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The Omega's Possession

The Omega's Possession

Mega Legend


Knowing that I am mated to the Alpha has always been a source of joy, as I have secretly admired him for years. I eagerly awaited my 18th birthday when I would become his Luna. But on that day, everything fell apart-he rejected me because I was a weak omega.Heartbroken, I struggled to move on, finding it difficult to stop loving the Alpha. During this time, I encountered twin brothers who impacted me in very different ways.One brother treated me with kindness and respect, making me feel valued for who I am. The other challenged me, helping me discover my hidden strength and showing me that I am not as weak as I once believed. As I grew closer to both twins, I found myself torn between them-one offering the safety and love I had always desired, while the other represented the strength and empowerment I never knew I had. Just as I was on the verge of choosing between the twins, the Alpha who once rejected me returned, offering me the chance to be with him now that he realizes my true worth.

Chapter 1 The Rejection

"An Alpha needs a strong Luna by her side, someone who has the strength and the capability to rule the kingdom. Therefore I, Alpha Lucas, reject you Rachael as my mate" I turned around, stunned, hoping that his words weren't meant for me despite him clearly mentioning my name. Some people in the crowd rejoiced at the public rejection, while others looked on with sympathy. "Please..." I started to plead, but before I could continue, I saw my dad at the front of the crowd.

He hurried over and pulled me away from the ceremony. As my father pulled me away, the images of the future I had dreamed of flashed before my eyes-a future where I stood by Lucas's side as his Luna, where we led our people with strength and unity. But each image shattered into a million pieces, leaving nothing but a hollow ache in its place. "Dad, what's going on? Tell me this is just a dream, please tell me.

He just rejected me, dad you saw it?" Tears streamed down my face as I watched Alpha Lucas laughed majestically, his cold demeanor piercing through my heart as I was dragged away. "Dad, Don't push me. Why? Why should my mate who is an alpha rejected me?, is it my fault for being an omega? Is it? "Rachael, stop this, stop disgracing yourself" my father yelled, his voice strained as he dragged me further away. "You need to let go." "Let go?" I gasped, tears blurring my vision.

"How can I just let go of my dream? I've waited my whole life for this, I have prepared for this day where I will be crowned as the Luna. Dad! I've loved him before I knew he was my mate, I dreamt of being his Luna, and now..." My voice cracked as a sob tore through me. "Now, now he doesn't even want me, what do I do?" The weight of rejection pressed down on my chest.

"I'm nothing to him," I was barely able to speak through the pain. "Just a weak omega." "Rachel, listen to me. We just have to leave here now, please" My father who is usually so strong was filled with sadness that mirrored my own. "Being an omega doesn't make you weak.

It doesn't make you less. You are my daughter, and you have a strength that Lucas will never see." "But I don't feel strong, Dad," I cried, the tears flowing freely now. "I feel broken. How am I supposed to live with this? Knowing that my own mate doesn't want me?" My father pulled me into his arms, holding me close as I sobbed to his chest. "You will live my dear, you will be fine.

He doesn't know your worth," he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. "But you can't go through this alone. You have me. We'll find a way to get through this together." I clung to him, my body shaking with the force of my grief. Every word Alpha Lucas had spoken was like a knife twisting deeper into my heart. How could he be so cruel? How could he just cast me aside like I was nothing? "Dad...why?" I choked out between sobs. "Why would he do this? Why would he reject me?" "I don't know, sweetheart," my father whispered, his voice breaking. "But his rejection doesn't define you. You are more than his mate, more than an omega. You are Rachael, and you are worth more than he can see." As my father gently guided me away from the ceremony, I glanced back one last time.

There he was-Alpha Lucas-standing tall, surrounded by his loyal followers. He wasn't even looking at me. I was nothing to him. When our eyes met, he looked at me as if I was nothing, he had no regret for rejecting me publicly. The last fragile hope I'd clung to was ripped away.

The realization that my dream crashed in my presence hit me like a gut, I had loved him, waited for this day, only to be rejected publicly. "Let's go home, Rachael," my father said softly, pulling me away from the event that had shattered my heart.

As we walked, I tried to focus on my father's comforting words, but all I could think about was the future that had been stolen from me in a single, brutal moment. "Dad, what do I do? What do I do now?" I asked, my voice small and broken. "You will find your way," he said, his voice firm but gentle. "This is not the end, Rachael. It's only the beginning of a different path.

A path where you decide your worth, not anyone else." Each step away from the ceremony felt like a step into the unknown, a path shrouded in darkness. My future had been so clear before, a shining light that guided me. Now, all I could see was a vast, empty void, and I had no idea how to find my way through it.

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