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Pari sharma


"Join five adventurous friends on their thrilling day trip as they stumble upon a mysterious haunted house. Discover the spine-chilling secrets and eerie encounters that test their courage and friendship in this captivating tale of exploration and suspense!"

Chapter 1 Characters of story

Name: Shashi Gupta

Age: 30

Race/Species: HumanPhysical Appearance:

Shashi is a tall and lean man with a warm, inviting smile that is often framed by a neatly trimmed beard. His deep-set eyes are a mesmerizing blend of hazel and brown, hinting at the curiosity and intelligence that fuels his adventurous spirit. His hair is a rich, dark brown, usually kept short to manage the unruly waves that dance in the breeze. He has a strong jawline, a nod to his resilience, and a slightly crooked nose, a souvenir from his days playing rugby in university. A collection of tattoos, each telling a story of his past escapades, adorn his arms, while the rest of his body remains a canvas yearning for more tales to be etched upon it. He has an athletic build, a result of his dedication to hiking and rock climbing, which he often combines with his love for exploring abandoned and haunted locations.Background:

Shashi grew up in a small town on the outskirts of Delhi, where his family owned an old, sprawling mansion that had been passed down through generations. As a child, he heard whispers of the strange phenomena that occurred within its walls-whispers that grew louder with each passing year. His ancestors spoke of a vengeful spirit that haunted the halls, a ghost whose presence grew stronger during the monsoon season. Despite the eerie legends, Shashi felt a profound connection to the house and the spirit that dwelled within. He often explored the mansion's dusty corridors, seeking answers to the mysteries that surrounded his heritage.After graduating from university with a degree in parapsychology, Shashi turned his family's estate into a sanctuary for those seeking refuge from the supernatural. His friends, Priya, Amit, Payal, and Manoj, shared his fascination with the paranormal and frequently accompanied him on his investigations. Together, they formed an unshakeable bond, a team that faced every challenge with courage and camaraderie. They documented their experiences in a blog called "The Ghost Whisperers of Delhi," which gained them a small but devoted following.Personality:

Shashi is a charismatic and empathetic leader, his courage often inspiring those around him to face their fears. He approaches every encounter with a ghost as an opportunity to understand rather than to conquer. His compassion for the lost souls is palpable, and he is driven by a desire to help them find peace. He has an infectious enthusiasm that can light up a room, and his friends often find themselves swept up in his grand plans.Shashi is also meticulous in his preparation, ensuring that every detail is accounted for before embarking on an adventure. His analytical mind allows him to piece together the puzzles that most would find impenetrable, and he has an uncanny ability to sense the emotions of the spirits he encounters. He is the heart and soul of the group, always ensuring that everyone is looked after and that their spirits remain high, even when the supernatural shadows loom large.---

Name: Priya Arora

Age: 28

Race/Species: HumanPhysical Appearance:

Priya is a petite yet fiery young woman with piercing dark eyes and a mischievous glint that suggests she's always up to something. Her hair is a cascade of raven-black curls that tumble down her back, often held in place by a vibrant bandana that matches her outfit of the day. Her skin is a sun-kissed olive, and her features are sharp and angular, giving her a look that is both striking and mysterious. She often dresses in a mix of traditional Indian garments and modern streetwear, a style that reflects her blend of cultural reverence and rebellious spirit.Background:

Raised in a family of renowned paranormal investigators, Priya was practically born with an EMF meter in her hand. Her parents were pioneers in the field of spirit communication and taught her the ancient rituals and modern techniques needed to interact with the other side. Despite her lineage, Priya was always a skeptic, preferring science over superstition. Her friendship with Shashi and his unshakeable belief in the supernatural eventually led her to embrace her family's legacy, using her scientific mind to debunk myths and uncover truths.Her background in engineering allows her to build and modify ghost-hunting gadgets that are both practical and innovative. Her creations have often saved the group from dire situations, and her logical approach to problem-solving is a perfect counterbalance to Shashi's more emotional tactics.Personality:

Priya is sharp-witted and quick-thinking, often the first to come up with a clever solution to the group's predicaments. Her humor is dry and sarcastic, which she uses to cut through the tension that often builds during their investigations. While she can be tough on the outside, her friends know her to be a fiercely loyal and protective ally.---

Name: Amit Kumar

Age: 32

Race/Species: HumanPhysical Appearance:

Amit is a burly man with a thick beard and a gentle smile that belies his physical strength. His shoulders are broad, and his arms are muscular from years of manual labor and wrestling, a sport he once competed in at a national level. His skin is a warm brown, and his eyes are a soft brown that radiate kindness. He is often seen wearing a simple white kurta and pyjama, a nod to his spiritual upbringing, and carries a backpack filled with snacks that he shares with his friends during their long nights of ghost hunting.Background:

Amit hails from a village in Uttar Pradesh where the supernatural is as much a part of daily life as the sunrise. His grandmother was a renowned exorcist, and he grew up listening to her tales of battling malevolent spirits. When he moved to the city for his education, he found that his rural roots made him an outsider, but his friendship with Shashi and the others helped him find his place.He brings a unique perspective to the group, blending his spiritual knowledge with his scientific curiosity. His background in psychology allows him to understand the human side of their ghostly encounters, often helping the group communicate with the spirits in a way that others might find unsettling.Personality:

Amit is the group's gentle giant-calm, patient, and wise beyond his years. He has an innate sense of peace that seems to repel the darker spirits they encounter. His empathy is boundless, and he often serves as the voice of reason when the others get carried away by their excitement or fear. He is also a talented chef, using the ingredients from his rural upbringing to create meals that comfort and nourish the team during their adventures.---

Name: Payal Verma

Age: 31

Race/Species: HumanPhysical Appearance:

Payal is a striking woman with long, straight hair that falls like a waterfall of midnight over her shoulders. Her eyes are a piercing blue, a trait that has earned her more than a few stares and whispers about her "mysterious" lineage. Her skin is a flawless caramel, a testament to her mixed Indian and European heritage. She has a sharp nose and full lips that curve into a knowing smile, hinting at the secrets she holds close to her heart. Her style is bohemian chic, with a penchant for flowing dresses and dangling earrings that jingle as she moves.Background:

Payal's mother was a renowned medium, and her father a skeptical journalist. Growing up, she was torn between the world of the seen and the unseen, but her gift for seeing spirits was undeniable. After her mother's untimely death, she threw herself into her work, using her ability to help those in need. It was through her work that she met Shashi and the others, and they quickly became her chosen family.Her gift has also made her a target for those who seek to exploit her abilities, and she has faced more than her fair share of danger. Yet she remains steadfast, her courage bolstered by her friends' unwavering support.Personality:

Payal is introspective and intuitive, with a deep well of strength that she draws upon in the most harrowing of situations. Her ability to connect with the dead makes her a vital asset to the group, and she often serves as the bridge between the living and the deceased. Despite the gravity of her gift, she has a playful side, often teasing her friends with her sharp wit and mischievous grin. Her empathy is profound, and she is known to offer a comforting embrace or a cup of tea to those who are struggling, be they human or spectral.---

Name: Manoj Patel

Age: 29

Race/Species: HumanPhysical Appearance:

Manoj is a slender man with a mop of curly hair that defies all attempts at taming. His eyes are a vibrant green, a stark contrast to the rest of the group's darker features. He often wears round spectacles that sit low on his nose, giving him an intellectual air. His skin is a warm, golden brown, and he has a small scar above his left eyebrow, a reminder of a particularly nasty encounter with a poltergeist. He dresses in comfortable, practical clothing that allows for ease of movement, as his role in the group often requires it.Background:

Manoj's family owned a small bookshop in the heart of Mumbai, where he discovered his love for the paranormal through the countless tomes that lined the shelves. His insatiable appetite for knowledge led him to study the occult and eventually to cross paths with Shashi and the others. His encyclopedic memory for folklore and supernatural lore is often the key to unlocking the secrets behind the hauntings they investigate.As the group's historian and researcher, Manoj is the one who uncovers the stories behind the spirits they meet. His knowledge of ancient rituals and his ability to read and interpret ancient texts have proven invaluable on more than one occasion.Personality:

Manoj is the quintessential nerd, his excitement for his subject matter spilling over into every aspect of his life. He is often lost in his own thoughts, his mind racing with theories and connections that only he can see. His friends affectionately tease him for his tendency to go on tangents, but they know that his intellect is a vital part of their team.He is also incredibly brave, facing down the most terrifying of spirits with nothing but his wits and a well-placed incantation. His loyalty to the group is unshakeable, and he would do anything to protect them, even if it means facing his own fears.---Together, Shashi, Priya, Amit, and Payal form a formidable team of ghost hunters, each bringing their unique skills and perspectives to every case they tackle. Their friendship is the foundation of their success, and their shared love of the unexplained has led them to some of the most haunted places in India. As they prepare for their picnic at Shashi's old house, they know that they are about to embark on an adventure that will not only challenge their abilities but also strengthen their bond.The mansion loomed in the distance, a silent sentinel standing tall amidst the swaying palm trees. Its once-majestic grandeur now shrouded in the shadows of neglect and whispers of the supernatural. The five friends approached it with a mix of excitement and trepidation, each one aware of the history that lay within its crumbling walls.Their plan was simple: set up camp, investigate the mansion, and lay the vengeful spirit to rest. They had faced many challenges before, but this was different. This was personal for Shashi, and the others knew it. They were determined to support him, to help him find the closure he sought, and perhaps, along the way, uncover the truth behind the chilling legends that had haunted his family for generations.As they stepped into the house, the air grew thick with anticipation. The floorboards creaked beneath their feet, and the whispers grew louder. They had come prepared with their usual arsenal of ghost-hunting gear, but nothing could have readied them for what lay ahead-a night of terror, revelation, and ultimately, redemption.The spirit they were about to confront was one that had eluded them for years, one that had tormented Shashi's dreams and driven others to madness. It was a tale of love, betrayal, and a curse that had lingered for centuries.The ghost, known only as "The Weeping Lady," was said to roam the halls, her sobs echoing through the night. It was believed that she had been a servant in the Gupta household, jilted by a heartless lord and left to die in childbirth. Her spirit had remained, bound to the place of her suffering, seeking vengeance on all who dared to disturb her rest.The group split up to cover more ground, each one armed with a flashlight and an open mind. As they moved through the dusty, cobwebbed corridors, they began to feel a cold, malevolent presence closing in around them. The whispers grew to screams, and the shadows grew darker.Amit, the calmest of them all, felt the weight of the house's history pressing down upon him. Priya's heart raced as she scanned the area with her ghost-hunting gear, her scientific mind racing to find a logical explanation for the illogical events unfolding before them. Payal, with her gift for seeing the unseen, felt the spirit's pain as if it were her own. And Manoj, the keeper of the group's knowledge, whispered ancient incantations under his breath, hoping to keep them safe.The night was long and fraught with danger, but as dawn broke, they stood together, exhausted yet triumphant. They had uncovered the truth about the Weeping Lady, a tale of love and loss that had been twisted by time and anger. With newfound understanding, they performed a ritual to free her spirit, allowing it to finally find peace.The mansion, once a bastion of fear, now stood silent, its secrets laid to rest. The five friends emerged into the light of day, their friendship stronger than ever, ready to face whatever the world of the supernatural had in store for them next.



Physical Appearance:



---# Design notes:

IMPORTANT: Shashi ,Priya , amit ,payal and Manoj five friend want for a picnic to Shashi old house where phenomena activity happen and how they kill the ghost.startWith=Name: Shashi Gupta

Age: 30

Race/Species: HumanPhysical Appearance:

Shashi is a tall and lean man with a warm, inviting smile that is often framed by a neatly trimmed beard. His deep-set eyes are a mesmerizing blend of hazel and brown, hinting at the curiosity and intelligence that fuels his adventurous spirit. His hair is a rich, dark brown, usually kept short to manage the unruly waves that dance in the breeze. He has a strong jawline, a nod to his resilience, and a slightly crooked nose, a souvenir from his days playing rugby in university. A collection of tattoos, each telling a story of his past escapades, adorn his arms, while the rest of his body remains a canvas yearning for more tales to be etched upon it. He has an athletic build, a result of his dedication to hiking and rock climbing, which he often combines with his love for exploring abandoned and haunted locations.Background:

Shashi grew up in a small town on the outskirts of Delhi, where his family owned an old, sprawling mansion that had been passed down through generations. As a child, he heard whispers of the strange phenomena that occurred within its walls-whispers that grew louder with each passing year. His ancestors spoke of a vengeful spirit that haunted the halls, a ghost whose presence grew stronger during the monsoon season. Despite the eerie legends, Shashi felt a profound connection to the house and the spirit that dwelled within. He often explored the mansion's dusty corridors, seeking answers to the mysteries that surrounded his heritage.After graduating from university with a degree in parapsychology, Shashi turned his family's estate into a sanctuary for those seeking refuge from the supernatural. His friends, Priya, Amit, Payal, and Manoj, shared his fascination with the paranormal and frequently accompanied him on his investigations. Together, they formed an unshakeable bond, a team that faced every challenge with courage and camaraderie. They documented their experiences in a blog called "The Ghost Whisperers of Delhi," which gained them a small but devoted following.Personality:

Shashi is a charismatic and empathetic leader, his courage often inspiring those around him to face their fears. He approaches every encounter with a ghost as an opportunity to understand rather than to conquer. His compassion for the lost souls is palpable, and he is driven by a desire to help them find peace. He has an infectious enthusiasm that can light up a room, and his friends often find themselves swept up in his grand plans.Shashi is also meticulous in his preparation, ensuring that every detail is accounted for before embarking on an adventure. His analytical mind allows him to piece together the puzzles that most would find impenetrable, and he has an uncanny ability to sense the emotions of the spirits he encounters. He is the heart and soul of the group, always ensuring that everyone is looked after and that their spirits remain high, even when the supernatural shadows loom large.---

Name: Priya Arora

Age: 28

Race/Species: HumanPhysical Appearance:

Priya is a petite yet fiery young woman with piercing dark eyes and a mischievous glint that suggests she's always up to something. Her hair is a cascade of raven-black curls that tumble down her back, often held in place by a vibrant bandana that matches her outfit of the day. Her skin is a sun-kissed olive, and her features are sharp and angular, giving her a look that is both striking and mysterious. She often dresses in a mix of traditional Indian garments and modern streetwear, a style that reflects her blend of cultural reverence and rebellious spirit.Background:

Raised in a family of renowned paranormal investigators, Priya was practically born with an EMF meter in her hand. Her parents were pioneers in the field of spirit communication and taught her the ancient rituals and modern techniques needed to interact with the other side. Despite her lineage, Priya was always a skeptic, preferring science over superstition. Her friendship with Shashi and his unshakeable belief in the supernatural eventually led her to embrace her family's legacy, using her scientific mind to debunk myths and uncover truths.Her background in engineering allows her to build and modify ghost-hunting gadgets that are both practical and innovative. Her creations have often saved the group from dire situations, and her logical approach to problem-solving is a perfect counterbalance to Shashi's more emotional tactics.Personality:

Priya is sharp-witted and quick-thinking, often the first to come up with a clever solution to the group's predicaments. Her humor is dry and sarcastic, which she uses to cut through the tension that often builds during their investigations. While she can be tough on the outside, her friends know her to be a fiercely loyal and protective ally.---

Name: Amit Kumar

Age: 32

Race/Species: HumanPhysical Appearance:

Amit is a burly man with a thick beard and a gentle smile that belies his physical strength. His shoulders are broad, and his arms are muscular from years of manual labor and wrestling, a sport he once competed in at a national level. His skin is a warm brown, and his eyes are a soft brown that radiate kindness. He is often seen wearing a simple white kurta and pyjama, a nod to his spiritual upbringing, and carries a backpack filled with snacks that he shares with his friends during their long nights of ghost hunting.Background:

Amit hails from a village in Uttar Pradesh where the supernatural is as much a part of daily life as the sunrise. His grandmother was a renowned exorcist, and he grew up listening to her tales of battling malevolent spirits. When he moved to the city for his education, he found that his rural roots made him an outsider, but his friendship with Shashi and the others helped him find his place.He brings a unique perspective to the group, blending his spiritual knowledge with his scientific curiosity. His background in psychology allows him to understand the human side of their ghostly encounters, often helping the group communicate with the spirits in a way that others might find unsettling.Personality:

Amit is the group's gentle giant-calm, patient, and wise beyond his years. He has an innate sense of peace that seems to repel the darker spirits they encounter. His empathy is boundless, and he often serves as the voice of reason when the others get carried away by their excitement or fear. He is also a talented chef, using the ingredients from his rural upbringing to create meals that comfort and nourish the team during their adventures.---

Name: Payal Verma

Age: 31

Race/Species: HumanPhysical Appearance:

Payal is a striking woman with long, straight hair that falls like a waterfall of midnight over her shoulders. Her eyes are a piercing blue, a trait that has earned her more than a few stares and whispers about her "mysterious" lineage. Her skin is a flawless caramel, a testament to her mixed Indian and European heritage. She has a sharp nose and full lips that curve into a knowing smile, hinting at the secrets she holds close to her heart. Her style is bohemian chic, with a penchant for flowing dresses and dangling earrings that jingle as she moves.Background:

Payal's mother was a renowned medium, and her father a skeptical journalist. Growing up, she was torn between the world of the seen and the unseen, but her gift for seeing spirits was undeniable. After her mother's untimely death, she threw herself into her work, using her ability to help those in need. It was through her work that she met Shashi and the others, and they quickly became her chosen family.Her gift has also made her a target for those who seek to exploit her abilities, and she has faced more than her fair share of danger. Yet she remains steadfast, her courage bolstered by her friends' unwavering support.Personality:

Payal is introspective and intuitive, with a deep well of strength that she draws upon in the most harrowing of situations. Her ability to connect with the dead makes her a vital asset to the group, and she often serves as the bridge between the living and the deceased. Despite the gravity of her gift, she has a playful side, often teasing her friends with her sharp wit and mischievous grin. Her empathy is profound, and she is known to offer a comforting embrace or a cup of tea to those who are struggling, be they human or spectral.---

Name: Manoj Patel

Age: 29

Race/Species: HumanPhysical Appearance:

Manoj is a slender man with a mop of curly hair that defies all attempts at taming. His eyes are a vibrant green, a stark contrast to the rest of the group's darker features. He often wears round spectacles that sit low on his nose, giving him an intellectual air. His skin is a warm, golden brown, and he has a small scar above his left eyebrow, a reminder of a particularly nasty encounter with a poltergeist. He dresses in comfortable, practical clothing that allows for ease of movement, as his role in the group often requires it.Background:

Manoj's family owned a small bookshop in the heart of Mumbai, where he discovered his love for the paranormal through the countless tomes that lined the shelves. His insatiable appetite for knowledge led him to study the occult and eventually to cross paths with Shashi and the others. His encyclopedic memory for folklore and supernatural lore is often the key to unlocking the secrets behind the hauntings they investigate.As the group's historian and researcher, Manoj is the one who uncovers the stories behind the spirits they meet. His knowledge of ancient rituals and his ability to read and interpret ancient texts have proven invaluable on more than one occasion.Personality:

Manoj is the quintessential nerd, his excitement for his subject matter spilling over into every aspect of his life. He is often lost in his own thoughts, his mind racing with theories and connections that only he can see. His friends affectionately tease him for his tendency to go on tangents, but they know that his intellect is a vital part of their team.He is also incredibly brave, facing down the most terrifying of spirits with nothing but his wits and a well-placed incantation. His loyalty to the group is unshakeable, and he would do anything to protect them, even if it means facing his own fears.---Together, Shashi, Priya, Amit, and Payal form a formidable team of ghost hunters, each bringing their unique skills and perspectives to every case they tackle. Their friendship is the foundation of their success, and their shared love of the unexplained has led them to some of the most haunted places in India. As they prepare for their picnic at Shashi's old house, they know that they are about to embark on an adventure that will not only challenge their abilities but also strengthen their bond.

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