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A mafia prince walks into a hotel and falls in love with a receptionist. Her life changes forever as she comes the closest to danger as possible. So does his life as he encounters what he never thought existed. How she comes out of all these alive is left for you to discover as you explore the pages of this novel.

Chapter 1 PROWESS

She felt something cold and metallic to her head. Prior to this, she had been at her desk studying for her exams. Her work clothes lay beside her so she could easily change into when she was done and get going. Back to present, the coolness revitalized her brain into being aware of her environment and mentally abandoning her notes and her system.

Ordinarily, she would have raised her hand to her head in reflex. Or hit something. Or do something random to find out what was going on. However when she heard the click sound that emitted from it, she needed nobody to tell her to stay still.

"You think there's a chance for love in this game? Thanks for making our job easier for us," the guy who held the gun to her head said, his deep throathy sounds nuseating her back once again into her reality.

How someone had entered without her full attention or awareness of his presence revealed two things. She had either been so lost in her reading which she doubted was to that extreme extent. Or he was a pro in this kind of things.

She had no idea what was going on. This was the kind of scene one saw in a movie. It never happened in real life. Or did it? Was she far from reality that she didn't know that things like this went down in people's lives? Or was she just lucky to have never crossed paths with people like these. If she had been lucky before, she had certainly run out of it.

She was literally being held at gun point right now, in her own house with the phone within her reach. But she was very well aware that any unnecessary or slight movement would get her brains blown away and send her straight to heaven's or paradise as her mother liked to call it.

Also, her voice seemed to fail her anyway. She couldn't speak. Or scream. The latter would have been a problem for her though. She was grateful to her voice for holding itself in place and buying her sometime. Time for what she wasn't sure what she needed it for.

"Hello dear," he said, making her shiver. She swallowed her fear in one gulp. Might as well die without it. She could feel her palms getting sweaty but didn't make any moves to wipe them.

She closed her eyes waiting for him to pull the trigger. The man with the hoarse voice that is. Instead he removed the gun from her head. Reloading it, he came around to face her. The hoarse sounding man that is. He looked so young. He seemed do confident. To have held an empty gun to her head and sent shivers down her spine. Not even scared about her movements while reloading it. She guessed it was smoking that ruined his voice that bad. He looked Italian too. Just like Lumuel. Infact, they had similar builds although Lumuel's seemed better. Or more preferable. She was being biased of course.

"What do you want from me?"

She finally found her voice and she asked the first question that was on her mind. The only thing that mattered to her at the moment. Instincts kicked and she had to ask. She was being held at gun point, she needed to at least know why before her brains ended up on the floor.

"What do we want from you?" He replied her question with a question in the most sarcastic tone she had ever heard in her life. Up until then, she hadn't noticed the presence of another who stood guard at the door. Little wonder he was so comfortable stepping back to reload and taking his eyes off her. He had backup. His mention of 'we' shifted her attention to the other man and quickly back to him. Who on Earth is the coward that sends two hefty men to take care of a woman? She shook her head in disgust for whoever their boss was.

"It's a pity. Such a paragon of beauty..." He said tilting her head with two of his fingers, admiring her pretty face. She could see an emotion sweep through his eyes. One she recognized very well. Desire.

She eyes him contentiously, he eyes robing around the room at the same time until they came to settle on the bag. Lumuel's bag that laid on the table top not too far from where she was sitted. He had left it the night before, promising to be over tonight to pick it up. She made a mental search of the bag not sure what she was expecting to be its content but trusting and hoping enough that whatever it was that laid in the inner part of that bag would be her saviour nay a weapon of war.

He saw the other one signal to the one inside the room. Then he stepped out and closed the door leaving her and her killer alone.

"If you want to kill me, you should at least be decent enough to tell me why and who sent you too. After all, I can't tell. I'd be dead."

He burst out laughing do much that he had to bend over. This was her chance and she seized it. She hit him in the crotch and he doubled over. While he struggled with the pain, she dashed towards the bag flipping it open in such rage that it almost tore. She emptied the content on the table.

The content of the bag surprised her so much that she gasped. However, something quickly reminded her that her killer was still in the room. She grabbed the knife that was there and unsheathed it.

The guy began to raise his gun at her so she rushed at him in frenzied fury. It was a fight for her life. She went crazy, stabbing him in different places. Not sure enough if the wound was deep enough to kill but knowing that he was in severe pain through the grimace on his face, she got up and ran out through the back door. Running for her dear life. Knife in one hand and the sheath in another.

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