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Price of Love

Price of Love



18 years old Diana has lived her life trying to fend for herself and her family after the tragic accident that happened to her elder brother, who was the initial supporter of the family, leaving him incapable of taking care of the family. Diana had no choice but to step in, even losing her virginity to a stranger just to pay her family's debt. Albert is the only son and Heir Albert Corps Group, known for his ill-tempered, cold behavior and how rooted he is in the mafia world. Albert is feared by many and hides a very deep secret that haunts him. As both paths cross once more Diana's heart is filled with hatred towards Albert after being fired by him and Albert can't stop thinking of Diana as she is the only one who treats him differently from others. As their love bloom will Diana be able to overcome Albert's dramatic past and love him despite or will Albert do the right thing by letting Diana go to protect her from the pain?

Chapter 1 The Accident


The Accident

"My mum sent out my application letters last week," Ria said, stuffing her mouth with food as we sat on the floor, our laughter and camaraderie filling the air. I nodded enthusiastically, the anticipation bubbling inside me.

"I sent mine last week too! Can't wait to start receiving responses. I'm literally counting down the days until I'm finally off to college!" I squealed, unable to contain my excitement.

Ever since graduation, I'd dreamed of college: attending classes, meeting new people, partying, and, of course, hanging out with cute boys. The thought sent shivers of delight racing down my spine.

Ria's mischievous grin widened as she continued, "Can't wait to get away from my parents and be on my own." She shot me a playful side-eye before adding, "Can't wait to have a boyfriend." We both burst into laughter, our eyes sparkling with shared dreams.

I couldn't deny that I wanted the same-independence, new friends, and maybe even love. The excitement was almost too much to bear.

Suddenly, I gasped, glancing at the clock on the wall. "Oh no! It's almost 6 PM! I have to help Mum prepare for dinner." I jumped up, quickly searching for my coat, which I found draped over a nearby chair.

I grabbed it, gave Ria a quick hug, and dashed out the door. As I walked home, a smile danced on my lips, my mind still swirling with visions of college life.

The evening air felt refreshing as I strolled one block from Ria's house to mine. But soon, I noticed a commotion up ahead-a crowd gathered, murmuring anxiously about an accident. My heart sank; I never felt comfortable being near accidents.

I attempted to quicken my pace, but the road ahead was blocked, leaving me trapped in the growing sea of spectators.

Then the sirens blurred to life, echoing through the streets as an ambulance pulled up. Uniformed staff rushed out with stretchers-four of them, I counted.

A few women in the crowd gasped, "This is a tragedy!" and "Oh my God, I can't believe this is happening!" The horror of it all gripped me, suppressing my instincts to flee, as morbid curiosity pulled me closer to the scene.

My eyes widened in horror as I watched the paramedics load two women and a man onto stretchers. But it was the sight of a person lying on the ground-legs twisted, bones shattered-that froze me in place.

I squeezed my eyes shut, shuddering, and made a beeline for home, trying to erase the image from my mind.

"Lord, I'm so glad my family and I are safe and healthy," I whispered through trembling lips as I ran, glancing down at my legs as they pumped through the streets. Bursting into the kitchen, I found mum busy preparing dinner.

"Hey, Mum," I said, trying to sound nonchalant, but the tremor in my voice hinted at the adrenaline still coursing through me.

She turned briefly, offering a warm smile, and returned to slicing vegetables.

"Hi, sweetie! How's Ria?" she asked, her tone light. "Ria's fine," I replied, helping her chop the potatoes, though my mind still echoed with the day's shock.

I dealt with the mundane task carefully, trying to distract myself.

After Dad passed away from cancer, things had become tough. We had taken out loans to cover his medical expenses, and now my older brother David worked hard to support us.

He'd dropped out of high school to take care of me and Mum and now pulled double shifts as a security guard, barely scraping by.

I was determined to go to college, get a good degree, and make my family proud-if only to relieve some of the burden off David's shoulders.

"I wonder what's taking David so long," Mum said, snapping me from my thoughts. I shrugged, suggesting, "Maybe he's just working late tonight." Mum nodded, her brow still creased with worry.

"When dinner's ready, we'll call to confirm."

After dinner, I washed the dishes and set aside David's dinner, which he could microwave when he got back home in the wee hours.

The empty two-bedroom house felt even lonelier now that my brother was rarely home.

Just as I was about to head to bed, the phone rang, startling me from my thoughts. I noticed Mum was already reaching for it, so I retreated to my room to lay down.

A loud crash suddenly echoed from the living room, making my heart race. "Mum, is everything okay?" I called, but silence enveloped the house.

I bolted from my room to find Mum by the phone, staring in shock, her breath ragged and sweaty.

"Mum, what happened?" Panic gripped me as I rushed to her side. She struggled to regain her composure before trembling out, "We need to go to the hospital. David had an accident."

The words hit me like a tidal wave; disbelief washed over me as Mum thrust open the door and charged outside without locking it.

I followed, my mind a whirlpool of fear, tenderness, and dread, remembering the horrifying scene I had witnessed just hours before. I prayed that my brother was alright.

Mum sprinted down the street, trying to flag down a cab. I ran right behind her, feeling the weight of our family hardship pressing down on us.

We hadn't owned a car since Dad's death, which meant we relied on cabs for transportation. Finally, one stopped for us, and Mum breathlessly instructed the driver, "City Memorial Hospital."

During the ride to the hospital, my mind raced with endless questions, worry gnawing at my stomach.

What could have happened to David? I kept glancing over at Mum, who took deep breaths to calm herself. I'd always admired her strength, especially during Dad's illness.

But now, the anguish I saw etched on her face tore at my heart.

When we arrived, the air thick with tension, we hurried to the reception. "I'm looking for my son!" Mum exclaimed, her voice filled with urgency.

The receptionist, sensing our panic, responded, "Please remain calm. What's your son's name?"

Mum stammered, "David. David Peterson." The receptionist nodded, then pointed, "He's in room 125. Just follow the signs."

We dashed to the elevator and rode it up, hearts pounding. After searching the hallways, we finally found room 125 and rushed inside, only for shock to hit me like cold water.

David lay on a hospital bed, heavily bandaged on his legs. Panic clawed at my throat-this was the same person I saw lying on the ground earlier.

"You were the one I saw!" I gasped in disbelief, tears cascading down my cheeks. "Oh my God, David!" I rushed to him, enveloping him in a fierce embrace, my heart pounding with relief and disbelief.

Mum joined in, and we held each other tightly, crying and clinging to the warmth of our small family. Despite the uncertainty that loomed ahead, we were grateful he was still alive.

I glanced down at his bandaged legs, anxiety gnawing at me. "Hope you're going to be fine?" I managed to ask, my voice cracking. David smiled weakly, nodding as exhaustion overtook him.

At that moment, fear melted away, giving way to pure gratitude. We finally pulled back, smiles mingling with tears as Mum gazed at David, awe shining through her tear-streaked cheeks.

The three of us stayed in a silent embrace, thankful for each other and for the second chance we had in this fleeting moment.

As the clock turned to midnight, I felt fatigue creeping in. Even as I fought to stay awake, I couldn't help but succumb to the exhaustion of the emotional whirlwind.

Mum left to speak to a nurse, and I sat by David, watching him drift into a peaceful slumber.

When Mum returned, concern curled her lips. "What did the nurses say, Mum?" I inquired with a drowsy gaze.

She sighed, "The doctor handling his case went home for the night; we won't know anything until morning." She gently tucked David in, her eyes reflecting the burden of weariness.

I nodded, struggling to absorb the news while watching David breathe steadily. Relief washed over me-he was stable-but uncertainty clawed at my mind.

Could we afford the medical bills? What would we do if he needed surgery? My thoughts churned with anxious possibilities.

Determined to contribute, I murmured to myself, "I think it's time to start looking for a job." Since Dad's passing, David bore the weight of supporting us, and I wanted to help however I could.

Despite my best intentions, fatigue overtook me, and my eyelids fluttered shut.

As my thoughts blurred and dreams began to take seed, I allowed my worries for David and our financial situation to fade into the background, if only for a moment.

Resting my head on the hospital chair, I finally fell into a deep sleep, secure in the knowledge that, for now, our little family remained intact.

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