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Their Tale of Love

Chapter 5 ALONE

Word Count: 1881    |    Released on: 17/09/2024

l of hers, and her whole family's friends were in attendance with their family. Stephen was at a table with Skye, Sophie, Cal, Laura, and Brian {Laura's boyfriend}. Laura had become a very clo

Mrs. Harvey said leaving. "Thanks guys for that, it was really nice of you." Cal said as they both stood up. "It's no problem; we better leave now if we want to make it back in time." Skye said. "Bye guys, be back soon." Stephen said. They went to his 2018 model jeep. It was snowing lightly; most of the roads were covered in snow because of the preceding heavy snow falling. They sped off to Westbrook town. It took an hour to reach harries food supplies. "Wait here while I go get the supplies, it was snowing quite heavily now." Stephen said to Skye. "Be careful or you will catch a cold." Skye said to Stephen as he grabbed his leather jacket and beanie. He entered into the store. There was an auburn-haired girl with honey eyes about his age, wearing a plain black shirt with a black wool coat and jeans, behind the counter. Her hair was short, just slightly below her ears. "Welcome to harries' supplies, what can I do you for?" she asked smiling. "Mrs. Harvey sent me to pick up her food supplies." Stephen said smiling back. She looked through her register for a while. "Oh, Mrs. Harvey...please render my apologies for the inconvenience, and you are?" She asked. "Sorr

enly. "It must be the weather, don't worry they'll be back soon enough." Cal said finishing his third glass of wine. "They better hurry if they wanna make it in time. Th

n barely see." Stephen complained bitterly, it was awfully cold in the car. "We should find a shelter, the weather is too da

at." She said throwing the fur coat at him and entering the car locking the doors. Stephen sighed, 'women, who could understand them' he thought walking with his flashlight. He moved deeper into the woods and for once he was glad he listened to Skye, the coat did shield off much of the cold. He walked quite a distance before he spotted a cottage; it looked like it was built recently. He picked up pace and knocked repeatedly on getting to the house but no one answered. "I guess no one's home, I'll go get Skye, and we can manage here." He said to himself. He hurried back to the car bumping into trees and falling at times. He got to the car and saw Skye dozing softly. He tapped her thrice before she woke up and looked at him. "Huh, what's going on?" she asked dooly. "I found a place for us to stay; it'll shelter us from this awful blizzard." Stephen said. He guided her to the cottage. But the door was locked. "Do you have a pin or something in that sense?" Stephen asked. "No I don't" Skye replied searching her bag. "Well, uhm, I ... could break the door . . . down." Stephen said. "Do be car

y todo lo que obtienes es ser criticando." Cal replied annoyed, his mother always vented her anger on him when she was stressed out. She also spoke to him in Spanish whenever she was angry; his dad was American but his mom, being Spanish had thought him how to speak it. "Perderse." His mother said. "Eso es la solo la eosa usted decir yo." Cal practically shouted back before he turned and walked off. His mom grabbed his arm turned him and slapped him. "Don't you ever raise your voice at me. Am I understood?" his mother screamed. "Yes mam." Cal said still holding his cheek. "Good, now I have more pressing issues to atte

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