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Star Prince


Divorce is okay. Starting over is okay. Moving on is okay. Being alone is okay. But, what is not okay is staying somewhere "YOU'RE NOT VALUED AND APPRECIATED!" Sarah is betrothed to her highschool lover. A man whom she has dreamt a million dreams to grow into an old age with. What happens on the eve of their wedding day. A betrayal of infidelity struck her path. But the question remains; Will it save her marriage, destroys it or rather changes her fate for a greater good? You and I needs to find out!

Chapter 1 001

The sun rose over the town, casting a warm glow on the streets. It was a partially sunny day, and the sky was clear as well. The air was crisp and cool, and the birds were singing happily in the trees.

The streets were quiet, and there was a peaceful stillness in the air. It was the perfect morning for a walk in the park, or for sitting under a gazebo with a cup of coffee. The world seemed to be at peace, and everything was just as it should be. It was a morning to be savored and enjoyed.

It was a day that was supposed to be filled with love and joy for Sarah, as she prepared to marry her high school sweetheart, David, the man whom she had loved and couldn't wait to be his legal wife.

Sarah couldn't contain her excitement as she got ready, her smile reflecting the happiness in her heart. Little did she know that her world was about to be shattered by a cruel twist of fate.

"You look stunning, Ms. Thompson..." The make-up artist, who was adding a few touches to her face, commented with a smile on her face. "I bet that groom would find it hard to take his eyes off you."

"You sure know how to tease me every time with your words, Fiona." Sarah enunciated, reciprocating the warm smile. "For today, I'll take it as a compliment."

Fiona shook her head negatively. "I'm not flattering you, Ms. Thompson, it's only the truth." She countered as she closed her make-up box. "It's more than just a compliment."

Sarah could only smile without a reply as she watched Fiona getting ready to leave. True - it's her day, she needs to look more breathtaking than ever.

Just moments before the ceremony was set to begin, her phone beeped, indicating that a new message had come in. Sarah checked from whom it was from and realized the sender was anonymous.

She was hesitant, but she decided to check the body of the message - it may be that someone was trying to pull a prank on her. The anonymous sender had sent her a video clip which she finds weird.

"What sort of prank is this?" She muttered under her breath, her interest piqued as she clicked on the video - the reaction she let out next wasn't something she was mentally prepared for.

Her heart sank as she watched the footage, her eyes widening in disbelief. It showed her fiancé, David, kissing her maid of honor, Laura-her own best friend. The betrayal cut deep, leaving Sarah feeling a mix of heartbreak, anger, and confusion.

The stab she got from the betrayal was deep enough to cause her a scar - if not for a lifetime. A woman's wedding is said to be one of the brightest days of her life, and Sarah had looked forward to it, she never knew it could end up being one of her most devastating days ever.

Sarah was confused about what to do; she couldn't ruin her supposed happiest day but on the other hand, she knew deep down that she couldn't keep up with David anymore - not after seeing this disgusting side of him!


The church was filled with a sense of peace. The air was hushed and still, and a faint scent of incense lingered in the air. The sun streamed in through the stained-glass windows, emitting a glow over the pews and the altar.

Standing before each other was Sarah and her soon-to-be husband, David. Her facial expression was forced as she traveled her gaze between him and Laura who was standing only a few feet away. She couldn't help but swear inwardly at them - they had both ruined her happiest day.

Sarah was supposed to say the wedding vows first but seeing how hesitant she was acting, David volunteered to go first with the thought that she was feeling a bit shy and reserved before the whole congregation.

With a wide smile on his face, he proceeded to recite his vows. "I, David, take you, Sarah, to be my wife, to have and to hold, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do us part."

If Sarah hadn't watched the video clip, she could have sworn that she sensed and felt how sincere David was as he recited the vow but now, she realized it was all just a facade, which she might have foolishly fallen for.

The bride took a deep breath, her hand trembling as she held the groom's hand. "I, Sarah, take you..." Her voice was supposed to be clear and strong, her love for the groom evident in every word, but it was the opposite - her voice quivered as she trailed off, she couldn't bring herself to say the vow.

With tears streaming down her face, Sarah made a difficult decision. She couldn't go through with the wedding, not when her trust had been shattered so brutally.

As she stood at the altar, her eyes filled with a mixture of pain, hatred, and determination, she found the strength to voice out finally.

"I'm sorry..." Sarah's voice trembled as she addressed the bewildered guests. "I can't continue with these vows. My heart has been broken, and I can't ignore the betrayal I have witnessed."

Without another word, Sarah turned and ran from the church, her white dress surging behind her. The guests watched in stunned silence, their eyes filled with a mix of sympathy and shock. Sarah's decision had left them all speechless, unsure of what had just unfolded before their eyes.

As Sarah fled from the church, her mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions. She didn't know where she was going, but she knew she couldn't stay in a place filled with such painful memories. With each step she took, she left behind the shattered dreams of a future that would never be.

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