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Their Tale of Love

Their Tale of Love



The story tells a tale of young romance and all it challenges.

Chapter 1 NEW GIRL

My name is Stephen Kings, I'm 18yrs old. I live in a mansion in south hills village, New York, with my family and I have three elder sisters and three junior which are; Jane who is 24yrs, Cindy who is 20yrs, Lucy who is 19yrs [the elders] & Samantha who is 14yrs, Alicia who is 12yrs & Claire who is 9yrs.I'm the only boy. I attend Rodgers High school & I am in 11th grade, this is my story.

Jane barged in. "Stephen why are you still in bed?" "Huh here we go again" Stephen said getting out of bed. "I don't have your time, be quick and come down for breakfast." He pulled his night clothes and showered. He brushed his teeth, washed his jet black hair. He wore a white shirt and black jeans & black jacket, his boot, and glasses. He combed his hair and let it cover his right eye. He went downstairs. "Where have you been darling? We just had breakfast." "Sorry mom, well I better head to the car now, bye mom." He got dropped at school last. Jane and Cindy are in college, Lucy is in 12th grade, Samantha is in 8th grade, Alicia is in 6th grade, and Claire is in 3rd grade.

Stephen strolled down the hall where he saw Cal Harvey his best friend who is pretty smart and the second most popular kid in their class. Stephen was the most popular kid. "Hey Cal, what's up? Jeez! Cal. Why the many books?" "You can't blame me I have to study; besides we have a mega math's test today, did you even study?" The bell rang. "That's the bell we have history class now." Stephen said avoiding the question. They went to the class, the history teacher, came in with a girl. She was beautiful; she had dirty blonde hair and summer blue eyes with pink puffy lips. She wore a red crop top and black mini jeans skirt. Her hair was packed in a ponytail with dark red hair band on them. "Class I want you to meet our new student Skye Loren, please find a seat." A girl with brown straight hair waved a seat for her and she sat. "Hi I'm Sophie Andrews, nice to meet you." ''The pleasure's all mine.'' Skye said. They chatted for a while.


Stephen whistled to Cal, "That girl is hot". "You better not let Laura hear you. How can you put up with her?" Cal asked

"Not anymore Cal, I've got a new fish." Stephen said as the bell rang. "I got physics class, see you later." Cal said leaving. Stephen went to meet Skye. "Hey there, am..."

"None of my business; excuse me." Skye said leaving a very surprised Stephen. Stephen turned to see Laura smiling. "So the new chick gave the king a brush off, ha, I guess you're stuck with me. Why even bother." She said laughing. "That is it Laura, I can't do this anymore. We are over and I'm going to get that chick mark it." Stephen said and strolled off. 'Yeesh, how did I put up with her for so long?' Stephen thought to himself.

Skye moved to music class sighing, she had heard everything Stephen said to Laura. "So I'm just a chick you have to get, huh, King, well too bad cause you failed before you even started." She said to herself. "Hey Skye," Sophie said catching up with her. "Hey Sophie," Skye said. "Look am busy but how about you come over to my place later for dinner, I'll text you my address, you can't say no.'' Sophie said. "Fine bye," Skye said.

The bell rang for lunch break. Stephen carried his lunch and sat with Skye. "Hey there, do you mind if I join you?" "Look whoever you are; I know your type so stay away from me okay. I don't want any trouble so please." Skye said before stomping off. "Yeesh what's her problem?" Stephen asked sitting perplexed. Cal joined him later.

Skye walked slowly to her house. Her first day of school wasn't so bad except for that stupid rich kid that tried to get her. She got to her house and stepped inside. It was very tidy; mom must have finished arranging the house. "Mom, I'm HOME." Skye shouted. "Hey honey, how school was today?" her mom said, wiping her hands on her plaid apron. "It was fine, where is Andy and the twins?" Skye said dropping her bag on the couch. "Andy went to pick up Jane and James from elementary school." Her mom said. "Well, a girl in school invited me for dinner, can I go?" Skye asked. "But honey, you promised to babysit the twins while your brother and I go out." Her mom said setting the table. "Ugh! Well I'll just take them along." Skye said before marching to her room. Her wall was covered with pictures of her and her family and her bestie Amy Bradford. Skye could not wait till it was the holidays. She undressed and had a hot bath. She towel dried her & used her hair drier to dry her hair. She opened her wardrobe and brought out a blue sweater shirt with a blue denim skirt& put it on over her matching blue undies. She combed her hair and let it in waves. She applied make up and wore her sandals. She grabbed her watch, make up kit, car keys, and phone and went out locking the door behind her. Downstairs, Jane and James were already dressed.

"Hey guys, where is Andy and mom?" Skye asked.

"They went out!" the twins chorused giggling.

"Okay let's go." Skye said.

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Other books by Diedre

Lumina's Eclipse

Lumina's Eclipse



Lumina's Eclipse Character List Aaliyah of the Sunlit pack Aaliyah is a strong, smart but quiet Alpha who is the princess of the sunlit pack. She was cursed from birth which not only makes her tied to a Keith of an enemy pack but also cost her, her father's love as he blames her for her mother's birth. She loves her pack and is determined to break the curse regardless of what she has to sacrifice. Alpha George of the Sunlit pack Alpha George is the alpha of the Sunlit pack and Aaliyah's father. He lost his mate during child birth and his daughter was cursed at birth and the only way to brake it lied within the enemy pack causing him to forge ties with the enemy pack. He loves his daughter but keeps her at a distance due to grief. Alice of the Sunlit pack Alice is the Luna of the Sunlit pack and Aaliyah's mother. She died while giving birth to her. The seer of the Sunlit pack She is the seer of the sunlit pack who has a fragment of the moon goddess in her. Amal Amal is the seer's apprentice and the one sent to identify the goddess touched who can break Aaliyah's curse Viva Viva is the chief healer of the Sunlit pack. She is extremely talented and sought after, she is put in charge of the princess and raises Aaliyah like her own daughter. Alpha Lucien of the Greystone pack Alpha Lucien is the alpha and leader of the Greystone pack, his pack has been enemies with the sunlit pack for years. He is the father of the Keith the goddess touched betrothed to Aaliyah. Keith of the Greystone pack Keith is the third alpha prince of the Greystone pack; he is betrothed to the princess of the Sunlit pack but resents it. He is in love with his omega childhood friend Leanne and is determined to break his engagement to Aaliyah to be with Leanne. Damen of the Greystone pack Damen is the First alpha prince of the Greystone pack, he is a cunning, manipulative person who is determined to build his pack in a sort of empire. Xavier of the Greystone pack Xavier is the second Alpha prince of the Greystone pack, he is quiet and often has no sense of presence which causes him to be easily overlooked. He resents his lack of worth in his father's eyes and is determined to prove himself. Caroline of the Greystone pack Caroline is the dead Luna of the Greystone pack. She died mysteriously two years after giving birth to Keith. Lia of the Greystone pack Lia is the omega mother of Xavier who died during childbirth. Her existence was kept a secret by Lucien to hide the fact he forced himself on a servant. Leanne of the Greystone pack. Leanne is the omega childhood friend of Keith; she is also the daughter of the pack beta Zain. Keith is in love with her and is involved in a tryst with her however she has her sights set on being the pack Luna and uses Keith to get to Damen Zain of the Greystone pack Zain is the pack beta of the Greystone pack, he was close friends with Caroline and Lucien. He is fiercely protective of his pack but doesn't always agree with Lucien's methods and suspects him of the death of Caroline. Gavi of the Greystone pack Gavi is the high councilor of the Greystone pack, he is outspoken and haughty Niall of the Greystone pack Niall is the seer of the Greystone pack, he is powerful and has a soft spot for Xavier. Tyla of the Htrae coven Tyla is the head witch of the coven, she breaks the curse placed on Aaliyah Lumina's Eclipse plot Lumina's eclipse tells the story of Princess Aaliyah and her betrothed Prince Keith. Aaliyah is born after her parents The rulers of the Sunlit pack have tried for a year's for many years without fruition. Her mother dies after giving birth to her, however she was cursed from birth with an ancient curse meant to destroy both her and her clan. The only way to break the curse is to mate with a goddess touched mate before her twentieth moon (a moon is equivalent to a year). Her father in his bid to save her pours all his resources into finding one leading him to betroth her to the third prince of their rival pack and clan the Greystone pack, thus allying their packs in a fragile treaty. Her father then goes ahead to isolate her from everyone but her maids and nanny and tutors in a bid to protect her, however due to her semblance to her mother her father deprives her of his presence choosing to care for from afar. On her 18th moon her father holds a banquet to formally announce her engagement to Prince Keith, there she finally meets the person with whom she is to spend the rest of her life with but Keith is everything but charming, giving her the cold treatment throughout the ball and parading with an omega more than publicly appropriate. She proposes a meeting to get him to see reason but he proves difficult which forces her to tell him the truth after making him swear a blood oath not to reveal her secret. Prince Keith is torn for he genuinely cares for his omega friend and childhood sweetheart Leanne but knows that both their parents and Aaliyah will never break the engagement. Not w

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