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The Mafia's Forced Bride

The Mafia's Forced Bride

Didii Jay


Felicia's father sells her to a rival Bianchi family to settle a debt, she's forced to marry Nelson, a ruthless mafia heir. Shattering her dreams and her life, trading her soul all because of money. When lies and secrets threaten to destroy their relationship. Will their bond be strong enough to overcome their obstacles, or will it tear them apart?

Chapter 1 The Surprise

Felicia's hands moved steadily, her fingers stitching together a torn patch on her dress.

The dim light of the single bulb in their small, poky apartment cast shadows on the walls as she worked. The air was thick with the scent of foul smells.

As she sewed, Felicia's mind wandered to her father, Marcus. He'd been struggling to find steady work since the factory shut down, and the memories of her mother's illness and passing still lingered.

Felicia's heart ached with grief, but she pushed it aside, focusing on the present. She was determined to help her father, no matter the cost, and to also build up her career.

The creaky door swung open, and her father stepped in, his eyes cast down. He moved quietly, his presence almost hesitant.

Felicia's heart skipped a beat as he approached her. "Felicia, we need to talk," he said, his voice low and serious. Felicia's hands stilled, her needle hovering above the fabric. "What is it, Dad?"

Marcus's eyes locked onto hers, his gaze unwavering. "You're getting married, Felicia. The day after tomorrow. You'll meet your husband at the engagement party." Felicia's world stopped.

Married? But...but she was only 20! And who was this husband her father had chosen for her? She felt like she'd been punched in the gut, her breath knocked out of her. "WHAT!! How is that possible? I'm just 20. I have my own dreams to achieve. I can't get married now, father." She said in a broken voice.

Marcus' expression flared up in anger, "How dare you question your father? You can't go against my words. Get ready! You are getting married in two days." He said in a commanding tone.

Felicia's mind raced as she tried to process her father's words. Married? In two days? It was impossible. She couldn't even think about marriage, let alone to some stranger her father had chosen for her.

"Dad, please," Felicia begged, her voice shaking. "You can't be serious. I don't even know who this person is!" Her father said in a low tone, "You are getting married to Nelson Bianchi, the ruthless mafia lord?. She couldn't believe it.

She had heard whispers about his brutal tactics and the fear he inspired in others. "Dad, WHAT!" Felicia screamed, her voice shaking. "You can't be serious. I'm being sold to him? Like some kind of property?" Marcus's expression softened slightly, but his eyes remained firm. "Felicia, listen to me. This is the only way we can get out of this mess. We owe him money, and he's not a patient man. If we don't pay up, he'll hurt us. This marriage will solve everything."

Felicia felt a chill run down her spine. She knew about Bianchi's reputation, and the thought of being married to him was terrifying. "So, you're trading me to pay off your debts?" The same Bianchi that killed my mom, your wife." Felicia asked, her voice laced with bitterness. "Like I'm some kind of commodity?" Marcus's face twisted in anguish, but he nodded. "I'm sorry, Felicia. I have no other choice and this is final!"

Felicia's heart raced with fear and desperation. She knew she had to accept her fate, since she had no choice. "Fine," Felicia said, her voice cold. "I'll do it. But I'm not going to pretend to be happy about it."

Marcus nodded, his eyes filled with a mix of sadness and relief. "I understand, Felicia. I'll do everything I can to make sure you're protected." "You will do what exactly? After betraying me, you are here claiming to protect me. My life is upside down just because of your silly games." She said in anger.

"HEY! WATCH YOUR TONGUE!! I'm your father, you dare not talk back to me in that manner... show some respect!" Marcus said with rage burning in his eyes.

Felicia turned away in anger, her mind racing with thoughts of her impending marriage to a ruthless mafia lord. She knew that her life was about to change forever.

Felicia sat on a wrenched chair, she thought about what her father said, how could her father sell her to a man who killed her mother. Felicia's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the doorbell ringing.

She knew it was a message to inform her about the engagement party, and she was expected to be there. She took a deep breath and stood up, walking towards the door.

She opened the door only to see the servants of the mafia lord on her doorstep. "Are you Felicia?" One of the servants asked. "Yes, I am. What brings you to my home?" she asked in curiosity.. "We were sent by Bianchi, our lord, to bring you to the palace for the engagement ceremony," they echoed..

Felicia felt a shiver run down her spine. She took a deep breath and said in a broken voice, "Okay, I will be there. The servants nodded, leaving Felicia in her own fate. Felicia sat down and cried out her eyes.

She thought of the kind of life she desired. Now her dreams were shattered. She had no hope anymore. In a few hours, she will be addressed as the mafia's bride. She took a deep breath and stood up, smoothing out her dress. "Let's get this over with," she said to her father, her voice cold.

Her father took her to the Bianchi palace where the engagement is taking place. Marcus held his daughter and led her to the living room, where the party was being held.

Felicia's heart sank as she saw the sea of faces, all of whom seemed to be staring at her.

In the front of the room, she saw him. Nelson Bianchi. He was even more intimidating in person, his eyes piercing and scarring.

Felicia felt a shiver run down her spine as he turned to face her. Their eyes met, and for a moment, they just stared at each other. Then, he smiled. It was a cold, calculating smile, and Felicia knew that she was in grave danger.

As Felicia approached, Nelson Bianchi's smile grew wider, his eyes gleaming with a sinister intensity. She could feel his gaze crawling over her skin, making her shudder.

"Ah, here comes my bride," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "The loveliest little sacrifice I've ever laid eyes on." Felicia's revulsion boiled over, and she jerked her arm free from her father's grasp. "I can never be your bride," she spat, her voice trembling with disgust.

Nelson's smile faltered, and his eyes narrowed. "Oh, but you will," he growled, his voice dripping with menace. "You have no choice. You were sold to me by your father."

Felicia took a step back, her heart racing. "I'd rather die than marry you," she hissed, her eyes flashing with defiance. The room fell silent, the guests gasping in shock.

Nelson's face darkened, his eyes blazing with fury. "Fine," he snarled, his voice dripping with venom. "If that's how you want to play it, we'll do this the hard way."

With a sudden movement, he reached out and grasped Felicia's wrist, his grip like a vice.

She tried to struggle, but he held her fast. "I'll show you what it means to defy me," he hissed, his breath hot against her ear.

Felicia's heart raced with fear as he dragged her towards the door, the guests parting in stunned silence.

She knew she was in grave danger, and she wondered if she'd ever escape the clutches of this ruthless mafia lord.

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