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Love Ablaze

Joana Cameron's life crumbles in an instant when she loses her daughter, Paige, just after finding out about her husband's affair with her sister. Devastated and betrayed by the people she trusted most, Joana discovers that the fire was no accident and that her husband's affair may be just the beginning of a deeper, darker conspiracy. With the help of a mysterious lawyer, Arthur Reid, Joana embarks on a dangerous quest for truth and justice. As secrets unravel and the stakes rise, Joana must navigate a web of lies, betrayal, and unexpected alliances, all while confronting a shocking revelation that could destroy everything she holds dear.

Chapter 1 Cheater!

"Momma, where are you?" Paige's weak voice crackled through the phone's speakers, trembling with fear.

Joana gripped the steering wheel tighter, her heart pounding. "I'm on my way, baby. Just take deep breaths," she replied, trying to keep her voice calm, though her mind was filled with worry.

She drove as fast as she could without drawing the attention of the police. Every second felt like an eternity, and just when she thought she was making good time, she came across a red light. It felt like a cruel joke, as if the universe was conspiring against her.

The traffic light seemed to mock her, taking a really long time to turn green. Joana drummed her fingers on the steering wheel anxiously, her eyes darting between the traffic light and the road ahead. Finally, when the light turned green, she stepped on the gas pedal.

Joana's hands shook as she parked the car and sprinted into the house. "Paige, I'm hom..." Her voice caught in her throat when she saw a pair of panties on the sofa.

She approached slowly, her heart sinking with each step. The panties were pink, a color Joana never wore, and it was far too large to belong to Paige.

Heavy footsteps thudded on the stairs behind her, and Joana turned to see a naked woman bolting down the steps. Joana's eyes widened in shock as she recognized the woman, Martha, her sister.

James, her husband, appeared on the stairs, chasing after Martha. The color drained from his face when he saw Joana standing there, frozen in disbelief.

"Jo-joana, it's n-not what it looks like," James stuttered, but Joana barely heard him. The cliche excuse only fueled her anger, but she couldn't deal with it now.

"PAIGE!" Joana shouted, pushing past the two of them as she raced upstairs. Her daughter needed her, and that was all that mattered.

She burst into Paige's room, only to find it empty. Panic was all she felt as she screamed, "PAIGE! WHERE ARE YOU?"

A weak grunt from the far side of the room caught her attention. She rushed over and found Paige wedged between the bed and the wall, her tiny body limp and unmoving.

"M...Mom..." Paige mumbled weakly before her eyes fluttered shut, succumbing to the pain.




The call had come out of nowhere, leaving Joana wondering where James was and why he couldn't help their daughter. She had assumed he had gone out to get an inhaler, but after Paige's second frantic call, Joana grew suspicious.

James was always attentive to Paige's needs, never leaving her without checking that she had her inhaler. But now, as Joana watched her daughter being wheeled into the hospital, she wished she had driven faster, ignored that damn red light, and not wasted precious moments confronting the traitors in her living room.

"You can't come in," a nurse said, blocking Joana from entering the ICU. Helpless, she sank into a chair in the lobby, her mind racing with worry.

"Joana?" A familiar voice called out. It was Regina, her friend and a doctor at the hospital. "What are you doing here?"

Joana tried to speak, but her voice was lost in a torrent of tears. "Is it Paige?" Regina asked softly. Joana nodded, and Regina pulled her into a comforting hug.

"She's going to be fine," Regina assured her. "The doctors are doing their best."

"But what if their best isn't enough?" Joana whispered, her voice breaking.

Regina had no answer, so she just held her friend tighter.

Hours passed, but James never showed up. Regina called Joana's parents to come to the hospital, knowing Joana needed their support. When Mrs. Cameron arrived, she immediately sensed something was wrong. This wasn't the first time Paige had been in the hospital, but something felt different.

"Where's James?" Mrs. Cameron asked. Mr. Cameron, too, noticed his son-in-law's absence.

"Shouldn't he be here?" he added.

"Where's Martha?" Joana asked instead, her voice edged with bitterness.

"She left this morning and hasn't been home since," Mrs. Cameron replied, puzzled by Joana's question.

"Of course, she hasn't," Joana muttered, her tone cold.

Before her parents could question her further, the hospital doors swung open, and in walked James and Martha, both looking disheveled and guilty.

"Look who finally decided to show up," Mr. Cameron said, directing his question to James. "Where have you been?"

"Sleeping with your whore of a daughter," Joana snapped, her voice laced with venom.

The room fell silent as the shocking revelation sank in. Mrs. Cameron's face paled. "What?" she whispered in disbelief.

"You heard me. Your daughter has been sleeping with my husband," Joana said, her voice shaking with anger.

Mr. Cameron collapsed into a chair, his hands trembling. "Tell me she's lying, Martha. Tell me it's not true!"

But instead of denying it, Martha broke down in tears. "I'm sorry, but we love each other," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Joana stared at her sister, disgusted. "In love? With your sister's husband?" she spat.

James stepped forward, his voice pleading. "I'm really sorry, Joana. Everything just happened so fast."

Joana's hands itched to slap him, but before she could act, the head doctor emerged from the ICU, his expression grave.

"How's Paige? Is she going to be okay?" Joana asked, her voice trembling with hope.

The doctor hesitated, then looked at her with pity. "I'm very sorry. We did everything we could, but..."

Joana's breath caught in her throat. "What do you mean?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper.

The doctor sighed deeply, his voice filled with regret. "We lost her."

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