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To Love Is To Hate

To Love Is To Hate



Taking a deep breath, I decided to address it. "Saint, let's... let's get a divorce." His dark eyes clouded over, his voice cold. "You don't want to marry me that much?" I couldn't believe it. Did he want to marry me? His gaze was intense, and after a long pause, he finally said, "Fine. I'll draw up a divorce agreement, but we'll stay married for one year. After that, we can part ways."

Chapter 1 You should have died

Lisa POV:

"Lisa, kneel before me and apologize to Ada!"

Robin's cold, commanding voice echoed through the massive living room. I stood still, my hand brushing against the tape recorder hidden in my pocket. I stared at my brother sitting on the sofa.

Beside him, Ada sat delicately, the perfect Giovanni heiress, despite not sharing a drop of our blood. Yet here we were, my own brother demanding that I kneel for her.

"Lisa! You deliberately pushed Ada down the stairs! How could you be so malicious? You're worse than a beast!" Robin's voice cracked like a whip.

Worse than a beast.

The words felt like glass cutting into me, but I kept my face blank, suppressing the sharp pain tightening my chest. "I didn't"

Before I could even finish, a glass flew from Robin's hand, shattering at my feet. The impact sent sharp splinters of glass tearing into my skin.

"You still dare to argue?"

I felt the sting, the slow burn of blood trickling down my leg. But I didn't flinch. I was used to his temper and cruelty. None of it surprised me anymore.

"Robin, please, don't hit her!" Ada's soft voice pleaded, like a perfect angel. "She didn't push me. It wasn't on purpose..."

Ada's performance was flawless, as always. Robin's face softened at her words, his anger redirected. "Ada, why defend her? You could've been injured. Do you know how much worse that would be for a girl?"

A girl?

As if I wasn't a girl, too. As if my blood wasn't still pooling around the glass at my feet. He hadn't even glanced at the wound he'd caused me.

I glanced at Ada. There was that flicker again. The faintest hint of satisfaction behind her innocent eyes.

"Lisa," Robin began, his tone shifting to a familiar lecture, "when we brought you back into this family, you were told to treat Ada like a sister. Yet, look at what you've done. These two years, you've been nothing but trouble."

I forced a smile, the bitterness spreading across my lips. Two years ago, when they found me, my adopted parents, whom i called my grandparents, were already dead. I had hoped foolishly that this family would be my home, that I wouldn't be alone anymore.

For two years, I had given Ada everything. Everything. And what had I gotten? Only scorn, abuse, and cold dismissals.

I had heard them, late at night, when they thought I wasn't listening. "If only Lisa had stayed gone. If only she had died out there."

Died out there?

The words were etched into me like a brand. My heart, once fragile, had hardened into something cold, something distant. Why did they hate me so much? What had I done?

I blinked slowly, feeling an odd sense of calm wash over me. It was over. I didn't need this anymore. This family, these people, they weren't mine. They never .

Robin picked up a metal ruler. "If you don't apologize, Lisa, I'll teach you a lesson you'll never forget."

But I wasn't afraid anymore. Before he could strike, I caught his wrist in my hand, my grip firm.

"Lisa!" His voice froze in his throat.

For two years, I had taken everything, his anger and cruelty without a word. But not anymore.

I looked him square in the eye, my voice steady. "I didn't push Ada."

Robin's expression darkened, refusing to believe me. But I didn't care. Not anymore.

"If I prove I didn't," I said quietly, "then you and Ada will kneel and apologize to me."

His face twisted with fury. "What did you say?! You dare ask me to kneel? You!"

Ada shifted uneasily, sensing a shift in the air. She had expected me to crumble like I always did. But not this time.

"Robin," Ada began, feigning concern, "please, don't be angry."

"Quiet!" Robin snapped, the veins on his forehead bulging. "I want to see what so-called evidence you have."

Without a word, I reached into my pocket and pulled out the tape recorder. Ada's face drained of color. She knew.

I pressed play.

A brief crackle of static filled the room, followed by Ada's voice, sweet and sickly. "Lisa, what do you think of this position?"

Then, my voice, "Ada, why are you standing at the stairs?"

And then, clear as day, Ada's voice rang in room. "Lisa, if I say you pushed me down the stairs, how will Robin punish you and scold you?"

The room fell into a dead silence.

Robin turned to Ada, disbelief written all over his face. His precious Ada, his kind, gentle sister had said those things?

Ada's eyes widened with guilt, but she quickly protested, "Robin, that's not true! It's not what it sounds like!"

But the tape recorder kept playing, revealing the truth she couldn't run from. My voice, calm and solemn, came through, "Ada, are you sure you want to do this?"

Ada's voice followed, filled with venom, "Lisa, it doesn't matter. You know Robin only believes me. Nothing you say will change that. Robin, come quickly! Lisa's trying to push me down the stairs! She said I don't deserve to be in this family!"

The room fell silent. Robin's disbelief transformed into realization. I hadn't pushed Ada. She'd orchestrated the entire scene, making me the villain. And he had fallen for it.

For a moment, Robin just stared at me, as if seeing me clearly for the first time. Then, after a pause, his brow furrowed. "Lisa, even if I misunderstood you, why didn't you explain it to me sooner?"

I couldn't help but laugh. His tone was almost accusing, as though my silence was to blame. Even now, after learning the truth, he still deflected the blame onto me.

"Robin, your memory must be faulty," I said coldly.

He blinked, confused, until I saw the realization dawn on his face. He remembered now, the moment I tried to defend myself, he threw the glass at me. The same glass that now left my foot swollen and bleeding. He hadn't listened then. And now, after the truth was laid bare, I had to explain why I hadn't explained myself?

I glanced down at my leg, still bleeding, but I felt nothing but exhaustion.

Robin turned to Ada, disappointment spread across his face. Ada's tears came on cue, her voice trembling as she clutched at her only lifeline.

"Robin, I know I was wrong! I shouldn't have accused Lisa," she cried, her eyes red and tearful. "I just... I was so scared you and the family wouldn't want me anymore. When Lisa came back, I felt threatened. I thought... you'd all abandon me. I love this family. I love you..."

Robin softened, his expression shifting from anger to concern.

"I was just afraid of losing you," Ada continued, her voice breaking. "I was foolish. I won't do it again, I swear."

Robin's heart clearly melted at her words. He looked at me again, but this time, his voice lacked the anger it had before. "Lisa, Ada made a mistake, but you weren't hurt, right? Let's not dwell on this. Forgive her."

Forgive her?

I felt something in me snap. My brother, my blood, was asking me to forgive the girl who had tried to ruin me. Who framed me without a second thought. Even after knowing the truth, his first instinct was to protect her.

I stared at him, my voice cold. "Robin, from today, I'm cutting all ties with the Giovanni family."

Robin's eyes widened in shock, but I wasn't done. "I won't stay here another minute."

Without waiting for his response, I turned and left, heading straight to my room. Packing my things took only a moment. It wasn't surprising how little I had over the years. This house had never felt like home, anyway.

I grabbed my documents and wiped the blood from my leg. Everything felt mechanical, like I was running on autopilot. When I finished, I wheeled my suitcase down the hall. Robin stood there, dumbstruck. He didn't seem to believe I was serious.

"Lisa, if you leave now, don't ever think about coming back!" His voice was desperate and angry.

I didn't bother turning around. "I won't regret it."

Behind me, I heard Ada's voice, her fake concern barely hiding the glee beneath. "Robin, we should stop her! What if something happens to her? She's just a young woman out there on her own..."

Robin scoffed. "Don't worry. She'll be back in a few days, begging to return."

I didn't care about his arrogance. I kept walking, my suitcase rolling across the marble floor as I made my way to the front door.

Then, there was a commotion outside. A bodyguard suddenly rushed inside, out of breath, as if the world was ending. "Sir, Miss, a distinguished guest is coming! The Yves family car is outside!"

The Yves family? I caught the look that passed between Robin and Ada. Shock and excitement lit up their faces.

The Yves family. The richest aristocrats in the capital. Of course, Robin and Ada were thrilled.

Robin straightened his clothes in a flurry, his hands trembling with anticipation. "Let's go greet them!" Ada was already fixing her hair, a blush of excitement creeping up her cheeks.

But as I watched their frantic movements, I couldn't help but feel a sense of distance, like I was watching a bad play unfold. They could have their Yves family.

I was done here.

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