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The Alphas' twins Mate

The Alphas' twins Mate



In a world where werewolves reign, Aurora Sergio's ordinary life shattered when she's thrust into a moonlight college, an elite all-wolf academy. But redemption turns to ruin when she's claimed by the ruthless Twins Kael and Kayden, who crave her rare Blood moon powers. Forced into a deadly bond, she must go through the wicked and treacherous pack politics and the twins ambitions. As danger roam and a price of death over her existence, she unravels her strength and meaning of loyalty. Will Aurora succumb to the twins obsession or will she chose to free herself?

Chapter 1 Memories

Aurora's p.o.v

"Oh my God. Is that her? How shameless" I heard a student speak behind my back as I set foot into the grand hall. An open field for our ceremony.

"I know right. Such a shameless human thinking she could blend with wolf's. Pathetic!" Another replied giggling. I ignored their hateful comments and kept walking in but they were still staring at me. They all are. Those eyes that held nothing but hatred and loathe. I didn't choose to be the way I am. So why were they judging me?

"Ugh, such an ugly clothes. Where did she get it? From the dumpster" a guy said and Chuckled, alongside his fellow. My gaze shifted from the podium where the presenters will announce the graduates, to the boys. They had a sinister look on their faces. I scowled at them but couldn't find a voice to defend myself.

"Oh, look at that face. What are you going to do huh, Rory?" He asked with a smirk.

Nothing. Just nothing. My gaze lowered and I felt a gentle hand on my shoulders.

"Don't listen to them. You're beautiful, your clothes look amazing" Remi said beside me. I glanced at her and she gave me a weak smile before gesturing to an empty seat.

"They're saying the truth" I muttered under my breath, trying to hold the tears from falling. "I will never be a true wolf. I don't even have a wolf"

I felt Remi's face saddened and she retreated her hands.

Four years, four years and it'll be all over soon. I'll go back to my mom. And leave this hell of a college.

I am a human schooling in an all Werewolf's College. Wonder why I'm here?

Well, this is how it all began.

Flashback- four years ago, 18 years old Rory.

"Mom. I finally got the admission" I squealed in my room which echoed throughout our tiny apartment.

I dashed from my room to the kitchen where my mom was making Dinner.

"You did? That's great news" Mom said, turning from the pot she was stirring. She turned to me, her eyes didn't seem pleasing but she was happy.

"Yeah. I did. I finally made it. I'm going to Brooklyn university. The whole world will soon witness the greatest doctor" I said while running up to her and gave her the biggest hug. I was a lot bigger than her at eighteen years old. And I'm not talking about just height, but body size too.

When I was two years old, I was taller than most kids my age, and I have a very unique feature that made people run from me. I had crimson red eyes. My parents had blue eyes, with black hair colour and a fairer skin, while I have tan skin and curly brown hair. I was bullied for having such an odd eye colour and being a child giant while growing up but it never stopped me from having fun.

I pulled away from the hug and stared at my mom but she averted them. It was as if her eyes were trying to tell me something.

'Aren't you a happy mom?' I asked in a low whisper and she turned to me.

"I am happy. Why wouldn't I be? Your father will be the happiest if you ask me" she said as her face formed a small smile.

"Yeah. He would. I told him, I will be the best doctor in no time. Didn't I?" I asked in enthusiasm. Mom let out a small chuckle before turning to the kitchen.

"Aunty Lucy will be here in a minute. We have something important to discuss. But let's have a meal first shall we?" Mom's voice sounded serious but I was too ecstatic to care.

I dash back to my room to inform My best friend, Sadie, about my admission.

Immediately I got to the room, I searched for my phone then picked it to dial her number.

"Hello, what's up?" Sadie said immediately she picked up the phone.

"Guess what?" I asked anticipatedly while pacing up and down.

"What? You know I'm not good at guessing. Just tell me" Sadie replied.

"Ugh. Okay. I just checked and I found my name!" I squealed but she went quiet.

"What are you talking about Rory?" She asked, confused. Guess I'm Too excited that I left out the details.

I finally calmed down after Jumping and rolled my eyes "I got into the school dummy" I replied and I heard her squeal

"You did? Oh I'm so happy for you. I'll let the gang know about this and we'll have a night together" she informed, still ecstatic.

"Yeah, tomorrow. We'll celebrate.." before I could finish what I wanted to say, I heard Aunt Lucy's voice calling my name from the door.

"Aurora?" She said then paused at my door entrance. I glanced at her and all my excitement quickly drained. I know why she's here. To talk about that topic.

"I'll talk to you later" I said to Sadie before ending the call abruptly.

"Come to the living room. We need to talk" she said with a serious tone before walking away. Immediately she left and I followed her to the living room.

I met my mom sitting on the sofa while across from her was Her sister, Lucy.

The atmosphere was tense and I could pick a strange aura around, something inhumane but shrugged it off.

"Take a seat Rory," Aunt Lucy said.

I sat beside my mom and we all stared at each other quietly.

"I recently heard from your mother that you got accepted. Congratulations" Lucy started with a solemn tone. "But there's something more important now. By now you should have realised that you aren't like the other teenagers. You're unique and special. Everyone knows that" Lucy paused then stared at me.

"You're not attending Brooklyn university" she said in a cold brute voice, Which I protested immediately "how can you say that? I worked my ass off just to get to this school" I started, raising my voice. Mom tried to calm me down.

"Listen to her, Rory. We don't have the money. Ever since your father left us. We've been suffering for a long time, " she said.

I turned to mom in disbelief "are you supporting her. I told you mom, I'll look for work. I'll do a part time job to fund myself. Why don't you listen to me?"

"That's not what we're talking about" Lucy caught me off then I turned to her.

"We have a better option. You're going to Kasandre to study, it's a scholarship..." Before she could finish, I Interrupted her.

"I will not go any way far from my mother. You know her health and you suggest I leave her and go to Kasandre. Do you know the distance that is? It's almost out of this state" I said angrily.

The room fell quiet and it took several minutes before Lucy spoke up, breaking the silence.

"If you're done I would like to continue. It's a scholarship and you don't have a choice because you've been accepted into it" she said with no remorse.

My eyes widened. My fate has been decided for me even before I knew it "what? I can't go. I won't go" I refused blatantly.

"It's not up to you to decide" Lucy yelled angrily getting up " can't you see? You aren't like us. You need to be with your kind"

I stared perplexed. What is she talking about? My kind? What does that even mean?

"Lucy, take it easy on her"mom defended me...

"What are you talking about? I know you never liked me but that doesn't give you the right to be racist towards...".

"You're a werewolf, Aurora. You don't belong here. If they find out, they'll kill you for sure" Lucy yelled. My gaze softened as my eyes were locked into hers.

"I'm a werewolf?" I asked in utter disbelief.

"That doesn't even make sense. It's just a fairy tale. No such thing as a werewolf" I said. Mom's gentle hands reached for mine and I turned to her.

"Mom tell me she's joking," I said, chuckling. Mom's hands reached for my face and I saw tears running down her cheeks, her face redden and sullen.

"They'll kill you if they find out Aurora. You need to be with your kind and go to Kasandre to a school where you'll learn about wolves" her voice breaking as she spoke, her cold fingers on my face.

This is ridiculous. Propentrous.

I turned and ran to my room.

"Why do they want to send me away? Why won't everyone just accept that I'm different" I thought while running into my room. I shut the door behind me and climbed onto my bed.

That night, I cried my eyes out before I stopped. I faced the ceiling and thought about my life. The moon had risen and it penetrated into my room. Then I got up to stare at the moon. It was beautiful and almost seemed to be calling me in. Just then, I heard a growling side in the bush.

"Huh? What's that sound?" I asked rhetorically, while my eyes searched.

Then I saw it. Just down by the scrubs, its eyes are glowing and it's feng's snarling at me.

"A wolf?"

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