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The Destiny of Kayla Stone

The Destiny of Kayla Stone

So Angel


Rejected by her soul mate, Roman, for being too weak, Kayla's world shatters. In a bid to numb the hurt, she seeks comfort in the arms of Lucas, the mysterious outsider who harbors secrets of his own. But that one night changes everything, setting her on a path she never expected. As Kayla struggles with the aftermath of her choices, she discovers that her destiny is far darker than she imagined and she's been blessed with special powers. Her estranged father, the ruthless leader of the Nightshade Pack, returns with a sinister plan-one that involves her unborn child. Caught between two powerful forces-her father's dark ambitions and the dangerous love triangle she's entangled in-Kayla must embrace the strength she never knew she had. But with ancient secrets resurfacing and time running out, one terrifying question constantly haunts: Will she find true love and fulfill her destiny, or will she be consumed by the darkness that threatens to destroy everything she holds dear?

Chapter 1 The Ceremony

It was a crystalline night, with the moon a silver coin riding high above the trees. Tonight wasn't just any other night; it was the very special night that all the Moonridge pack members had anticipated for years. The Fated Mate Ceremony was at hand.

It was a moment I had always imagined with a mix of hope and dread. It was the tradition of our kind that the moon would reveal for us our fated mate, our other half-the one who completed us. I'd been dreaming of this night for years; who would be my mate, and would he be all I hoped for?

My simple white dress felt like a conduit to all the nervous energy flowing through me. My fingers fumbled with the hem of the fabric, and I took a deep breath, trying to calm the fluttering in my chest.

"Kayla, you look stunning!" My best friend Eliza said as she stepped up beside me. She was clothed in the same basic dress, her hair blonde, falling in waves of curls around her shoulders. Her deep blue eyes sparkled with excitement. "Ready?"

I mustered a feeble smile back, trying to sound as excited as she was. "I think so. I mean, I'm as ready as I'll ever be."

"Oh, don't you worry. The moon knows for sure, it'll find you a mate that's perfect for you."

We had left the outskirts and moved to the center of the clearing, where a half-circle pack had gathered around the space of a huge stone altar, anticipation hanging thick in the air, torches throwing flickering light and driving long shadows across the ground. I could hear the murmurs of the elders and the soft chatter of the younger pack members.

My heart raced as the moon reached its zenith. Elder Magnus stood at the altar with his silver hair shining in the moonlight. He raised his hands, making a starting gesture of the ceremony.

"Welcome, members of the Moonridge Pack," Magnus's voice boomed. "Tonight, we gather to witness the union of fated mates, guided by the light of the moon."

The crowd went silent as the first pair of mates was revealed. The bond was strong, really strong; you could see it in their gazes and the way they moved in sync with each other. It was beautiful, but I couldn't help feeling a pang of anxiety.

My eyes darted around, searching for any sign of my future mate. My heart pounded in my chest.

"Eliza, do you think he'll find me soon?" I whispered. She put a comforting hand on my shoulder. "I'm sure he will. Just remember to stay calm. The moon has a way of bringing the right people together."

Magnus's voice rose again, he called the next couple forward, and the ceremony continued with

each couple coming up in turns, their destined connections revealed in the light of the moon.

Every moment grew a bit tenser through the anticipation, my nerves growing tighter.

Finally, his eyes came to me. "Kayla of the Moonridge Pack, step forward."

My breath caught in my throat as I took a tentative step forward with the eyes of the entire pack fixed on me. I tried to keep my steps steady, but my legs felt like jelly. I felt the moonlight softly.shining on me as I stood in front of the altar, my heart beating fast.

Magnus lifted his hands, "The moon will now reveal Kayla's fated mate."

I was still holding my breath, my eyes peering with all their might at the crowd in front of me, in

search of a glimpse of the person whom I was about to meet. The way the light seemed to be

brightening, and a prickling sensation going on at the base of my neck made the air around me


Then, a figure stepped out from the shadows. I couldn't see his face clearly, but the moment I laid

eyes on him, a jolt of recognition shot through me. My pulse spiked, and my hands clenched into

fists at my sides.

The figure advanced, his presence commanding attention. There was unconscious energy in the

murmuring of the pack as he neared, pulling us somehow together as if there was a magnetic pre

-destiny to this wolf encounter. As though suddenly conscious that it should be just the two of us, the world narrowed down. The moonlit danced across his features, but I couldn't make out his expression yet.

It was only at the last moment, when he did reach the altar, that he stopped. I raised my head to

get a closer look at his face. And in that moment, for a split second, our eyes met.

My heart skipped a beat. There was something, some pull in him- I could feel the connection,

the bond that was supposed to be between fated mates.

Almost as abruptly as the connection had flared, the figure's face appeared clearly. His eyes, deep

and firmly set, revealed nothing. He just stared back at my face, quiet and unmoving.

The group watched in silence. I could hear my own heart beating in my ears, the noise of the

gathering fading into a distant hum. The suspense was nearly suffocating.

"Roman," Magnus broke the dead silence. "Do you accept this bond?"The figure-Roman-hesitated for a moment before answering. This eternity made the ticking of seconds sound like a lifetime. I saw the slightest twitch of what might be confusion on Roman's face.

Roman took a deep breath, his gaze never leaving mine, and started. "I..."

Before he could speak further, a chill wind rushed across the clearing, blowing the flames of the

torches low without warning. A low, menacing growl reverberated around the trees, the whole

pack shivering as one.

Magnus's brow furrowed, and his expression grew tensed with concern. "We could be

interrupted. We need to finish the ceremony quickly."

There was no change in Roman's face, but I could see the battle written in his eyes. He was fighting some inner war. My heart sank as I watched, the initial thrill of the connection giving way to a gnawing uncertainty.

Roman took a step forward, but the tension was palpable. He hesitated, his eyes flickering

between me and the ground. It was as if he was battling an invisible force, something that kept

him from fully embracing the bond.

Swallowing hard, my voice barely more than a whisper, "Roman?''

He looked up at me, and for just a moment, possibly, I noticed something: a flicker of-remorse? fear?-before his face hardened again.

"Roman?" I repeated, a little desperate now.

The clearing was hushed; only a distant rustling of leaves and dying murmur of the pack sounded.

Exposed and vulnerable, I stood there, while between us and the answer, Roman's hesitation

hung like a dark cloud.

Magnus broke the silence and took a step forward. "Roman, what say you?"

Roman's gaze flicked towards the gathered pack and then back to me. He inhaled, the muscles in

his shoulders tensing. "I...I need to think about it."

The words hit me like a physical blow. The bond I'd just experienced moments ago now seemed

loathed and pitiful. I looked at Roman, and I just stared at him; I didn't know whether this was

happening.The pack broke out in a mixture of whispers and gasps, and I felt the weight of their gazes upon me. The ceremony was spiraling away, and so were my hopes for a perfect union.

Roman turned slowly, his face obscured by shadows. Without another word, he walked away, leaving me standing alone at the altar.

The clearing was filled with a low murmur of confusion and disappointment. I stood there, feeling the weight of everyone's eyes on me, my heart aching with the sting of rejection.

I looked up at Eliza. She was shocked, an expression that I felt my face mirrored exactly; when our eyes met, hers were tender, full of sympathizing sorrow.

"Kayla." She stepped closer, much nearer to me. "I don't understand. What happened?"

And I shook my head, not finding words to say. "I don't know. I thought. I thought we had a connection."

Magnus stepped forward, his face solemn. "The ceremony is over, but it looks like there are complications. We will have to take care of this privately."

I said nothing, my mind blank from the shock of it all, and continued to walk away. Over my shoulder, I gazed into the darkness of the shadows where Roman had vanished, my heart heavy with questions left answered.

Now the moonlight was cold and distant, its silver shine failed to warm the shiver in my soul. The night that should have been the start of another life had turned itself into a night of confusion and uncertainty.

With each step I took away from the clearing, it was impossible not to be aware that this was just the beginning of something big and complicated.

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