke calmly saying "Yes I will tell you why I am here and what I mean by every statement I make",then he signaled to Micheal to let me sit down,it was then Michael motioned that I sit on the chair next to him while he shifted a little away from me.

"My dear Bridgette" Spiffy began with confidence in his voice, "I'm sorry to inform you that the baby you are carrying is mine and I've come to take you home to take care of our child".

I turned to Micheal whose eyes were red and a frown plastered on his face as I said "This guy is going insane", but he didn't even flinch at me or my words, he kept a straight face and spoke in anger saying "Hear him".

"Do you not remember the week to your wedding when you asked me to satisfy your rising urge by sleeping with you as Michael hasn't touched you since your relationship with him began", Spiffy spewed.

His words sounded strange to me that I was dumbfounded with mouth open and glaring eyes. It was Michael's loud growl that brought back my consciousness as he banged his hand on the table and blotted out "!Answer him"!

"Honey I...I...I... don't know what he is talking about" I stuttered not knowing how to react to my angry mate and the obviously excited Spiffy.

Michael, boiling hot in anger, said to the now smiling Spiffy, "where is your evidence".

Spiffy calmly dipped his hands into his pocket with his eyes still fixed on me and Michael as he brought out a phone which I had seen Jasmine my sister with.

He dropped the phone in between Me and Michael with the phone making a tingling sound on the glass table. Michael now breathing heavily grabbed the phone in a haste and peered his angry look into the video playing.

I couldn't look at the video due to Michael's angry look visible all over him,I only heard moans of ahh,ahhs coming from a voice that sounded like mine, making an attempt to see the face behind the moans,as Michael yelled at me.

"Is this what you can do to me after making sacrifices for you even when my parents were against me marrying you and when Karen, my childhood lover, wanted me so badly but I rejected her because I wanted you to be my forever mate"?.

"Is this how you will treat me"?, now raising the phone up and directing it to my face.

I was mute staring at myself cuddling Spiffy in a hot romance. I was beside myself as I turned to Spiffy, tears rolling down my cheek but flames burning in my heart as I said to Spiffy.

"You brought your obsession and jealousy into my home to separate me and my mate right"?.

The constant smirk on Spiffy's broad face annoyed me the more that I wanted to drive his face with a heavy slap, but how can I do that to the Alpha of Night Shadow's pack.

"Do not misinterpret my mission" Spiffy gestured, raising his hands in the air and turning his face away, he continued,"I only came to take what is mine and what rightfully belongs to me".

"I don't not belong to you neither the baby I'm carrying" I sparked with sputum escaping from my mouth as I spoke to Spiffy my heart cold as ice.

"We will see about that" Spiffy grins and I wondered what gave him such effrontery because I had mated with my husband countless times after our wedding, and the baby could be Michaels,I thought within me.

"How about we go for a DNA test"? Michael suggested now calm, his calm voice bringing stillness to my troubled mind as I second his opinion saying "yes dear" I think we should as I looked at his charming blue eyes.

"What do you think, Spiffy"? Michael inquired from the mischief maker alpha Spiffy.

"You can go ahead but the child is mine," he retorted.

"Tomorrow we go to the hospital then" Michael said, getting up on his feet as he walked Spiffy to the door.

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