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Not Just a Billionaire

Not Just a Billionaire



Nathaniel Cole is not your typical billionaire. As the brilliant owner of S.A.T.F.A.R., a cutting-edge science and technology company, he spends his days focused on revolutionary innovations rather than the luxuries of wealth. But behind his success lies a carefully guarded secret-Nathaniel prefers the company of everyday people, avoiding the elite circles he was born into. When his parents begin to pressure him about marriage, Nathaniel's world of innovation collides with their expectations for his personal life. To make matters worse, his father delivers an ultimatum: find someone to marry, or face a contract marriage arranged for him. As Nathaniel tries to balance his groundbreaking projects, like Project Helix, with his personal freedom, he finds himself questioning whether he's been neglecting the one thing money can't buy-love. Torn between his family's desires and his own path, Nathaniel must navigate a world where wealth, power, and emotion intertwine. Will he find a way to live on his own terms, or will his parents' demands force him into a future he never imagined.

Chapter 1 Family affair

The grand marble pillars loomed over the wide foyer, casting elongated shadows as the sun filtered through the crystal chandeliers. To most people, this mansion would be a paradise, a symbol of ultimate success. But to Nathaniel Cole, it was nothing more than a gilded cage.

Dressed in a crisp black suit tailored to perfection, Nathaniel glanced at his reflection in the mirror. His sharp jawline, tousled dark hair, and piercing blue eyes resembled those of a man born to inherit an empire. But underneath that poised exterior lay a restless soul, one tired of the pretentiousness that wealth often attracted.

He straightened his tie with an air of reluctance. Today was yet another family affair-one of those exhausting meetings where his parents paraded their success in front of other affluent families. The Cole family had built their empire from the ground up, transforming S.A.T.F.A.R. into a global force in scientific research and technological innovation. The world saw Nathaniel as the brilliant young heir, but in his heart, he despised the hollow nature of his wealth.

A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts.

"Nathan, darling, the guests have started arriving," his mother, Evelyn Cole, called from the other side. Her voice was sweet, but Nathaniel knew that under that gentle tone was a sharp woman who valued status above all else.

Nathaniel took a deep breath and opened the door. Evelyn stood there in a long, shimmering gown, the very picture of elegance. Her eyes scanned her son, appraising his attire with the precision of a hawk.

"You look perfect," she smiled, but there was something cold about it. "Now remember, the Lockwoods are here, and their daughter Emily-she's an excellent match."

Nathaniel's stomach churned at the suggestion. He'd met Emily Lockwood before, and though she was perfectly polite, there was no spark, no genuine connection. She was just another rich girl, groomed for this life of privilege and power, oblivious to the real world outside their elite circles.

"I'll be down in a minute," Nathaniel replied, keeping his tone neutral.

Evelyn raised an eyebrow but nodded, satisfied that he would comply. She turned and glided down the stairs, her high heels clicking softly against the marble floor.

Nathaniel shut the door behind her and exhaled deeply. He glanced out the window, his eyes drawn to the cityscape beyond the mansion walls. Down there, somewhere in the streets, life moved differently. People struggled, laughed, cried, and lived-not just survived behind golden gates.

As much as Nathaniel hated these gatherings, he knew his role. For now, he had to play the part of the billionaire heir, the face of S.A.T.F.A.R. But later, under the cover of night, he would slip away like he always did, blending into a world that was raw and real.

He turned and walked down the grand staircase, the hum of chatter and laughter growing louder as he neared the ballroom. He could see his father, Edward Cole, in the center of the room, shaking hands and making deals, always in control, always the businessman. Edward caught Nathaniel's eye and gave him a nod of approval. Nathaniel returned the nod, but his heart wasn't in it.

"Ah, Nathaniel!" a voice called out as he entered the room. It was William Lockwood, Emily's father, a rotund man with a booming voice. "Good to see you, son. I was just telling your father about an exciting new merger I'm working on. You should come by and give your input."

Nathaniel forced a smile. "Of course, Mr. Lockwood. I'll take a look."

Beside William stood Emily, dressed in a designer gown, her hair perfectly styled. She smiled at Nathaniel, a small, polite smile, but it was empty. He could see that she was just as trapped in this world as he was, bound by family expectations and duty.

The evening dragged on, a blur of polite conversation, shallow compliments, and forced laughter. Nathaniel's mind wandered, thinking about the city outside, the people he truly felt connected to. The ones who didn't care about his last name or the size of his bank account.

Hours later, as the guests finally began to leave, Nathaniel slipped out of the ballroom unnoticed. He headed straight to the garage, where his car-a modest, inconspicuous vehicle compared to the sports cars lining the mansion-was parked.

He drove away from the mansion, his heart lighter with every mile that put distance between him and his family's expectations. As he neared the outskirts of the city, Nathaniel parked the car in an alley and changed into his usual street clothes-ripped jeans, an old hoodie, and a worn cap.

Walking through the dimly lit streets, Nathaniel smiled for the first time that day. Here, he was just another face in the crowd, no one special, and that's exactly how he liked it.

He made his way to the old park, where a small group of homeless people sat around a makeshift fire. As he approached, they greeted him with nods and smiles, knowing him only as "Nate," a guy who came by often to chat and share whatever he had.

"Hey, Nate! Good to see you, man," one of the men, Tony, called out, offering a spot by the fire.

Nathaniel sat down, feeling at ease for the first time that day. These people didn't know-or care-about the Cole empire, S.A.T.F.A.R., or billion-dollar deals. Here, he could just be himself, free from the weight of expectation.

And for a while, as the fire crackled and the night grew colder, Nathaniel forgot about the life he had left behind for these few precious hours.

Tomorrow, he would return to the marble mansion, to his family and their world of wealth and power. But tonight, Nathaniel was just a man among equals-no more, no less.

And that was more than enough.

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