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Finding Love

Finding Love

Esther Levi


Julia Martin, 28, with dark brown, curly locks and emerald green eyes, left Northwest University in Chicago to support her boyfriend, Ethan Russel. She worked multiple jobs to sustain them both, believing in their unbreakable bond and enduring love. What will happen when she learns the truth? Will she be able to love again

Chapter 1 Heartbreak

Julia Martin, a 28-year-old woman, possesses a stunning mane of dark brown, curly locks that perfectly frame her emerald green eyes, mirroring the mesmerizing gaze of her mother. Her decision to leave Northernwest University in Chicago, where she was once a dedicated student, was a pivotal moment in her life. Driven by an unwavering love for her boyfriend, Ethan Russel, Julia opted to support him wholeheartedly. Despite her family's apprehensions, she believed in her choice. Julia's unwavering devotion to Ethan led her to work multiple jobs to sustain both of them.

Their life together was a testament to their love, filled with cherished moments and an unbreakable bond.

Three years had passed since Ethan's increasing workload began to consume all his time, leaving little room for Julia. As his career thrived and his company expanded, he grew increasingly forgetful of their dinner dates, often arriving home late and showing little regard for her feelings. As this pattern persisted, Julia found it harder to bear each passing month.

One evening, Julia awaited Ethan's return, having waited for hours. Upon his belated arrival, she confronted him at the door. "Where have you been?" she demanded to know.

"In the office, where else?" Ethan replied evasively, avoiding her question as usual.

"Ethan, you smell of alcohol. How can you claim to be coming from the office? Do you now drink there?" Julia asked again, her frustration boiling over.

Ignoring her, Ethan headed straight for the bedroom. These past few months have been rough for Julia. She had lost one of her cleaning jobs because the owner felt she wasn't focused enough and had asked her to leave. Struggling in silence, she had no one to confide in.

When Ethan dropped the bombshell that he wanted to end their relationship, Julia was stunned. She couldn't comprehend his sudden change of heart. "After all these years?" she asked, her eyes and voice filled with pain.

"I'm sorry, but you have to leave immediately. I'll be selling this house in two days," Ethan declared before storming out of the house that she had single-handedly paid rent for. Julia couldn't make sense of it all, so she waited, hoping he would come to his senses. But he never returned.

Sitting on the couch, Julia reflected on the days when she first met Ethan, reminiscing about how kind and caring he used to be. She recalled the day she missed her bus home from school and had to take a long walk. Ethan, unbeknownst to her, had also missed the bus and was waiting at the stop.

As they strolled toward the train station on that moonlit night, Julia confided in Ethan about her predicament. Ethan, visibly preoccupied with work, admitted that he had lost track of time. "I was so engrossed in my work that I completely lost track of time," he confessed.

Intrigued, Julia inquired about Ethan's work, to which he revealed that he was in the midst of building his own business. As a business student with aspirations of becoming an entrepreneur herself, Julia found herself immediately captivated by Ethan's ambition.

Their conversation under the luminous moon quickly turned to discussions about their dreams and aspirations. When Ethan, with boldness, asked about her relationship status, Julia indicated that she was unattached. Seizing the moment, Ethan extended an invitation for a drink two days later and thus began their relationship.

Recognizing Julia's potential, Ethan, the shrewd businessman, urged her to join his company and offered to compensate her for her work. Although she had only a year left to complete her studies, Julia trusted Ethan's confidence in her and made the difficult choice to leave school and work for him.

Hidden behind a charming facade, Ethan concealed his manipulative nature. Originally intending to pursue a brief romance with Julia before casting her aside, he soon recognized her exceptional talents and skillfully exploited them to elevate his business endeavors. Despite giving the impression of appreciating her, he shamelessly took advantage of her innovative business concepts and strategies to further his own company.

Julia poured her heart and soul into the business, all the while never receiving a salary, convinced that her efforts were fueled solely by love. This lopsided dynamic effectively masked Ethan's ulterior motives, ultimately leading Julia to make significant sacrifices, including postponing her education and jeopardizing her future, all for someone who never genuinely had her best interests at heart.

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