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Torn pages

Torn pages



Series of love stories

Chapter 1 Prologue

You're not in a relationship for their potential.

When you are in a relationship with someone, you are in a relationship with their demeanor and behaviors, not their intent and not their potential.

A good reminder to fall in love with how the person treats you now, and how they conduct themselves now, not how they say they want to treat you or who you hope they can or will be some time in the future.

Sometimes it's hard to accept the reality of who a person is when you're in love with who you hope they can someday be.

This generation unfortunately is making it so hard to find someone to actually pursue a future with.

They want to fornicate but don't want the feelings that come with it.

They want you to themselves but don't want the title that's associated with it.

Genuine intentions are always appreciated.

The right one will love you.

Finding someone who genuinely cares about you and your well-being is extremely hard to find this day and age.

Time and time again I hear about someone walking away because things became "too hard"

You deserve someone who fights for you when things get difficult, and they aren't gonna be like "you know what? it's over" and throw everything away.

If that person really values you, there's no such thing as you being "too complicated".

There's no such thing as you being "too crazy

There's no such thing as you being "too much".

The right person will love you unconditionally and they will be willing to make it work, despite what the obstacle is and whatever the problem may be, because losing you is never an option.

No argument is going to push them away far enough, no fight is going to cause them to lose feelings, and no disagreement is going to make them drift away from you.

No matter how bad things get, they would never let it outweigh how much he or she cares about you.

No matter how dysfunctional things become, they would never let it take away the value of your relationship with them.

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