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The Devil for a Mate

The Devil for a Mate

Sylvester O


"There has to be a way. I can't be mated to that monster. I'm human for crying out loud!!". Kidnapped, tortured, and falsely accused of murder, my life has become a living nightmare. I had no idea that werewolves existed until I was dragged into their world by a ruthless pack alpha who believes I killed his sister. Now, I'm a prisoner, forced to serve as a maid, enduring endless torment and torture from the entire pack members. As if that wasn't enough, he marked me while I was unconscious, claiming me as his mate after killing a lover of mine. But I won't bow to a monster who has taken everything from me, including the life of my best friend. I refuse to be the mate of a heartless alpha driven by revenge. And besides I'm Human, I can't possibly be mated to a werewolf Will I find a way to escape this hell and reclaim my life, or will I be forever bound to a world I never knew existed? And to a monster as a mate?.

Chapter 1 One


I clutched my bag tightly as I walked down the sidewalk. The day was sunny and bright and I could hear laughters from the people around me, but I didn't dare look up.

My face was swollen and red from all the crying I had been doing the whole morning.

My phone rang continuously in my bag but I ignored it.

Today was the worst day of my life. The absolute worst. Just one finding had managed to scatter all my happiness of the last two years. Everything.

Everything was going well until the strange feelings of doubt started. The feeling that something was wrong with Caleb.

The late night conversations, the constant disappearance and no reasonable explanation, I just knew something was wrong.

I ignored it in the first few months and maybe I should have continued ignoring it because I wouldn't have to deal with this right now.

I entered the restaurant and looked around while trying to hide my face still. Lisa was nowhere to be seen.

I took a table away from the eyes of everyone and out of earshot.

My phone rang again and I reached into my bag for it. Lisa's name flashed across the screen and I picked it.

"Hello" my voice came out scratchy.

"What the fuck Moana? I've been trying to fucking call you all morning. Where the hell did you keep your phone?",

"I.. I." I couldn't complete my sentence as more tears poured from my eyes.

How could I explain it all to her without crying again.

"Are you okay honey" her voice softened and I nodded while sniffling. I remembered she couldn't see me nod.


"That's a fucking lie? What did you find out? I'm sorry I'm not at the restaurant. I got caught up with something and I've been trying to reach you all morning, but you wouldn't pick your phone. I'll be there soon. But for the meantime, you need to stop crying",

"Okay" I said into the phone and hung up.

The waitress was coming in my direction and I quickly wiped my eyes.

"Would you like to make your order now?",

"I'm waiting for a friend. I'll just get water", I smiled stiffly at her.

She didn't turn away.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes. I'm fine" I said quickly and forced a smile.

Sometimes I shared a little too much and if she prodded, it was likely that I would tell her everything she didn't need to know.

She nodded unconvinced and returned to her station. A few minutes later, she returned with a bottle of water.

"Thank you" I smiled at her and she returned to her station.

My phone made a noise and I saw I had a message from Caleb. I opened it like I did to the others and read through the message.

It was still the same thing like the others he had been sending. He needed to see me. I have a feeling he knew that I had found out the truth.

I put my phone off and threw it into my bag. Since Lisa will be here soon then there was absolutely no need to keep it on.

I took a small sip from the water and waited patiently for her to show up.

The tears had dried up from my face, but I knew it'll resume the moment I started speaking to her.

I checked my watch for the time. We were in the afternoon already. I heard her voice and I looked up. She walked towards me with concern on her face.

"What the hell happened Man's? You look

Fucking terrible",

I chuckled despite how sad I was feeling.

"I was right all along" I told her and she understood immediately.

"That fucking bastard. I knew there was something about him. How did you catch his lying ass",

"That tracking device you asked me to install?",

She nodded.

"I did that. Installed the app and I had been following him for some days. Nothing serious was happening, he always went to work and then back home", she nodded urging me to continue.

I wiped the tears that were threatening to fall from my eyes.

"I had already given up because I thought he was doing nothing and I was absolutely paranoid. I wanted to apologize for not trusting him",

"Don't tell me you did that" she said with wide eyes and I shook my head.

"I didn't. That evening, we finished having dinner and sex. He fell asleep quickly and I was trying to, when I heard the sound of an incoming call on his phone. It was an unregistered number. I picked the phone but there was no response from the other end. The call ended and I tried to call the number but it wasn't connecting. I copied the number in my phone and called it. It went through and a woman answered, but I ended the call quickly",

"Why the fuck didn't you tell me all this?",

"I wanted to be sure of anything before telling you so we don't do anything rash",

"What was there to make you unsure. The signs were clearly written. They were bold enough",

"I know. I was just stupid and I didn't want it to be true", I cried again and she comforted me.

When I was calm enough to continue talking, I continued my story.

"A week later, I saw an opened message on his phone. It was from a gynecologist",

"Wait. What the fuck? He was trying to have a child with another woman?",

I nodded unable to speak.

"Tell me you confronted him and hit his bastard ass",

"I didn't. I was totally foolish and I didn't want to believe that he could do that. I was so fucking stupid",

"No. You do not blame his mistakes on yourself. It's not your fault that he is a self absorbed cheating prick",

I chuckled dryly.

"I still didn't say a word to him. Two days ago, I got a call from that strange number. She asked me to meet her up. I considered it, but it sounded too risky to me. She could try to harm me for all I knew",

"You should have called me. I would have gone with you. You know I would do anything for you",

"Yes. I know that. I finally made a decision and called her yesterday. I chose an open place for us to meet up and I met with her this morning",

My eyes filled with tears thinking about everything that happened this morning.

"She showed me countless pictures of them together. Confirming my suspicions and even more, Lisa. She wasn't the side chick. She wasn't the second option. I was. I was the other girl" I cried loudly.

My whole world crumbled when I saw those pictures today and realized I was the one who had wronged her unknowingly.

"Shit. He already had a girlfriend? I really want to find that bastard and fuck him up. How could he do that to you. Any of you",

I shook my head. I don't know.

"How long has he been dating the girl?",


She nodded.

"He wasn't dating her, Lisa. He has been married to her for five years"

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