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Golden Sacrifice

Golden Sacrifice



"Why do you suddenly want to see me, Oliver?" Sheila burst without even exchanging pleasantries with him. "What's your problem, Sheila?" "You're my problem, Oliver. You can't play with my emotions just like that," she warned him. "Is that the reason you're blackmailing me with empty threats, Sheila?" "What! Empty threats! You know me very well, Oliver. I don't make empty threats." She took out her phone from her handbag and scrolled through it. She opened certain pictures from her gallery and shoved it on Oliver's face to see. "What!" Oliver yelled. "Where did you get those pictures from, Sheila?" "I don't make empty threats. Don't dare play dumb with me," were Sheila's final words, and she stormed out of the bar. ------ Alice Smith, a 22-year-old web developer is tangled between sacrifices and secrets as she is forced into an arranged marriage with a ruthless billionaire Oliver Milton to save her ailing brother after losing her entire family one after the other. When her first love Lucas resurfaces and proposes a contract marriage to her after she's already in an arranged marriage, to secure his inheritance, she's torn between two men and her future hanging on a balance. As the stakes rise, Alice discovers a hidden secret that changes her entire life. Will the ghosts of Alice's past control her future? Or will Alice find happiness in the arms of her first love?

Chapter 1 001

Alice sat in a corner, watching keenly at the sympathizers gathered at her father's burial. "Take heart, Alice," her father's closest friend whispered to her in a quiet voice, his eyes teary. "Everything is under control. All hope is not lost," he added as he embraced her.

Meanwhile, Henry was seated at a distance, his arms crossed, gazing at his sister. "I'm here for you, Alice. I will be your backbone," Henry assured his sister as he sped to her side, noticing her isolation. He enveloped her as her tears dropped onto his chest. "I will be your rock," he whispered to her, his voice gloomy.

Alice's eyes were flooded with tears uncontrollably, as were Henry's. But he knew he had to be strong for her.

"What will you eat?" Henry enquired from Alice, she has been starving herself since morning.

"I don't have an appetite. I just want to be left alone," Alice pleaded, hurrying to her room. Abandoning her brother.

After everywhere was deserted, Henry strolled to check on his sister. "Her deep closeness with our parents has made their demise take a total turn on her," he whispered to himself as he got closer to her bedroom.

He swung the door open and noticed she was already asleep. "She cried her eyes to sleep. I know that," Henry murmured.

A few weeks after the burial, Henry said to his sister, "I will resume work tomorrow. It's been a few weeks since Dad's burial. What about you, Alice? Won't go back to work?" He enquired from her at the dining table, where she looked sober.

"I will start soon," Alice responded.

"Good night," she said, retiring to bed. Her eyes still looked devastated, red from crying. Meanwhile, Henry just wants her to move on; the only way is to start working. Her profession as a web developer takes a lot of her time. That will sway her mind from thinking too much about their parent's demise.

"I hope I didn't say anything wrong," Henry wondered as he also retired to his bedroom as well.

The next day, Henry went to work as planned. However, Alice was still deeply asleep, which tells him that she had a sleepless night. Because no matter the circumstances, she gets up early.

As a small grocery shop owner, Henry works on his terms. He has been trying to keep his struggling business afloat.

"How are you doing today, Alice? You were asleep when I left in the morning," Henry asked in a rough voice.

"How was work today? Are you okay? You seem stressed," Alice asked, noticing her brother's fatigued face.

"Don't worry, dear. I'm just stressed. I need to rest," Henry replied, retiring to his bedroom.

"I hope my brother is fine," Alice whispered to herself. She was sipping her juice and watching her favourite series. She wanted to inform him about moving back to Mexico next weekend. To resume work. She has stopped working for about six months now. This is the right time, with the persistent calls from her clients and boss.

The next morning, Alice woke up late, gazing at the sun rays reflecting in her room. It was a quarter past 9 a.m. "Henry must have departed to his shop by now," Alice said, groaning and yawning.

She quickly doubled her steps to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for herself, but she overheard a heavy wheezing sound from her brother's room. She paused to listen keenly. "I believe he has left for work. Who's panting heavily in his room?" Alice exclaimed to herself and her eyes went round. She dashed out to go and check it out.

Upon getting there, as she swung the door open, she met her brother panting heavily. His labored breaths echoed throughout the entire room.

"What!" Alice exclaimed her mouth agape, and her jaw dropped open. His breath was caught in his throat as he opened his mouth wide, struggling to draw air. Alice's mind went numb; she didn't know what to do.

She quickly raced to her room to get her phone and ordered a ride. The cars in their house are old and unreliable. Moreover, she needs someone to help her carry him into the car since he's extremely weak.

At the hospital, Alice was dragging her feet on the corridor while whispering to herself and bouncing up and down. Her face becomes red and hot awaiting the doctor's report about her brother's health condition.

She arrived with him two hours ago, but no one has explained anything to her. "Please, ma'am, the doctor demands your presence in his office," a voice snapped off Alice's thoughts.

"What? How's my brother?" Alice groaned her voice tight. Before she could turn again, the nurse disappeared, leaving her head hanging.

She gently knocked on the door. "Come in," the doctor beckoned Alice but she stood in front of the door, clenching her jaw. She pursed her lips together as she crept into the doctor's office.

Tears shimmered in her eyes as she gazed at him. "You're welcome. Make yourself comfortable," the doctor said, pointing at the nearby seat in front of him.

He handed over the test results to her as he relaxed in his seat, staring at her. Her jaw dropped open, and her hand covered her mouth as her eyes glanced through the white paper she was holding. She couldn't believe her eyes. "Kidney failure! She exclaimed. "How's that possible?"

Her eyebrows rose, and her eyes filled with tears, she gazed at the doctor and held the unbelievable test results. "I can't believe this doctor," Alice squeaked, her voice dripping.

"Your brother has been suffering from kidney failure, but it showed no symptoms," the doctor revealed. "It's at the worst stage and needs immediate transplant, or I'm sorry you will lose him," the doctor emphasized, his words pierced through Alice's heart.

"What! Is... Is that the transplant bill?" Alice stuttered. "100 million dollars!" She hollered for help. Contemplating on how to raise the said amount, glancing at the bills keenly.

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