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Love Twist

Is love worth fighting for, a danger worth escaping? When ambitious nature photographer Annabel Allen flees her dictatorial father's arranged marriage, she finds happiness in Scotland and love with Greg. But two years later, her past catches up. Her father's business deal with the ruthless Reynold family demands her marriage to Shawn, a cunning and attractive playboy. As Greg discovers Annabel's impending wedding, he races against time to stop it. But Shawn refuses to let Annabel go, sparking a bitter family feud.

Chapter 1 One

Annabel's P.O.V

I was pacing back and forth in my room, my mind filled with anxiety. Now that I have completed the discipline my father wanted and gotten my college degree, I want to become a nature photographer, but deep inside, I know my father won't allow it. He has always not cared what I'd like to do, but I'm sure he would not let me be a photographer, not to talk about a nature photographer.

"But for every shot not taken is a shot missed," I said as I stopped pacing. "Was that Jordan or Kobe's words?" I asked myself. "Well, I don't know whose words are those, but what I do know is that I am going to tell my father what I want regardless of what I think he is going to say."

Approaching my father's study, my palms were sweaty, and each step taken was heavy, filled with thoughts to turn back, but I was determined to tell him no matter what. I was about to knock when I noticed the door of the study was slightly open. I could hear my father and another man discussing his study. I don't know why I didn't turn back, I listened.

"We would so much like to invest in Allen Tech, but having just twenty percent of the profit is too low." I could hear a deep hoarse voice say to my father.

"What percentage are you looking to work with?"

"Thirty-five percent."


Did I just eavesdrop on my father's business meeting? I am sure it is not a bad thing, or is it? I said as I thought of heading back to my room. I mean I can always come back and talk to him.

"To further solidify the relationship between the two companies, or should I say families, I'd like to propose a marriage alliance." I heard my father continue the discussion just as I was about to leave. Because of my curiosity, I froze to listen further.

"Go on, Mr. Allen." The other man nudged my father to continue.

I think a marriage alliance between my lovely daughter Annabel and Shawn sounds nice and would solidify the bond between both families.

I was shocked upon hearing this, and I felt rage from the depths of my guts.

I turned and ran to my room, slammed the door behind me not minding the sound it would make, and proceeded to lock it. Different emotions came rushing. I could not say I wasn't surprised yet I was surprised.

I felt anger raging inside of me as I started to let out a sniffle. I Couldn't stop the tears from rolling down my cheek. I lay in my bed and wept.


After hours had passed, I had so many thoughts, and I finally decided to run away. I am going to move to Scotland and live my life away from this, all of this.

I opened my wardrobe, picked out some clothes, and arranged them into my luggage.

Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door, which I didn't reply to, and then again, there was a knock again.

"Who is that?" I shouted.

"Ma'am, Mrs. Allen would like to know if you would join her by the pool this afternoon. Gloria, one of the house helpers in the house, asked in a polite and calm voice.

I immediately felt bad for shouting upon hearing Gloria's voice. I took a deep breath.

"No, I'd like to rest in my room today."

"Okay, ma'am," Gloria replied as I could hear her steps residing.

Finally, I was able to pack my essential needs. All that is left is to get some cash as I already booked my flight earlier.

My flight was for 22:00. It's still 15:15.

I got ready and told Gloria that I would be dropping off some of the clothes I wouldn't be needing anymore at the pick-and-drop center. She insisted on helping drop them, but I couldn't let her.

Upon leaving home, I went to the nearest bank around to get enough cash to sustain me for the first few months. I checked my time to see I had barely fifteen minutes to get to the airport.

I headed to the airport, got checked in with my ticket, and am now waiting for the boarding time.


"I would miss you," Helen said as she fell on my bed. "I can not believe you are leaving now. My birthday is in 3 weeks." She added.

"I am deeply sorry Helen. But I'd just be gone for a couple of months. And I'd also be visiting once or twice between those months. I'd make it up to you during one of those visits." I said as I patted her head now that she was sitting up.


"Yeah. Now, put on a smile for me and don't be a crybaby." I laughed as she pouted.

Immediately Helen left the room to help me get some of my clothes from the dryer out back, my phone rings. I picked it up and answered without checking the caller ID.

"Yo, fam!" I immediately recognized it was Edward speaking over the phone.

"Wagwan brother," I replied with a slang we usually use in greeting each other.

"Have you left already?" He asked. "I was just calling to check on you. I also have good news."

"Nah, I haven't. I'm still packing my bags. What's the good news bro?"

"Mehn, I passed the exams, bro. I am now a certified detective." He said excitedly. "I mean, my letter just came in, and I haven't told my dad yet."

"Wow. Congratulations, bro. This is huge. You deserve it. I'm so happy for you. I am also very proud of you. I'm sure your dad would be happy about it and proud of you too."

"Man, can you come celebrate with me later today before you leave. You can just fly the jet out in the early hours tomorrow."

"Nah, bro, you know how I feel using the jet. Moreover, I already booked my ticket, and my flight is 22:00." I said in a dejected voice. "I'm sorry, but can we do it next time? Like when I'm back." I said, knowing Edward would try persuading me more

"Alright, it's fine. We can hold it till you return. His tune was calmer."

"Really... thanks, man. It's on me when I get back."

He laughed. "Of course, it's on you. Later, man, gotta tell my pops."

"Alright" I said as we ended the call.


I got to the airport, got checked in with my flight tickets, and I was now walking down to the boarding station

My cell phone chimed and I brought it to my face to check who had messaged me.

3 messages from Helen

2 messages from Edward

Damn, I'm not even out of the country yet. I better check and reply to Helen's first, else I get an ear full later.


I bumped into someone. I looked up to find the person I had bumped into and it was a lady and she had landed on her ass.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention." I said as I stretched my hand offering to help her up.

I couldn't help but notice her beautiful eyes as she held my hands to support herself standing up.

"It's okay, I'm equally at fault as I was also not paying attention." She said as she took my hand.

But at this point, I could barely hear her. I was so mesmerized by her eyes. I give anything to take her nose mask and face cap off to get a proper look at her face.

Someone snapped their fingers and I realized she was the one. As I came back to reality, I babbled some. "I'm sorry I said again..."

"It's fine," She said as she cut me off and walked away before I could say anything else.

"Passengers for flight A10297, DANA Airline. London, England to Glasgow, Scotland. Please proceed to the boarding station." The flight announcer spoke over the mic.

"Let's make the most of the next few months." I said to myself out loud.

Daniel and Celine must be excited. Celine especially, she's been wanting me to come earlier. Anyway, they will be seeing me soon. I thought as I proceeded to the boarding station.

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