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Love Across The 38th Parallel

제5화 Unbutton your shirt

글자 수:1490    |    업데이트 시간: 04/02/2024

ards an empty exam room. He tried valiantly to stifle groans through gritted teeth, but I felt each hitch in his labored b

urged, hooking my arm mor

d Youngchul down onto the crisp sheets as gently as possible. But he still released a strangled cry, body going rigid against the pain.

ies," I assured, dashing fo

any unguarded expressions from view. But I could see tears cutting t

er me, electrifying the air around us. With each button released, the barrier between us diminished, unv

n his glistening skin accentuated every ripple and curve, casting a spell that held me captive. Sweat trailed down his scu

ht of his sculpted muscles, taut and perfectly crafted, ignited a fire deep within my core. It wa

mirror the heat coursing through my veins, creating an intoxicating atmosphere that blurred the boundaries between care and l

posure, to keep my hands st

ng attraction that surged through me. I knew that this was not the time or place to give in to t

ked, my touch was delicate yet purposeful, my every movement driven by a deep-rooted concern for his

my voice filled with reassurance. "Just a l

ere was gratitude in his eyes, mingled with a vulnerability that tugged at m

and vulnerability, broke the silence.

, voice still shaking with e

ut there, you may encounter people who treat you differently because of who you ar

on and frustration clouding his expression.

e and prejudice, Youngchul. Some people may not understand or accept our differences, and that can lead to discrimination. But f

nger evident in his voice. "So, what am I su

allow anyone to degrade you or make you feel inferior. But instead of responding w

breif slienc

chest. With a tender touch, I helped him shift, allowing me to carefully tend to his wounds o

of curiosity and empathy. "I couldn't help but noti

d to weigh heavily upon him. After a moment of hesitation, he took a deep breat

reminders of my father's power. He used to give me relentless beat

th of Youngchul's suffering. I reached out, placing a gent

sorry that you had to endure such abuse from someone who should have

y," He sighed.

wn my spine. There was a magnetic pull between us, drawing us closer together. In tha

rs apart. Time seemed to stand still as we remained locked in that intimate proximity. It wa

gaze, communicating depths of emotion that words could never adequately express. The weight o

and sincerity. "Thank you for healing me," he whispered, his breath warm against my

se of newfound purpose merged within my being. I couldn't understand the spark that had ignited

nce of our friend Jun. Bursting through the door with a sense

a situation. Our professor wants to meet with

d concern painting our faces. The weight of responsibility descended u

ay? Why does he want to m

s have caught his attention. I knew there might be con

We should go and find out what it's all ab

r professor waiting. We'll face this meeting to

thered our thoughts, preparing ourselves for the upcoming meeting, aware that it

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