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Love Across The 38th Parallel

제3화 Orientation (1)

글자 수:1772    |    업데이트 시간: 04/02/2024

ed through our Northern guests. Even Youngchul, usually so poised, couldn't contain a soft "Oh!" taking in the

here. But seeing it now through Youngchul's eyes, I appreciated anew the graceful pagoda towers framed against blossoming trees and the vast green lawns surrounding

g so busily there?"

impressions to share bac

d about daily life here to show them." He flashed a crooked, boyish grin that struc

, technology, how freely students talk and move about he

anything you'd like to tak

pes and dreams resonated with me. Our college years were shaping our country’s future. P

the curious cries and camera flashes overwhelming in their intensity. Campus security guar

ullhorn. "This arrival area is closed for the exchange progra

dents called out questions and requests for photos. In the madness, one overeager

order and attention. I saw their delegation leader speaking urgently in

w set in a hard line. "Such lack of discipline an

re's excesses - no briefing could have fully prepared them. Taking

pt my body angled partly in front of his, as if to shield him from the barrage of

rowned out the flustered warnings of campu

tensed as if bracing for attack. The northern students clustered together,

e so handsome!" Her eyes were fixed on Youngchul with inti

lderment. "Why do they call out 'Oppa'? I do no

ing doors. Youngchul, seemed to visibly relax once we found our seats amidst the sparse audience. I could see the tension, which had been tightly wound in his shoulders, gradually dissipa

rk of delight ignited within me. This unexpected revelation that we were of the same age somehow made our partnership feel more balanced, less awkward. The revelatio

minimalist Arirang touchscreen phone, a device exclusive to North Korean

e?" I asked, unable

o much about

t my transparent fascination,

e out last year - quite useful,

casing - a physical testament to the technological strides made in Pyongyang. Turning on the br

ave anything like this in the Sou

Well, maybe if you come to Py

thmic beat accelerated, the space seemed to vibrate with pulsating energy. More drummers emerged one by one, the stage now washed in crisscrossing beams showcasing their intricate choreography. The visiting North Korea

shadow. Just as the suspense peaked, a new shaft of light blazed down on two black-belted taekwondo masters in fighting st

s in unison to finish, the crowd roared approval. The North Koreans applauded enthusiastically, faces glowing

ng as the university's dean stepped up to the podium at center stage. As he gazed warmly over the assembled crowd - South Korean students mingling eagerly with our Northern guests -

ultural exchange and what it represented - the first trickle in a wave of grassroots reunification sentiment that could sweep the peninsula. I felt Youngchul shift next to me, his eyes fixed o

essive, no? Our dean is so dedi

mall nod, mouth re

ity and harmony." Then h

tell if actions ba

e promise of reconciliation and cultural exchange,

mising students will blaze the trail, forging bonds of true understanding b

hough he clapped along, his sharp eyes held a glint of deeper consideration - perhaps

ch?" Youngchul tilted his head

cribes is still difficult to imagine..." His voice trail

tic applause, our program director returned to

nity to settle into your dormitory rooms and refresh yourselves after such a long journey here," he s

d his cohort would reside just an easy stroll from my own - close enough for casual v

y to your assigned rooms earlier today. You'll find 4 students

ous and modern compared to my cramped double room. Ma

tasies of late night talks that would

know, visiting your more 'rustic' dorm co

vestiges of the awkwardness from earli

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